Management Assessment 2 BSBHRM512 – Australia.

Subject Code & Title : Management BSBHRM512
Assignment Type : Assessment 2
The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor. Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.
Management Assessment 2 BSBHRM512 – Australia.

Management Assessment 2 BSBHRM512 - Australia.

Performance objective :
You will need to demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to facilitate the implementation of performance management processes through the delivery of training to managers.

Develop And Manage Performance-Management Processes BSBHRM512 Assessment 2-Australia.

Assessment description :
In response to the Australian Hardware simulated business scenario, you will develop and implement training for managers who are responsible for performance management. The training will need to be consistent with processes developed in Assessment Task 1 as well as consistent with Australian Hardware policies and procedures.

You will then answer a series of email questions in order to support a manager through the process of performance managing an employee.

Finally, you will provide a written reflection to evaluate the effectiveness of the performance management processes you have developed, trained managers in and implemented.

Procedure :

Part A :-
1.Review the Australian Hardware simulated business information provided in the Assessment Appendices.
2.Review the following scenario:

You are the Human Resources General Manager at Australian Hardware. You have recently planned the implementation of integrated performance management processes.

You will now need to plan and deliver manager training to assist managers to implement performance management.

Your training will need to be consistent with any processes you developed in Assessment Task 1 as well as being consistent with Australian Hardware policies and procedures. For example, if you outlined a process of biannual performance review in Assessment Task
1, your training session should not present information that is contradictory to the biannual review process.

Manager training is to be implemented nation-wide. As a first step, you will plan and deliver pilot manager training to the Wollongong managers.

The learners include:
● mangers aged 25–50 years
● managers who like to observe others before doing
● managers who have requested lots of activities.

You will then need to support managers to performance manage employees in accordance with organisational policies and procedures.

Finally, you will need to continually evaluate the effectiveness of processes against objectives for performance management.

3.Use the template provided in Appendix 1 to plan training for Wollongong managers. Remember to plan objectives for the training and to monitor success against objectives (plan to conduct some form of test or evaluation of the training). Remember to plan strategies for winning the support of managers for
implementing processes. You will plan a 20–30 minute session that:

Management Assessment 2 BSBHRM512 – Australia.

Management Assessment 2 BSBHRM512 - Australia.

a. briefly outlines the main features of the performance management process, such as:
i. regular monitoring of performance
ii. identification of performance gaps
iii. providing feedback
iv. managing talent

b. focuses on one of these four aspects of the process and give examples, introduce tools, or demonstrate skills

c. addresses storage of performance management documentation in accordance with record keeping policy
d. allows adequate time for managers to practise and to provide feedback.

Deliver training, making sure to:
a. outline the main features of the performance management process (as listed in the previous step)
b. meet the needs of your learners
c. present information that is consistent with processes you outlined in Assessment Task 1 and consistent with Australian Hardware policies and procedures
d. use a range of facilitation methods to cater for differences in learning style
e. follow the time frame you outlined in the session plan.

Part B:
1.Review the following scenario:
A manager contacts HR with the following enquiry:

One of my sales staff is consistently late, displays poor attitude and has performed below agreed level on his last two performance appraisals.The employee does not agree with the rating I have given him, however.

I have tried clarifying targets and coaching. Nothing seems to work. May be I’m just not delivering feedback in the right way. It’s hard not to be frustrated and I do get angry sometimes. Actually, I feel let down and hurt because I have tried to develop the potential I once saw in this employee.

This terrible situation is now affecting team morale.

What should I do next? I think I might need to let the employee go. Audrey Wu

Housewares Manager, Wollongong

2.Write an email to Audrey Wu, Wollongong’s Housewares Manager to:
a. outline positive approaches to giving feedback and coaching
b. outline appropriate intervention options
c. outline a process for dispute resolution
d. outline the process for terminating the employee in case intervention is unsuccessful
e. outline the process for record keeping to ensure adherence to policies and legislative requirements.

Ensure you refer to any relevant policies and legislation, including specific reference to anti-discrimination, privacy and industrial relations legislation.

Part C :
1.Prepare a written reflection in which you:
a. evaluate your performance
b. evaluate the effectiveness of existing performance management processes, particularly in terms of:

i. the level of guidance for dealing with under performing staff
ii. their ability to help managers achieve the short- and long-term strategic aims of the organisation

c. recommend time frames for regular evaluation of performance management processes.

Remember to evaluate processes in light of your knowledge of the characteristics of learning organisations and the broader role of HR in achieving business objectives.

2.Submit the required documents for assessment as per the specifications below. Be sure to keep a copy for your records.

Specifications :
You must:
● deliver a simulated training session to managers
● submit a session plan
● submit your email to the Housewares Manager
● submit a written reflection to evaluate own performance and performance management processes.

Your assessor will be looking for:
● analytical skills to ensure processes are practical and gather necessary information
● communication and conflict-management skills to deal with grievances, disputes and disagreements
● leadership skills to obtain support and endorsement of the performance management processes across the organisation
● training, coaching, mentoring and facilitation skills using a range of methods to cater for differences in learning styles, to ensure managers are competent to manage performance
● knowledge of characteristics of a learning organisation
● knowledge of policies and legislation relevant to performance management
● knowledge of grievance procedures
● knowledge of models for giving feedback and options for skill development
● knowledge of role of performance management in relation to broader human resources and business.

Management Assessment 2 BSBHRM512 – Australia.

Management Assessment 2 BSBHRM512 - Australia.

Adjustment for distance-based learners :
● The training session can be adjusted for distance learning. The training session for this task can be varied to take place using Skype conferencing (or any other video conferencing tool available to both you and the assessor). You may also negotiate with the assessor to choose to video the role-play and submit it
● No variation of the task is required.
● A follow-up interview may be required (at the discretion of the assessor).
● Documentation can be submitted electronically or posted in the mail.

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