Subject Code & Title : LAW5223 Advanced Property And Trusts B
Assignment Type :- Assessment
1 Introduction :-
In LAW5223 the assessment is designed to support you as you work to meet the learning objectives below. You are encouraged to discuss assessment and the learning objectives, as necessary with the Course Examiner.
LAW5223 Advanced Property And Trusts B Assessment – Southern Queensland University Australia

2.Learning objectives :-
Students are asked to refer to the LAW5223 Course Synopsis and Specifications.
On successful completion of this course students should be able to:
1.Demonstrate an advanced and integrated understanding [explain, apply and evaluate] of a complex body of knowledge [relevant to Australian property law and trusts law], and underlying principles and concepts; the broader contexts within which legal issues arise [in the area of property and trusts]; and of the principles and values of justice and of ethical practice in lawyers’ roles; and contemporary developments in law, and its professional practice (PO1/TLO1).
2.Identify and articulate complex legal issues [relevant to Australian property law and trusts law comprehend legal and other materials]; apply legal reasoning and research to generate appropriate jurisprudential and practical responses to legal issues engage in critical analysis and make a reasoned and appropriate choices amongst alternatives; and demonstrate sophisticated cognitive and creative skills in approaching legal issues and generating appropriate responses (PO3/TLO3).
3.Demonstrate the intellectual and practical skills needed to justify and interpret theoretical propositions legal methodologies, conclusions and professional decisions, as well as to identify research in an ethical manner evaluate and synthesise factual legal and policy issues [relevant to Australian property law and trusts law]
4.Communicate in ways that are effective appropriate and persuasive for legal and non-legal audiences
5.Learn and work with a high level of autonomy, accountability and professionalism and reflect on and assess their own capabilities and performance, and make use of feedback as appropriate, to support personal and professional development
6.Identify applicable legislation and delegated legislation, understand explain and apply and make appropriate use of authorised aids to statutory interpretation and deploy appropriate techniques in the course of solving interpretative problems
LAW5223 Advanced Property And Trusts B Assessment – Southern Queensland University Australia
3.1 Last day for submission
Your answers to online tests must be finalised and submitted or saved in the portal by AEST on the day for completion.An assignment must be submitted by AEST on the last day for submission or an approved extension date. It may be submitted before then.
The last day for submission is simply the last day on which you can submit with out receiving a penalty. If an assignment is submitted after the last day for submission or an approved extension date, then the Course Examiner may apply at least the penalty applicable to late submissions in accordance with the USQ policy on late submissions. In LAW5223, consistent with the imperative in property and trusts law practice to meet deadlines, the penalty is 20% per USQ business day.
3.2 Submission after > 5 days’ extension
For Semester 2, 2020, students granted an approved extension exceeding five business days will be advised that the Course Examiner may require completion of an alternate assessment item.Students should note that approach will be adopted for all assessment tasks in LAW5223.
3.3 Applications for an extension or deferral of assessment
To apply for an extension or deferral, you must apply to the Faculty Assessments Team online. The link is at the bottom of the Assessments tab on the LAW5223 Study desk.
This link prompts you as to what must be included in the application. You should make the application by the last day for submission.You must attach any necessary accompanying documents.
3.4 Conditions for an extension to be granted
The Faculty Assessments Team will decide whether to grant an extension or, if the circumstances are appropriate, give deferred assessment. Information about the grant of extensions and deferrals is available
3.5 Course Examiner/Moderator cannot extend or defer
In all courses offered by the School of Law and Justice (LAW or CRI or PWE), academics do not have power to grant an extension, deferred assessment or a deferred exam. You cannot apply to the Course Examiner Moderator or Head of School for extension or deferral and you should not ask them to support an application to the Faculty Assessments Team.
3.6 Reconsideration of marks
If unhappy with a mark on an assessment item, please consult the University Assessment Procedure.This allows a reconsideration of marks only if where it can be demonstrated there has been oversight omission of marking, or mathematical discrepancies in the marking of assessment tasks”.
LAW5223 Advanced Property And Trusts B Assessment – Southern Queensland University Australia
When to apply
Apply to the course examiner for a reconsideration of marks (on the basis of any oversight omission or mathematical discrepancy) as soon as possible and normally within 10 USQ business days of receipt of a marked assessment – as set out in the USQ Assessment Procedure (4.2.3). Reconsideration of marks after grades are finalised will be limited to formal review or appeal. The examiner has no power to change marks in an informal way once grades are finalised.
Oversight, omission or mathematical discrepancy
A reconsideration of marks will not be undertaken just because requested. Evidence must be provided from an assignment submission and its marking that there was an oversight, omission or mathematical discrepancy. Consider:
• the mark sheet returned with the assignment;
• any comments made by the marker about the assignment;
• whether the marks allocated to each criterion have been added up correctly; and
• how a correct application of the marking criteria or calculation of the marks shows an over sight o mission or mathematical discrepancy.
If there is apparent evidence of a relevant oversight, omission or mathematical discrepancy email the course examiner all of the following:
• the marked assignment;
• the mark sheet; and
• written reasons that explain, by reference to evidence from the assignment –
i. how correct application of marking criteria shows an oversight or omission or how the totalling of marks shows mathematical discrepancy; and
ii. the precise change in marks considered warranted.
In written reasons an assertion that criterion X was not applied properly or I think I have demonstrated criterion X – with nothing more – does not constitute reasons nor does it constitute evidence to support those reasons.
The only grounds justifying a change of marks before the finalisation of grades are those set out in the Assessment Procedure. If there is evidence those grounds exist, please follow the approach above.
LAW5223 Advanced Property And Trusts B Assessment – Southern Queensland University Australia
4 Assessment items
For each assessment item, please refer to the separate assignment information and task document in the Assessments section of Study desk.
4.1 Online test 1
The first online test will comprise assessment of:
• legal problem solving – a question relating to Australian property law requiring application and examination of statutory provisions general law and equitable principles. and
• legal research writing – primary and secondary research materials provided.
LAW5223 Advanced Property And Trusts B Assessment – Southern Queensland University Australia

4.2 Assignment
The assignment will comprise four problem-solving and short-answer questions relevant to Australian property law requiring application of statutory provisions, general law and equitable principles to practical situations where proprietary interests may be in dispute.
4.3 Online test 2
The second online test will comprise assessment of:
• legal problem solving (20%) – two questions; and
• legal research writing (20%) – one question.
Each question will relate to Australian trust law in practical and commercial situations and require application and examination of statutory provisions, general law and equitable principles.
5 Assessment
In LAW2223 the course assessment is designed to support students to meet the Learning Objectives relevant Threshold Learning Outcomes and Professional Outcomes. A satisfactory level of understanding and competence in the areas of knowledge incorporated in LAW2223 is required for students seeking admission to the legal profession.
Students are referred to Assessment Details in the LAW2223 Course Specifications. Information about the LAW2223 assessment is also in the respective LAW2223 Assessment Information and marking rubric documents available on Study desk for each assessment item Assessment due dates and weightings are set out in each of these locations.
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