Topic : Discuss The Role Of The Registered Nurse In Providing Person-Centred Care To Your Chosen Patient.
Vincent Romero :Vincent is a 70 year old, married man of Italian culture. He is a retired viticultura list and farmer. Today, he has been admitted to
the Horizon Hospital and Health Service with exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and presents with increased respiratory secretions, cough and shortness of breath. He reports feeling generally unwell. Vincent’s previous medical history includes; rubella and pertussis as a child and COPD with several episodes of pneumonia over the last two years. Despite these issues and the necessity of home oxygen therapy, Vincent continues to smoke two packets of cigarettes per day. At this time, he is very keen to go home to look after his wife who is currently battling metastatic breast cancer.
Medicine And Nursing Essay-South University Australia

Submit your assignment in a WORD document via Learn online by the due
date. Write your essay using academic language with reference to the course material and academic literature. The assignment is to be presented in a scholarly essay format (guide provided below) and in accordance with the Clinical and Health Science Academic Unit’s Writing requirements: link found Learning & Teaching Resources block on the Being a Health Professional learn online course site.
Introduction (200 words)
Body of essay (1600 words)
1.Introduction of the chosen patient.
2.The role of the Registered Nurse.
3.Definition of Person-centred care.
4.Reference to relevant Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) professional standards and codes, and the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards.
Conclusion (200 words)
References (not included in word count)
Present your references on a separate page at the end of your essay,using Uni SA Harvard (2018) format for in text referencing and the reference list. Include references in any section of your essay where needed to avoid the question of plagiarism.
Medicine And Nursing Essay-South University Australia

Use this Marking Rubric to guide the construction of your essay. You do not need to attach this rubric to your assignment: your tutor will do this when they mark your assignment.
Headings that correspond to the marking rubric may be used in the essay.
Avoid using terms like ‘me’ and ‘I’ so that your essay is written from the
third person perspective.
Submit your assignment by the due date via the online portal. Once the
due date has passed, any changes made to your submission will mean
that late submission penalties will apply to your assignment grade.
A starting point for readings related to this assignment:
Current Edition
Levett-Jones, T 2020, ‘Communicating’, in A Berman, G Frandsen, S Snyder,T Levett-Jones, A Burston, T Dwyer, M Hales, N Harvey, T Langtree, L Moxham, K Reid-Searl, F Rolf & D Stanley, (eds), Kozier and Erb’s Fundamentals of Nursing – concepts, process and practice, vol.
2, 5th Australian edn, Pearson Australia, Melbourne, Vic, pp. 495-497.
Previous Edition
Levett-Jones 2018, ‘Communicating’, in A Berman, S Snyder, T Levett-Jones, T Dwyer, M Hales, N Harvey, T Lang tree, L Moxham, B Parker, K Reid-Searl & D Stanley, (eds) Kozier and Erb’s Fundamentals of Nursing,vol. 2, 4th Australian edn, Pearson Australia, Melbourne, Victoria, pp.485-515.
University of South Australia (Uni SA) 2018, Library Guides: Nursing,
“Evaluating Literature”, Uni SA, viewed 17 February or in text: (City of Horizon 2020) For your reference list: City of Horizon 2020 V 5, computer program, City of Horizon, Nov us Res, Adelaide.
Consent and communication needed verbal and written

Medicine And Nursing Essay-South University Australia

Human Body 1 Assignment 1
Patient centred-care (PCC) is at the core of every Registered Nurse professional Practice and is the “primary approach to health care” science direct ref. In this essay we are to learn and discuss how a Registered nurse uses PCC in partnership with patient Vincent Romero, 70 yrs of Italian decent, who has just been admitted to the Horizon Hospital with an “exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease”. Vincent has been unwell for most of his life starting with childhood rubella and Pertussis through to in more recent years having ongoing epidsodes of pneuomia. He is on oxygen therapy and is a smoker. He is the main
carer of his wife who is undergoing treatment of metastatic breast cancer.
We will discuss how the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia Registered Nurses Standards for Practice (MNBA RN), Code of conduct for nurses and the Australian Commission on Saftey and Quality in Healthcare (NSQHS Standard) relate and help the care of Vincent in his recent admission to hospital. PCC guidelines and practices can enhance the
wellbeing and the outcome for patients like Vincent, their families, communities and health care organisations.
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