Subject Code & Title : LAWS11059 Statutory Interpretation
Assignment Type : Assessment 2
Task Overview : You must complete two tasks.
Part 1:
Prepare a document that you will find useful when you are required to solve a statutory interpretation problem.
Part 2:
Solve a statutory interpretation problem question based on the material you have read. I require you to provide advice to a client. You can do so in the form of a letter (as would be the case typically with a solicitor) or in the form of an opinion/advice (as would be the case typically with a barrister).
LAWS11059 Assessment 2 Statutory Interpretation – CQ University Australia.

Notes :
1. I expect students to present their assessment work on time. Please note that I will not consider any request for an extension of time unless you upload an application in the appropriate manner, supported by documentation and you apply prior to the due time/date.
2.Because I release the task near the start of term, you are less likely to obtain an extension even if supported by documentation, than would be the case if I released the task shortly before the time it was due. If you make an application for an extension of time, you should understand that I consider several factors in deciding whether the request is sustainable. I encourage you to allow for contingencies.
3.I will impose a penalty deduction of 5% per day for late work until the nominated cut-off date. If you fail to complete the task by the cut-off date you will receive a mark of zero.
4.I will provide personalised feedback soon after the last date for submission of work. You will receive your mark at that time.

5.I require you to upload your assessment through the Moodle unit website. Submit your entire answer in a single Word (not PDF) document. Do not submit in multiple parts. Only online submissions are accepted and marked.
6.You may consult with peers at your discretion, but the final answer must be yours and will be checked via Turnitin for originality. When sharing ideas, it is important to retain something original for your own response. This is an individual assessment, and you may not collude; which means that you cannot act together to cheat or to plagiarise or engage in academic misconduct.
Words and marks :-
I have allocated a total of 20 marks for the exercise, and I impose a 2000 word-limit. Material included in footnote referencing is excluded from the word count. Unless included in a footnote,direct quotes are included in the word count. I allow some flexibility on the word count. If you need
to go beyond 2000 words (bearing in mind I will scrutinise whether I believe this was necessary), then you may do so, but do not go beyond 2200 words. You can provide a response that is less than the word limit, however experience would suggest to me that you submit at least (a total of) 1500
words. You must exercise your own discretion to determine where you use your words in this assessment.
LAWS11059 Assessment 2 Statutory Interpretation – CQ University Australia.

In real life, you must do so, and this exercise reflects this reality. I am not prescribing marks for specific aspects of the question. That does not occur in real life and this exercise reflects
this reality. It is for you to determine where to place the appropriate emphasis. Your answer should reflect the relative importance, as you see it, of the individual components of the question.
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