Subject Code & Title :- MGT300 Organisational Change
Assignment Type :- Assessment
MGT 300 Organisational change Assessment 1 – Case study 1 Assessment Detail (Easy Writing) Assessment Task 1. (40%) This is an Individual Open Book Assessment.
The assignment is designed as assessing you understanding of the concepts of Re framing dynamics in an organisation i.e. the material covered in lectures 1-4.
MGT300 Organisational Change Assessment 1 – Australia

Write a report and Create a Power Point presentation to Identify and describe a variety of examples of Re framing as a Strategy for Improving Organizations that are known drawn from your experience working in their respective organizations.
1.What Is a Frame? Explain the example of how Mental map is used to read and negotiate a “territory” map (a map of Sydney won’t help in Mumbai)
2.Explain the difference between the two main types of motivation theories content and process and Outline the major theoretical contributions from the content theories of motivation of Maslow Alderfer Mc Clell and and Herzberg
Output: 2000 words (word format document) submitted via Turnitin
On a ‘no fault’ basis (i.e. it does not matter what reasons or circumstances are ‘to blame’) late submissions will first be graded and then a deduction of 5% per day late will be made to that grade.
Assessment requirements and format
• 2000 words (excluding references)
• Times New Roman 12pt 1.5 lines spacing Harvard (Anglia) references.
• You need to support your report with a minimum of FOUR (4) suitable reliable and academically acceptable sources.
• You MUST use each of the following resources:
• Textbook
• One academic article
• One Newspaper article or other media commentary
Assignment structure
• Cover sheet
• Introduction
• Body (Relevant and suitable headings and subheadings)
3.Framework/ case study/ scenarios
• Conclusion and recommendations
• Reference list
• Add the slides, max 3 in one page at the end of the report
Assignment approximate word count
• Introduction 100
• Question 1 400-600
• Question 2 400-600
• Question 3 700-900
• PPT. slides (12 to 15)
• Conclusion 100
Assignment marking guide
• Introduction 5
• Question 1 20
• Question 2 20
• Question 3 30
• Presentation 10
• Conclusion 5
• Correct report format and referencing 10
• Total 100 then converted to a mark out of 20.
MGT300 Organisational Change Assessment 1 – Australia

Presentation of Assignments :
• All assignments must be attached to a Assignment Cover Sheet that must be signed and dated by all group members before submission. All team members are expected to contribute approximately equally to a group assignment.
• Students may not submit work for an assignment that has previously been submitted for this course or any other course.
• Assessment soft copy must be submitted along with the “Similarity Report” from Turnitin ( Minimum 10% to Maximum 25%)
• Note: Open Book does not mean you can cut and paste from any source it means you can access other resources but it must be in your own words. Any unreasonable similarity will result in a failure result. We take into account any similarity with cover sheets if you have copied the questions and references. We are looking for similarities in your answers to see if it is reasonable or just cheating. All of the Institute’s academic integrity requirements apply to open book assessments as they apply to all forms of
assessment. You are responsible for your technology and ability to submit on time. You have 5 minutes after the end time of an online assessment to ensure your file is submitted.Time is based on the Institute’s computer servers and the time they have not your time. Technology issues will not be taken into account if your submission is delayed or not received unless the entire class experiences the exact same issue – which may see additional time being given.
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