Task for MNG10247 Managing Organisations Assignment
Present an argument for which contingency theory best suits the business you investigated in Assignment 2.
THEORY: Analyse and critically evaluate the four contingency approaches to leadership; Fiedler’s contingency model, Hersey-Blanchard’s situational leadership model, House’s Path goal leadership theory and, the Vroom-
Jago leader-participation model explaining their premise, procedure and practice.
PRACTICE: Evaluate the effectiveness of the four contingency approaches to leadership in terms of their application in the contemporary workplace, generally, and to the manager/business you investigated in Assignment 2, specifically. Present an argument for why one of the approaches is the most effective leadership approach to the manager/business investigated in MNG10247 Managing Organisations Assignment
Format: Essay.
Essay Structure:
- Title Page
- This is developed by the individual student and must identify the unit name & code, assignment title, student name & ID, and the word count. Note: In-text citations do contribute to the word count, reference list does not contribute to the word count.
- The title should provide insight into the focus of the essay.
- The Title Page is not numbered.
- Abstract
- The abstract provides a brief overview of the context, aim and conclusions of essay.
- On a page by itself and should be numbered in lower case roman numerals but acceptable to have no page numbering at all.
- Introduction
- “Page 1” begins here at the bottom right hand corner. Use the ‘page number’ formatting function for this purpose. The remaining pages should then be numbered ‘Page 2’, ‘Page 3’, etc.
- Provide topic orientation (what is the topic and why is it important), state the purpose of the essay, define any key terms and outline what will be presented in the essay.
- Body (do not use this generic heading)
- Do not use any subheadings or dot points. Essays are written in paragraphs.
- Develop each of your main points in this section.
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