Subject Code and Title : MGT501 – Business Environment
Assessment : Initial Reflection
Individual/Group: Individual
Length Up to : 1,000 words
Weighting : 20%
Learning Outcomes : The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
a) Apply conceptual knowledge of reflective practice in a business context.
b) Critically evaluate business principles and stakeholders’ viewpoints in global environments.
MGT501 Initial Reflection Business Environment Assignment – AU.

Assessment Task :
Based on a verifiable reflection model and relevant aspects of topics covered in Modules 1 and 2, you are required to write a 1000-word reflection on what motivated you to undertake your current course of study
(postgraduate program) in Torrens University.
Context :
Self-reflection is a way of assessing yourself and understanding the reasons for your life experiences. It is about analysing what you do, why you do it, and its future implications. Self-reflection also enhances
self-awareness, which provides a solid basis for empathy and good leadership. Most importantly, it enables you to develop your skills, and ability to strengthen your reflective inquiries with theoretical
evidence: theory-practice interface.
Therefore, this assessment provides you with an opportunity to formally reflect on your reasons for
under taking your course of study at Torrens University, and how it may help you develop professionally.
In addition, it helps you to become aware of your thinking, through describing, analysing and evaluating
your learning experiences.
Assessment Instructions
1.Adopting an established reflective model (e.g., the Gibbs Reflective Cycle 1988, or the Driscoll
Reflective Model, 1994) and relevant aspects of topics covered in Modules 1 and 2, you are required to write up to 1000 words of ‘initial reflection’ on the reasons for undertaking your current course of study.
The topics you are expected to cover may include, but are not limited to business environment and reflective business practices, business structures and government regulations, including economic principles.
Please note that you are required to adopt ONLY ONE (1) reflective model in this assessment.
MGT501 Initial Reflection Business Environment Assignment – AU.

2.The reflection should address the following questions :
• How did your experiences (academic and/or work) prepare you for the current course of study?
• What are the past experiences (or interests) you have in this area?
• How would you ensure the required outcomes of your course of study are being met?
• How would you manage and monitor your academic activities to ensure a successful conclusion of your course of study?
• Looking into the future, what are the implications of your current course of study in later life (post-career)?
• What are the goals you would like to set for yourself, with respect to your current course of study?
3.Key points to consider:
• Start the reflection with a brief description of your initial understanding of business environment, reflective practices, economic principles and others. With reference to these subject contents, justify your choice of current course of study, identify how your course of study relates to your own experiences, and how you may apply your knowledge in the future.
• You are expected to carefully analyse your previous experiences and current expectations. Your reflection should be clear and succinct, and demonstrate that you have short-term and long-term goals, including an understanding of what you want to do with your degree.
• Please note that the reflection is about your course of study and career/professional projections.You need to integrate some theoretical implications of this subject into your reflection. For example, if the reason for embarking on an MBA program is to change your profession, start a new business, or advance your career, you may need to reflect on the consequences/implications of some business environment issues — stakeholders, business structures, macro- and micro environments, etc.
4.Structure and Format:
• Please structure the reflection as follows:
Cover sheet: You MUST use the formal Torrens University cover sheet.
MGT501 Initial Reflection Business Environment Assignment – AU.

Brief (one sentence) aim of the assessment, and how you intend to achieve it (brief outline of your adopted reflective model [e.g., Driscoll, 1994] and its stages).
Main body:
Use the reflective model stages as your main headings (e.g., Driscoll, 1994 — what, so what and now what) to address the suggested reflective points.
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