Subject Code & Title : MTPS500 Theories of Development And Learning
Assignment Type : Assessment
Word Count :2500 – 2750 words
Background: Select and review one specific case study scenario relevant to your area of interest.
Respond to the problems identified from three different theoretical perspectives to develop a repertoire of effective teaching strategies that can be used in a typically diverse classroom setting.
MTPS500 Theories of Development And Learning Assessment – Australia.
Select ONE case study scenario and THREE of the following theoretical perspectives (behaviourist, cognitivist, constructivist, and humanist) which were introduced in this unit.
For each of the three theoretical perspectives, consider;
1.The issues: Consider the scenario, and explain why you believe the problems as described, might be occurring. Consider the personal, the home, and the school contexts. Do this for each of the three selected perspectives (for example take the point of view of a person who might consider themselves to be primarily a behaviourist, or cognitivist, or constructivist, or humanist). 25 marks. Equal marks for each of the three perspectives.
2.The interventions: Consider the scenario, and describe and justify suitable interventions (grounded in the chosen perspective) that an effective teacher could implement (i.e., effective teaching interventions / strategies /accommodations) to improve the situation – to encourage improved participation of all students, and to improve their learning outcomes.30 marks.Equal marks for each of the three perspectives.
Case study one: Early Childhood
The school / centre has decided to prioritise language development. Each teacher has been asked to suggest some approaches they can use in their classroom to enhance language development. The school population is a culturally diverse group of children with different skills,abilities, and back grounds. Consider a narrow age range. For example; ages 3-5, or ages 5-7 (or thereabouts).
Case study two: Primary :
The school is concerned about the level of reading skills and achievements across all years. Each teacher has been asked to suggest some approaches they can use in their classroom to improve reading skills. The school population is a culturally diverse group of children with different skills, abilities, and back grounds.
Case study three: Secondary :
The typical secondary school has a culturally diverse group of students with different skills, abilities, and backgrounds. There is a concern that many students have poor social skills and are not interacting with each other and teachers appropriately. Each teacher has been asked to suggest some approaches they can use in their classroom to improve the situation.
MTPS500 Theories of Development And Learning Assessment – Australia.
General information:
1.Support each answer with evidence from the text and a minimum of three academic references. Acceptable academic references are texts, research-based articles from scholarly, peer reviewed journals, and information from scholarly, government based or supported web sources (often with a designated purpose of supporting education). You may use references (e.g., the text) in more than one response.
2.Please present the assignment in ‘informal’ essay style. That is, in paragraph form – without dot points, or tables, or images. Each response should have its own heading or subheadings (e.g., “Part one”, or “Behaviourism” or “The Issues”). Do not include an introduction (or thesis statement), nor a conclusion.
3.Please do not use direct quotations. While this is not an essential requirement, it is strongly recommended. If you absolutely must use a direct quotation, you may, but it is strongly recommended (a School of Education expectation) that you demonstrate your ability to paraphrase and summarise work effectively instead.
Word count:
1. 2,500 words plus or minus 10%. This includes all text (headings, in-text citations, and quotes). It excludes the reference lists and cover page, which must be presented on separate pages.
2. For this assessment your marker will stop reading when the maximum word count (2,750 words) is reached and will only award marks on the material read.
It is recommended that your word count approaches the upper word count limit if possible.
MTPS500 Theories of Development And Learning Assessment – Australia.
In-text page numbers:
1.You are required to include page numbers in citations when paraphrasing and summarising in-text. While this is not an APA expectation, it is an expectation of this unit and in the School of Education. Including page numbers in all citations improves your ability to edit work and allows markers to check
sources of information more easily.
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