Subject Code & Title :- MSL934006 Climate Change
Assessment Type :- Assignment
Practical Report:
Students will be allocated to one of eight local government areas within New South Wales. Produce a 2 -page fact sheet for public consumption which describes trends over the past few decades and projections both short-term (next two decades) and long-term (to 2070 or 2100).
MSL934006 Climate Change Assignment – Australia.
An additional one page addendum should also be submitted i.e. bringing the total assignment submission to 3 pages which provides additional background information on the models used sources of information and caveats around potential errors and variability in model projections.
Use the best available data and projections for temperature, rainfall, extreme fire risk days and sea-level.
For Climate trends use the Bureau of Meteorology data accessed in Tutorial Week 3:
For Climate Projections use the NARCLIM down-scaled climate modelling results accessed in Tutorial Week 4:
MSL934006 Climate Change Assignment – Australia.
For sea-level trends (where relevant), use the resources provided in Week 5 practical (the Port Kembla sea-level rise time-series and the Coast Adapt and Coastal Risk Australia
The report should be intelligible to the lay person but clearly based on and referencing the best available science.
Reports will be graded with reference to:
- Concise graphical representation of trends
- Meaningful spatial representation of modelling results
- Clear interpretation of the results relevant to the general population
- Explanation of the basis for measurement and prediction
- Explanation of uncertainty
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