Assessment Task 2: Sustainability and energy audit Project
Task summary:
You are required to determine how to integrate sustainability into an organisation’s ICT system and collect power consumption data. You are then required to write a Sustainability Policy and Procedures for the case study organisation and implement several sustainability actions.Finally, you are required to estimate the potential energy savings that could be generated by a proposed project.
ICTSUS601 Sustainability And Energy Audit Project Assessment Task 2 – Australia.

This assessment is to be completed in the simulated work environment in the RTO
• Access to textbooks and other learning materials
• Computer with Microsoft Office and internet access
• Briefing Report Template
• Case Study
• Sustainability Policy and Procedures Template
• Energy Audit Report Template
Your assessor will advise you of the due date of these submissions
• Email with Briefing Report attached
• Email with Sustainability Policy and Procedures attached
• Email with Energy Audit Report attached
Assessment criteria:
For your performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task, you must satisfactorily address all of the assessment criteria. If part of this task is not satisfactorily completed, you will be asked to complete further assessment to demonstrate competence.
Assessment Task 2 Instructions
Carefully read the following:
Document Nation is a small business that provides document consultancy and editing services, The Case Study provides further detail on the company.
As the IT Manager for the company, you are currently reviewing the company’s ICT systems and projects to evaluate the potential for the integration of sustainability both for cost effective, as well as to embrace sustainability.
Complete the following activities:
1.Write an ICT Sustainability Briefing Report.
Using the ICT Sustainability Briefing Report Template, write a report that you can present to the Managing Director, Angela Lu.
Your report should include the following:
• A review of the ICT systems of the organisation and the potential for the integration of sustainability.
• Recommendations on how sustainability can be integrated into each system
• Suitable short-term technology options for implementing sustainability and achieving the reduction of power usage.
• Recommendation on which option/s would be of greatest benefit to the organisation
2. Send an email to the Managing Director, Angela Lu (your assessor.)
The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment and ask for an appointment to discuss it with her. Attach your Briefing Report to the email.
3.Gather power consumption data
It has been decided that you should conduct a power consumption audit and collect power consumption data for presentation at a meeting with senior staff.
Identify a suitable tool for measuring power consumption and standards for determining whether the power consumption is reasonable or not
You will complete this assessment in your RTO using computers provided by your assessor. Complete the power consumption measurement on the computers provided.As you do this, summarise to your assessor the method you have chosen for measuring power consumption, why you chose this method and the standard against which you are measuring power consumption.
ICTSUS601 Sustainability And Energy Audit Project Assessment Task 2 – Australia.

4.Meet with the Managing Director and the Operations Manager.
Angela has responded to your email with the briefing report and would like you to meet with herself and the Operations Manager. The managers will be role played by your assessor and another student.
The objective of the meeting is to present your findings as set out in your briefing report and power consumption audit and to gain their support for your recommendations.
Begin by explaining your findings and recommendations from your briefing report, as well as your power consumption audit.
Assume that the stakeholders may not necessarily be committed to the integration of sustainability, so you will need to use negotiation skills to agree on workable solutions.
During the meeting, you are required to demonstrate effective interpersonal and communication skills including:
• Speaking clearly and concisely
• Using effective non-verbal communication skills to encourage audience interest
• Responding to questions
• Asking questions to seek feedback
• Use of active listening techniques to confirm and clarify understanding.
You are also required to demonstrate negotiation skills to ensure your preferred options are approved.
5.Develop a sustainability policy and procedures.
The policy and procedures should include:
• Purpose
• Scope
• Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
• Responsibilities
• At least six ICT projects (in order of priority) that would foster sustainability and environmental best practice. Give an estimate of the cost of each.
• Procedures that address disposal of existing ICT equipment as it is replace and procedures to ensure that future IT purchases take into account sustainability Use the Sustainability Policy and Procedures Template to guide your work
6.Send an email to the Managing Director (your assessor.)
The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.
It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment.
The email text should also discuss the WHS implications of the new policy and procedures.
Attach your Sustainability Policy and Procedures to the email.
7.Implement hibernation plan on the ICT system.
You will be required to demonstrate to your assessor that you can program the computer to:
• Go into sleep mode after five minutes of inaction and into hibernation after ten minutes of inaction.
• Use the power saver Windows Power Plan setting.
Research how each of these activities are carried out and practice them prior to the meeting.
You will be demonstrating how to do this on a computer provided by the assessor.
As you are performing the activity, tell the assessor what you are doing and why
8.Write an Energy Audit Report
Using the information from the case study and from internet research, write a report that includes the following:
• The company’s computer energy usage currently and what it would be if the proposed ICT project is carried out.
• The potential financial savings from adopting the VDI system.
• The payback periods.
• The estimated CO 2 emissions be if the project is carried out, compared to the bench mark of current usage.
Use the Energy Audit Report Template to guide your work.
9.Send an email to the Managing Director
The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate {polite, business-like) style
It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment and seek their feedback.
attach your Energy Audit Report to the email.
Assessment Task 2 of ICTSUS601
This document of the supporting is document is Sustainability Policy and Procedures Assessor it is part of the supporting resources
Design Excellence
Sustainability Policy and Procedures
State the purpose of the policy
Who and what are covered by the policy?
Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
List two SMART KPls that the policy should aim to achieve
Who has responsibility for ensuring sustainability is implemented?
List six ICT projects that foster sustainability and environmental best practice. Give an estimate of the cost of each. List them in order of priority.
Disposal of existing IT equipment when it is replaced.
Assessment Task 2 of ICTSUS601
This document is Briefing Report Template. It is part of t he supporting resources
Document Nation
ICT Sustainability Briefing Report
Systems Review
A review of the ICT systems of the organisation and the potential for the integration of sustainability.
Sustainability Recommendations
Recommendations on how sustainability can be integrated into each system
Short-Term options
Suitable short-term technology options for implementing sustainability and achieving the reduction of power usage.
Option Recommendations
Recommendation on which option/s would be of greatest benefit to the organisation.
Assessment Task 2 of ICTSUS601
This document is Case Study. It is part of the supporting resources
Document Nation
Case study information:
Document Nation provides consultancy, editing, and proof-reading services, specialising in academic publications. Document Nation has been operating since 2000 and have a large number of clients. The company has an office in Sydney where approximately 30 people work.
Marketing occurs via the website, through advertising in a number of publications and via social media, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
The company’s mission, vision and objectives are as follows:
To provide world-class editing services that exceed our client’s expectations.
ICTSUS601 Sustainability And Energy Audit Project Assessment Task 2 – Australia.

To become Australia’s most respected document editing team.
The company’s objectives are as follows:
• To be considered an employer of choice
• To provide customer service excellence beyond expectations
• To be a sustainable business
ICT Network
The current ICT network consists of the following:
• A domain server running Windows Server 2016 Standard
• 30 x thick client desktop computers running Windows 10 Professional
• A router which acts as the gateway/firewall for the network
• Two 24 port switches for directing network communications
• A Network Attached Storage (NAS) for storing files
• Three network printers
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