Research Assignment – Questions and Instructions
Length: 2,500 words
Weighting: 60%
This assessment item relates to learning outcomes 5 and 6 in particular, and one or more of learning outcomes 1–4 depending upon your choice of question. You are expected to undertake your own independent research to complete this assignment.
JUST2004 Human Rights Law Essay-Minnesota University United States.

A list of assignment questions is found below. This assignment should be a total of 2,500 words in length. The bibliography and footnotes are not counted in the word limit. Excess beyond 2,500 words will not be marked. You must place both the word count and the question you have chosen on the front cover sheet of your assignment (Tools Menu: Word Count).
This form of assessment is designed to facilitate research skills and original and critical thought, by allowing students to explore in more depth a particular issue in human rights. Refer to the Law Discipline Requirements for all Law Assessments (see Assessment Tasks and Submission folder in MySCU) for how you should prepare the assignment. See the Research assignment guidelines (below) for what is expected in the research assignment and other relevant information such as the marking criteria.
Research assignment question:
Three Australian jurisdictions now have Human Rights legislation, the ACT, Victoria and Queensland. What is the model of human rights protection found in the Human Rights Act 2004(ACT), the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (Vic) and the Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld)? How does it differ from a constitutionally entrenched Bill of Rights like those
found in the United States of America and Canada?
Looking at at least two or three relevant cases, how would you assess the value of these Australian Human Rights Acts in light of their use to date? Does the experience of these Acts of Parliament make you think Australia should adopt a Federal Bill of Rights in some form?
Research assignment guidelines
It is important that your assignment address the issues raised in your chosen question.Think about the issue and make sure that you understand the question before you proceed. Failure to answer the question is the easiest way to lose marks. Marks cannot be awarded for irrelevant material, no matter how good that material is.
The research assignment should contain the following.
1.An introduction, clearly setting out the broad direction of the assignment, its objectives, any parameters of the assignment, and a summary of the main argument.
2.A body, with appropriate headings, containing presentation of argument, review of literature and compilation of evidence relevant to the question.
3.A conclusion, clearly summarising the arguments or findings.
4.Appropriate references of all sources you have referred to in footnotes formatted in accordance with the Australian Guide to Legal Citation (4 th ed, 2018).
5.A bibliography, setting out all the books, articles and other sources you have used and referred to in the course of writing the assignment.
6.It should also comply with the Law Discipline Requirements for all Law
Students should note the following:
a.Many people are not familiar with the requirements of research assignments. They are like any other good piece of writing. They must have a beginning, a middle and an end. They must be organised so that one point leads to another in a logical sequence. Headings and sub-headings are important as they are of assistance to the reader, who should be able to easily ascertain the logic of your arguments.You should look at the articles you read in the course of your research as a model for style and organisation.
b.Statements of fact must be supported by referencing in the proper form (see 4 above). Arguments and ideas you are adopting or disagree with must be properly referenced. This is one of the most important aspects of your assignment, and severe penalties will be imposed if you do not provide appropriate references. Be aware of the University Academic Integrity Policy (please ensure you complete the Academic Integrity Module available in MySCU if you have not done so already). You should avoid over-reliance on three or four sources. You are expected to have read widely on the chosen topic. Be careful of relying solely on Internet resources if these are merely descriptive. You will need to read material that provides you with some critical analysis of the issues. This will most likely come from journal articles and book chapters. Good assignments generally show evidence that the student has read and analysed key journal articles / book chapters relevant to the topic.
JUST2004 Human Rights Law Essay-Minnesota University United States.

c.You are expected to employ your critical and analytical skills in this assignment. Avoid mere description or regurgitation and do not quote excessively (generally your assignment should be no more than 10-15% quotes). Both your observations and your use of other people’s writing should reflect this critical/analytical dimension. In sum, your intellectual input should be clearly discernible in the paper.
d.You are not marked for your political or social views or opinions, but rather for your ability to present coherent, rational and logical arguments, properly supported by authority.
e.You are also marked on your ability to express yourself clearly, logically and succinctly. Poor expression, grammar and spelling will detract from your overall mark.
f.Generally speaking, the more drafts of the assignment you prepare, the better the final product will be. You should aim to complete at least two drafts prior to handing in the assignment. This will also assist in ensuring you comply with the word limit.
Marking and grading criteria
Your research assignment will be marked and graded according to the extent you have complied with the above guidelines, as well as to the extent you have:
1.identified and clearly stated the relevant issues raised by the question;
2.applied relevant legal principles to the resolution of these issues;
3.critically analysed any deficiencies in the law and recommended appropriate changes to the law in relation to the chosen topic (if appropriate);
4.integrated and evaluated relevant knowledge from both the material covered in this unit and your own independent research;
5.developed and sustained a concise and convincing legal argument through to a logical conclusion in response to the specific question asked;
6.correctly referenced and acknowledged sources in footnotes according to the Australian Guide to Legal Citation (4 th ed, 2018); and
7.written in a fluent, clear and concise style, not containing poor grammar or spelling.
Grade description guidelines
Please ensure that you are familiar with the SCU grade description guidelines.
Keeping the above criteria in mind, the following may be used as a guide to the grading of the Research Assignment:
Disorganised, poorly argued, lacking in evidence and detail, overly
descriptive. Demonstrates a failure to read or understand the core
Somewhat organised, demonstrates a basic knowledge and reading of core materials only, some perfunctory arguments.
Fluency of expression and well-structured arguments, demonstrates
reading beyond the core materials and some analytical and critical
Fulfils all the above criteria, but also shows original and rigorous critical
capacities, demonstrates a wide amount of reading and deep understanding of the subject matter.
Fulfils all the above criteria, as well as being a particularly original and
rigorous work, capable of being published in a journal with further work.
JUST2004 Human Rights Law Essay-Minnesota University United States.

Penalties for lateness
Please ensure that you are familiar with the SCU penalties for late submission. These are available in the Assessment Policy and Procedures folder in the MySCU Intranet site for the unit. The circumstances under which you may apply for an extension or other form of special consideration in relation to an assessment item are also set out in that folder.
Note that time has been allocated within the session for you to work on your assignment,where no new unit material will be covered (ie Weeks 12 & 13).
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