Subject Code and Title IED402: Innovation for Education
Assessment Written plus graphic examples of Mental Models.
Individual/Group Individual
Length 3,000 words equivalent
Weighting 60%
IED402 Innovation For Education Assignment-Torrens University Australia.

Learning Outcomes:
The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
1.Analyse the role of curiosity, creativity and action in enabling innovation, and articulate an informed definition of innovation.
2.Critique and evaluate potentially innovative solutions with reference to models of innovation, measures of success and examples.
3.Critique and evaluate potentially innovative solutions with reference to models of innovation, measures of success and examples.
4.Critique and evaluate potentially innovative solutions with reference to models of innovation, measures of success and examples.
Task Summary
In this task you will identify, critique and apply a range of mental models of innovation to your own context. You will then reflect on the insights gained from applying these mental models to your particular educational issue or context.
Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this task.
This task requires you to connect your learning about innovation with your own context, with a view to identifying and understanding where there may be scope for future innovation and change. As such, this task provides an opportunity for you to move beyond analysis, and into application in your thinking about, and planning for, innovation. Your work here will have relevance and application as you continue through the course, as you begin to plan for, and implement, these innovations.
IED402 Innovation For Education Assignment-Torrens University Australia.

Task Instructions
Throughout this subject, you have explored a range of mental models of innovation that help to understand and contextualise innovation and its application. In this task, you will:
1.IDENTIFY and DESCRIBE at least THREE (3) mental models that can be applied to innovation.These may be presented in visual and/or written format. At least ONE (1) of these models should be one that you have sourced independently (i.e. not previously explored within the subject learning materials or resources). All three mental models that you present can be as sourced, or you can adapt/contextualise them.equivalent.]
2.Provide a discussion where you APPLY each model to your own particular educational context (in broad terms, or in relation to a specific issue/challenge).
3.CRITIQUE all three models, in terms of their strengths and limitations in understanding innovation.
4.REFLECT on your own understanding (of innovation AND of your own
context/challenge/issue), and how this has developed (or not) through this process. You should also identify some ‘next steps’, in terms of how you will continue to develop this understanding.
Your submission should be structured using headings, with discussion in each section adhering to academic English conventions (in terms of sentence construction, proofreading, spelling, word choice, and so on). Support your claims throughout the task with appropriate literature (from
scholarly sources, and wider reading where relevant), and cite all sources in APA style. Your submission should be written in first person.
Submission Instructions:
Submit the four-part assessment task via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in IED402: Innovation for Education. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
IED402 Innovation For Education Assignment-Torrens University Australia.

Assessment Criteria:
Your submission will be graded against the following criteria:
1.Knowledge and understanding of appropriate mental models.
2.Understanding and reflection on how mental models can be applied to the educational context.
3.Depth of critical analysis of a range of mental models.
4.Depth of reflection on the application of innovation in the personal or professional context.
5.Clarity of communication and integration of ideas (including spelling, punctuation, grammar and referencing according to APA conventions.
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