Assessment Task 1: Report: Promoting Informal Workplace Learning
This is an individual assessment task that involves conducting research and writing a report on the broad topic of ‘promoting informal learning in work organisations’.
Unit learning outcomes:
1.Apply learning and development theory and concepts to a range of problems in authentic contexts.
2.Produce an organisational development action plan based on the analysis of an organisational level problem or opportunity.
CLO2. Apply critical thinking and technical skills to solve authentic business problems [AQF S2, S3].
MAN6706 Promoting Informal Workplace Learning Report Assignment -Australia.

Before starting this assignment, you should have, as a minimum, familiarised yourself with the report assignment brief as well as report writing requirements and the APA referencing style, and completed the required reading for each week. You must read widely on the topic of informal workplace learning and the theories that explain how individuals learn through participation in work practice.
For this assignment, you are required to write a report that addresses the following brief:
You are the newly-appointed Human Resource Advisor in a medium-sized company that employs approximately 150 mostly professional staff. The CEO of the company values learning and wants to increase the quantity and quality of employee learning at and through work. However, the company does not have the financial resources to fund employee participation in formal education and training programs. Nevertheless, the CEO is willing to change the workplace so as to ‘invite’ more informal learning. Therefore, the CEO has asked you to conduct research and write a report on the broad topic of ‘promoting informal learning in work organisations’. The CEO is not very familiar with the field of informal learning and therefore wants your report to address some fundamental topics relating to informal workplace learning. The topics are as follows:
- Definitions of informal learning
- Informal learning behaviours
- Theories that explain informal learning processes
- Individual characteristics that enable informal learning
- Workplace factors that enable informal learning
- Benefits of informal learning for employees and organisations
- Limitations of informal learning
Based on your analysis of the literature, you must make practical recommendations for enhancing informal learning within the organisation.
MAN6706 Promoting Informal Workplace Learning Report Assignment -Australia.

The CEO has a strong academic background and is a firm believer in evidence-based practice.Your report must be tailored accordingly. This means the report must contain references to good quality literature.
Note: If you wish, you can write the report for your own workplace, but the report must still meet the brief.
The report must consist of the following components:
- Title page
- Table of contents
- Introduction (weight 10%)
- Findings (weight 60%)
- Conclusion (weight 10%)
- Recommendations (weight 20%)
- References
Note: The approximate ‘weights’ of the report core components are indicated in brackets.
An overview of the report core components follow:
The introduction must cover the following points:
- Background (e.g., context of the topic or problem)
- Purpose of the report
- Method of investigation (e.g., what type of material was referred to)
- Outline of report structure (i.e., how is the rest of the report structured)
The findings must cover the topics mentioned in the assignment brief and must be divided into logical sections and sub-sections with appropriate headings and sub-headings. These must be numbered using the decimal system.
Round off your work with a concluding section. These are logical deductions drawn from the findings in the previous section. Sum up the main points and refer to any underlying theme. If any questions or issues remain unresolved, mention them in the conclusion.
The recommendations comprise the suggested course of action to be taken to solve a particular problem. They are written as action statements and expressed in clear, specific language.
MAN6706 Promoting Informal Workplace Learning Report Assignment -Australia.

You must use scholarly journals from reputable databases and academic books. Ensure that the sources you use are high quality and referenced correctly in your report. Your report must be based on a minimum of 15 academic sources, comprised of mostly journal articles. Please refer to the recommended reading list for this report assignment which is located in the Assessment space and Report folder on Blackboard.You must use at least 10 of the recommended readings when writing your report.
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