Subject Code & Title : MLL117 Misleading Conduct & Economic Torts Supplementary
Assessment Type : Assignment Task
percentage Of Final Grade : 50%
Hurdle Details : Not Applicable
Due Date And Time: The Start Date And Time Will Be As Per The University T 3 2019 Supplementary Examination Timetable. The AEST Due Date And Time Is 48 Hours After The Start Date And Time.
MLL117 Misleading Conduct & Economic Torts Supplementary Assignment – Deakin Business School Australia.

• The supplementary/special examination will be an Open-book Take Home Online Exam.
• The exam will be released on the unit Cloud Deakin site in the Resources areas,under Assessment Resources at the date/time scheduled in the University T3 2019 Supplementary.Examination Timetable.
• You must complete the task individually.
• It is similar to a normal two-hour open-book exam. It comprises 3 questions. Each question may have parts. You must complete all parts of all questions. Questions 1 and 2 are worth 20 marks, and Question 3 is worth 10 marks. It is anticipated that the exam will take you approximately 2 hours of working time, although you will have 48 hours to complete and submit it.
• The 48 hour deadline for submission of the Open-book Online Exam is an absolute deadline.No submission can be made after this deadline. Non-submission will result in a mark of zero.
• The 48 hour deadline is well beyond the actual time required to complete the Open-book Take Home Online Exam. If you are well-prepared, the exam should take about the same time to complete as a normal two-hour problem-style exam.
• The reason for the additional time in the 48 hour deadline is to allow you to complete the task at a time that suits your personal circumstances.
• On this basis, it is not anticipated that there will be any adjustments to the 48 hour deadline for students seeking Special Consideration or for students on Access plans or both. Nevertheless, you may apply for Special Consideration if you think that your circumstances require reasonable adjustments:
• Further, if you have more than one Online Exam within the 48 hour period, this will not be grounds for any extra time or dispensation given the length of time allowed.
To complete the exam:
- On the day and time of the exam, download the exam from the CloudDeakin site.
- Save the exam on your computer as a Microsoft Word Document using the following file name: student id and the unit name: 123456789_MLL117 Misleading Conduct and Economic Torts.
- Type your responses directly under each question.
- Save your work regularly while responding to the exam questions.
- There is a maximum word limit for your exam response of 2,000 words—any words beyond that will not be assessed. There is no 10% leeway.
- You must complete the task Individually.
- Ensure that you have a reliable internet connection and computer hardware for downloading the exam and uploading it to the Cloud Deakin Dropbox on the day of the exam. If you do not have access to a computer or the Internet, there is limited availability to sit the exam on campus. If you wish to sit the exam on campus you must formally apply for this in accordance with the specified time lines, to the University using the web form. A link to the web form will be made available on the Cloud Deakin site shortly.
- Be careful to respond explicitly to the questions asked. Do not copy large amounts of information from study guides, textbooks, journals, or online sources as this is unlikely to address the questions. If you use direct quotations from external sources, ensure you cite them correctly and put them in quotation marks. Your submitted exam response will be checked by electronic or other means for the purposes of detecting collusion and/or plagiarism, therefore it is important you respond to the questions using your own words.
MLL117 Misleading Conduct & Economic Torts Supplementary/Special Examination Assignment-Deakin Business School Australia.

Structure and formatting:
Use a similar type of structuring and formatting that you would for a normal two-hour problem-style open-book exam.
- That is, you are not required to comply with the Australian Guide to Legal Citation (4th ed.).
- Do not use footnotes. Instead, use in-text references to cases and legislation.
- You must use full sentences – note form is not acceptable.
- It is not necessary to cite the full names of cases, provided that you give enough of the case name to enable the marker to identify it, eg ‘Romeo’ is acceptable as a shorthand for the case of ‘Romeo v Conservation Commission of the Northern Territory (1998) 192 CLR 431’. Make sure that you use a distinctive part of the name (‘Romeo’ as opposed to ‘Conservation Commission’).
- It is not necessary to cite the relevant legislation in full, provided that you give sufficient detail to enable the marker to identify it, eg ‘Wrongs Act’ is acceptable for the ‘Wrongs Act 1958 (Vic)’.
- Abbreviations are acceptable provided you define them the first time if they would not be apparent. There is no need to define an abbreviation that has been used in the materials or that would be apparent (eg ‘DOC’ for duty of care; ‘RF’ for reasonable for e see ability; ‘Contrib’ for Contributory negligence). Parties’ names can be abbreviated (e.g., Paul is ‘P’).
- It is suggested that you italicize or underline statutory provisions and case names to make it easier for the marker to see that you have provided appropriate citations in support of any legal principles that you apply.
MLL117 Misleading Conduct & Economic Torts Supplementary/Special Examination Assignment-Deakin Business School Australia.

Exam in able Topics:
The material for weeks 1 and 2 (which covers the elements of the defamation claim) will not be exam in able.All other weeks are exam in able, including the material for week 3 – Defamation defences and damages. Note that as the defence of innocent dissemination is included in week 2 it will not be exam in able.
MLL117 Misleading Conduct & Economic Torts Supplementary/Special Examination Assignment-Deakin Business School Australia.
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