Subject Code & Title :- MIS202 Managing Data And Information
Assessment Type :- Assignment 1
PERCENTAGE OF FINAL GRADE: 50% Task 1 & 2 = 40%, Task 3 = 10%
WORD LIMIT: 2000 words max
Any text beyond the word limit will not be assessed Table of contents EER diagrams SQL code appendices and any references are not included in the word count.
MIS202 Managing Data And Information Assignment 1 – Australia.

Learning Outcome Details

Assignment Learning Objectives and Graduate Learning Outcomes
This is an individual assignment The aim of the assignment is for you to develop understanding of information management and database concepts modelling approaches and applying them to a realistic business context by:
• Designing SQL queries capable of producing specific database reports relating to information management U LO4 and G L01 G LO3 G L08;
• Design a simple database using ERR modelling illustrating how the business can use and manage information (ULO3, and GLO1/GLO3/GL05); and
• Critically evaluating the business case and reporting a solution accordingly (ULO3 and GLO3/GL05).
Starting the Assignment
You are strongly encouraged to make a start on this Assignment by the end of the 4th Week of Trimester and you should progress thoughtfully through the steps. Multiple iterations are necessary even for experienced data modellers to perfect a design. An early start will get you a long way ahead! Remember hasty decisions made in the design process may result in much more work later.
Feel free to discuss concepts and ideas with peers but remember your submission must be your own work.Be careful not to allow others to copy your work.
EER diagrams should use crow’s foot notation as per lecture notes. Under no circumstances will the quaint diagrams produced from Microsoft Access be acceptable nor will its curious and unique form of SQL be acceptable. Such submissions will attract zero marks.)
Task 1: SQL Queries
Include the following SQL queries that were completed as part of the weekly work shops.These were labelled as Assignment Question within each of the work shops.
a) Workshop Week 2 – Question 3
b) Workshop Week 3 – Question 6
c) Workshop Week 4 – Question 8
d) Workshop Week 5 – Question 4
e) Workshop Week 5 – Question 5
For each SQL query include the following:
i. Actual textual SQL query (e.g. SELECT column FROM table;)
ii. A screenshot of the SQL query being executed on your university database account and the resulting table.
Make sure the SQL query and the resulting table are captured in full in the screenshot. The table should be formatted with no lines wrapping around. Use set linesize command (see Workshop Week 2) to increase line length if necessary.
iii. An explanation of each of the SQL queries in your own words (1 or 2 sentences max).
Task 2: Business Case
Graeme’s Music School is a small, but rapidly growing business operating out of Gee long.The business began as a means for Graeme to follow his passion for playing guitar and offering music lessons for both adults and children. As much as he enjoys playing live music, it is not a very profitable occupation, so Graeme also teaches music.
Within a year of beginning this business Graeme was approached by other teaching musicians looking for opportunities to teach students various instruments and singing styles. Not long after he became an agent for selling Australian made acoustic Maton and Cole Clark guitars
While most of his guitar sales are mostly local from Victoria there have been online sales to all Australian states and territories.
Three years later Graeme finds his online and off-the-shelf acoustic guitar sales is making a reasonable in come from the 20% commission that he charges both manufacturers for one-of orders for individually built bespoke guitars made for individual orders and 50% markup for regular acoustic guitars sold off-the-shelf on the business premises and through the online businesses.
The music school side of the business has also expanded and he has 15 musicians who are teaching music into groups of students organised into classes and the demand is still increasing. Approximately two thirds of the classes are for school age children and one third is for adults. The music school keeps track of which musicians have a Working with Children Check card and its expiry date and the age of musicians to ensure that only approved adults can teach children.
Graeme’s Music is now carrying out the following core business operations:
• Acting as an agent for Maton and Cole Clark Guitars to arrange orders for bespoke acoustic guitars
• Online and off-the-shelf sales of regular acoustic guitars
• Booking students into classes that music teachers teach
• Booking music teachers to teach classes of students
So far his business has been operating with temporary notes scribbled on notebooks in combination with a series of disorganised spreadsheets. But these tools are becoming inefficient and increasingly inapt at managing the growing demands of the business. A transition to an information system is urgently needed.
MIS202 Managing Data And Information Assignment 1 – Australia.
Task 2: EER Model
You are employed as a business analyst at Deakin Innovative Solutions, a business consulting firm.
You task is to investigate and develop a data model (an EER model) for the back-end database in the newly proposed system.The back-end database will store all of the critical data and support all core business operations mentioned above.
Note: The design of any payments system is outside the scope of this project.
EER Diagram
EER diagram should contain the following components: Entities named relationships attributes with Primary keys denoted and cardinalities for all relationships. A faster way of doing the EER diagram is to sketch it up on a blackboard take a digital photograph and paste it into your report. Alternatively you may use any software tools at your disposal (Lucidchart for example). If hand-drawn make sure your EER diagram is legible.
Tasks 3: Business Report
Produce a concise business report for the business case. Include Task 1 as Appendix 1 in your report. Also list any assumptions made when completing Task 2 and ensure that you give adequate justifications as necessary.
MIS202 Managing Data And Information Assignment 1 – Australia.
Submission Instructions
The assignment must be submitted as soft copy in the form of a PDF document via Cloud Deakin by the due date. File should be named your first name_last name e.g. John_smith.pdf . You do not have to submit an actual data base!
You must keep a backup copy of every assignment you submit, until the marked assignment has been returned to you. In the unlikely event that one of your assignments is misplaced you will need to submit your backup copy.
Any work you submit may be checked by electronic or other means for the purposes of detecting collusion and or plagiarism.
When you are required to submit an assignment through your Cloud Deakin unit site, you will receive an email to your Deakin email address confirming that it has been submitted.You should check that you can see your assignment in the Submissions view of the Assignment drop box folder after upload and check for and keep the email receipt of the submission.
No extensions will be considered unless a written request is submitted and negotiated with the Unit Chair before the due date and time. Extensions will only be considered if a draft assignment is attached with your request for an extension which shows progress has been made and documentary evidence for the extension. Applications after this date will not be accepted and submissions after the due date time with out an approved extension will be considered late. Extensions are only granted in extreme circumstances such as on going health personal hardship or work-related problems. Temporary illnesses normal work pressures multiple assignments due at the same time failure to keep backups technology failure etc are not reasons for an extension.
MIS202 Managing Data And Information Assignment 1 – Australia.

• Penalties for late submission: The following marking penalties will apply if you submit an assessment task after the due date without an approved extension: 5% will be deducted from available marks for each day up to five days and work that is submitted more than five days after the due date will not be marked. You will receive 0% for the task. Day means working day for paper submissions and calendar day for electronic submissions. The Unit Chair may refuse to accept a late submission where it is unreasonable or impracticable to assess the task after the due date.
• For more information about academic misconduct special consideration extensions and assessment
feedback please refer to the document Your rights and responsibilities as a student in this Unit in the first
folder next to the Unit Guide of the Resources area in the Cloud Deakin unit site.
• Building evidence of your experiences skills and knowledge Portfolio – Building a portfolio that evidences your skills knowledge and experience will provide you with a valuable tool to help you prepare for interviews and to showcase to potential employers. There are a number of tools that you can use to build a portfolio. You are provided with cloud space through One Drive or through the Portfolio tool in the Cloud Unit Site but you can use any storage repository system that you like. Remember that a Portfolio is YOUR tool. You should be able to store your assessment work reflections achievements and arte facts in YOUR Portfolio. Once you have completed this assessment piece add it to your personal Portfolio to use and showcase your learning later when applying for jobs or further studies. Curate your work by adding meaningful tags to your arte facts that describe what the arte fact represents.
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