MRKT20052 Marketing Plan Assignment

Instruction: This is a group assignment (3 members).

Length: between 3000 and 4000 words

MRKT20052 Marketing Plan

Task: MRKT20052 Marketing Plan Assignment

This assessment requires students to work in groups of up to three students on a selected product from the pre-determined list below in order to prepare a comprehensive marketing plan. The assumption is that the product will be introduced into the Australian market in 2019. This is a group assessment and groups will be formed during week one classes. The marketing plan should be between 3000 and 4000 words in length excluding the executive summary, table of contents, tables, charts/graphs, the reference list, and appendices.

Each student in the group is to research, prepare and present one of the following sections of the marketing plan:

1. Situation analysis;

2. Target market identification including marketing objectives; and

3. Marketing mix strategy.

Assessment criteria:

• Executive summary (5%)

• Introduction to the report (5%)

• Situation analysis (20%)

• Target market identification and marketing objectives (20%)

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Suggested Report Format: MRKT20052 Marketing Plan Assignment

1. Title page with all group member names

 Use the cover page.

2. Executive Summary (maximum length is two pages)

 Should provide an effective executive summary of the main points of the marketing plan.

3. Table of Contents

4. Introduction

 Provide a succinct introduction to the report. What is the purpose of preparing this marketing report?

5. Situation Analysis

 Company analysis;

 PESTEL analysis;

 Competitive analysis;

 Customer analysis; and

 SWOT and TOWS analysis.

6. Problem Statement

 Clearly identify the problems the product will face when introduced in the Australian market in 2019. Is it lack of awareness, pricing, distribution or other problems?

7. Target Market Identification and Justification

 Identify the market segments that will be targeted. Why have you chosen these target markets?

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