Unit Code&Title: JUST1137 Contract Law
Weighting: 40%
Word count /Size / time expectation: 1400 words Ariel 11 point font 2:00 spacing
JUST1137 Contract Law Assignment-RMIT University Australia.
What are you being asked to do?
This assignment presents a legal problem covering topics in the contract law section of this course. The purpose of the assignment is to develop your knowledge of contract and consumer legal issues which arise in real world real estate transactions. Finance, economics, as well as law, all play a significant role in property transactions: from sales to transfers to leasing and licensing of real estate. The assignment will concentrate on the legal issues inherent in contract transactions. The assessment is designed to develop the knowledge and skills required to apply the law when analysing and advising on property related transactions.You will also develop your professional communication skills in advising on the legal position of your client.
You must use the IRAC methodology to answer the legal problem. This tool will help you develop the knowledge and skills which are essential for effective professional practice as a property professional.
The IRAC methodology requires you to:
• Identify the relevant legal issues.
• State the Relevant law connected to those issues.
• Apply the law to the facts in the question.
• Come to a Conclusion which is logical from your earlier discussion.
JUST1137 Contract Law Assignment-RMIT University Australia.
In addition to developing specialised knowledge of contract and consumer law, you will develop your written professional communication skills as well as important analytical and communication skills which are necessary for effective practice as a property professional.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the assignment you will gain a better understanding of the elements of:
• Legal issues in contract and consumer law transactions
• Legal problem solving
• Legal analysis and writing
How to complete the assignment?
It is expected that you will utilise case law and statute in your analysis of the facts in the legal problem. Please refer to the course textbooks, as well as all of the legislation we have covered in this course. Your reading and research may lead you to include in your responses further relevant law (statute and case law).
Important note: textbooks are secondary legal sources. You should not copy or include the commentary from the textbooks. Rather, use the textbooks for your own guidance, and support all of your arguments with original law (statue and case law). Textbooks provide you with an
understanding of the law only in a general sense. You have to tailor the law to the arguments and discussion you put in your assignment.
JUST1137 Contract Law Assignment-RMIT University Australia.
Where and how to submit the report? Submission is via Canvas.
When you submit, your assignment will run through the originality checker (Turnitin). Please take note of all the comments that come back from Turnitin, because your assignment will be carefully scrutinised by your assessors.
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