1.Word limit: 1500 words excluding footnotes
2.1.5 spacing for normal text;
3.Single spacing for indented quotations (quotes longer than three lines) and footnotes.
4.AGLC4 referencing (Australian Guide for Legal Citation can be downloaded at:
LAWS5021 Commercial Law Assignment-Macquarie University Australia.

If you apply for an extension or special consideration you must submit your assignment with in the extended time. For example, if you seek an extension of 2 days, and have submitted a correctly supported and documented application for special consideration, then your assignment
must be submitted within 2 days of the due date. DO NOT wait for your application to be considered and answered before submitting your assignment.
1.incorrect file uploaded or assignment submitted late without a successful application for special consideration
2.poor or incorrect identification of relevant issues and impact of case
3.poor or incorrect statements or analysis of court or individual judges’ decisions
4.shows little or no indication that case has been read and understood inappropriate and/or irrelevant content;
5.plagiarism, use of other students’ work, ‘recycling’ own work from other units;
6.difficult to read and/or understand through poor grammar, expression or structure.
LAWS5021 Commercial Law Assignment-Macquarie University Australia.

a.reasonable discussion of facts, ratio and impact of case
b.attempts to analyse case, but does not follow through with reasoned argument;
c.descriptive summary of material relevant to question;
d.superficial use of material and tendency to paraphrase and/or quote heavily;
e.reasonable compliance with AGLC citation requirements
f.heavy reliance on secondary sources
g.adequate expression.
a.concise and accurate discussion of facts and ratio of case
b.good attempt to identify the contribution that the case makes to relevant areas of law
c.contains no significant errors and covers relevant issues well;
d.some articulation of original argument, analysis and evaluation of issues;
e.good compliance with AGLC citation requirements
f.good use of material relevant to question;
g.has clear structure and clear expression
1.concise, relevant and accurate statements of facts and ratio;
2.clear identification and analysis of important issues
3.strong and original articulation of the contribution that the case makes to relevant areas of law; mistakes in AGLC citation requirements
5.excellent use of material relevant to question;
6.excellent expression and free from errors
LAWS5021 Commercial Law Assignment-Macquarie University Australia.

1.satisfies all the criteria for a Distinction; and
2.contains striking originality in analysis;
3.innovative use of material relevant to the question;
4.exceptionally well written and exceptionally well-structured.
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