Unit Code: ICT352
Unit Title: ICT352 ICT Project Management Assignment-Sunshine Coast University Australia.
Word Count:1500 Words
Assignment Type: Individual Report
The assignment will be marked out of a total of 100 marks. Once marked, ALL assignments will be checked for plagiarism and/or collusion between individuals.
ICT352 ICT Project Management Assignment-Sunshine Coast University Australia.

Case Study: Green Grass Dairy
Jack White and his organisation, Green Grass Dairy have been in business for six years selling organic milk, butter, iced coffee, iced chocolate and yog hurt. Green Grass Dairy ensure that their producers are paid well for their products and they have a waiting list of dairy farmers and fruit growers who would like to supply the dairy. They have typically sold their products through speciality grocery stores and delicatessens in the Brisbane region. Around 18 months ago they came up with an idea that they would market their yog hurt as natural only, but you could also purchase single serve lower-sugar fruit add ins. The fruit add-ins were fresh and individual flavours were only available when the fruit was in season locally. This was a signal that the fruit was sourced locally and was a good companion product to the milk and butter products.The milk has only come in full-fat and a 2% fat version as Green Grass Dairy is very concerned with keeping products as natural as possible.
The organisation had been growing well at around 8% per year. Toward the end of 2019, Jack White had been thinking about also selling products to customers directly although he would need to increase his distribution network. He had been in discussions about potential websites, when the pandemic lock down occurred in March 2020 he got in touch with the web designers and the delivery contractors he had been talking to and asked that they proceed with the plans as quickly as possible. He also organised advertising direct to customers on social media and demand was instant.

The demand still continued from the delicatessens and specialty stores but this demand was often for smaller serve items for a person’s lunch while the home delivery items were for larger quantities. Demand has been growing at the rate of 20% per month and Green Grass Dairy have attracted a lot of publicity as a success story during the pandemic and while Jack White has been exploring increasing their sales area to the Sunshine Coast and the Gold Coast. He has also been approached from diaries in New South Wales,Victoria and New Zealand asking to partner with Green Grass Dairy and use their branding and delivery model.
Currently Green Grass Dairy have a large cash surplus that Jack White would like to use to consolidate his customer base. He knows that his current processing plant has nearly reached the limit of its capacity and if
he expands to Sunshine and the Gold coasts this will need to be expanded. He is aware that some processing plants are available for purchase in these areas, however he considers the processing equipment to be outdated and thinking that if he builds a state of the art facility in Brisbane he can service all three locations from one plant. Green Grass Dairy would be able to use the older plants straight away without any delay, however Jack White feels that the older plants do not meet their vision of being an organisation
focused on natural products processed with sustainability and green ideals in mind. The plant manager, Joe Black has suggested that if the older plants were purchased, they could be used for milk processing in the short-term until a new facility could be built. The older plants could then be repurposed into facilities for new products such as plant-based milks and different flavoured milks. There is also an idea for different flavoured butters.
The low-sugar fruit syrups have had a surprisingly high demand, Andrea Murdoch the marketing manager has discovered that people have been buying the single serve syrups without the yog hurt to include in smoothies. She has also spoken to a number of customers who would like to purchase the syrups in larger quantities and outside of the limited growing seasons. There is also interest from supermarkets in this product. Andrea Murdoch and Jack White have been talking about perhaps manufacturing the fruit syrups as free-flowing frozen cubes.
While the website has performed well, Jack White would also like an app to be developed so people can order on their phone. The social Media advertising has also performed well to date and there is a large
community of 25 000 people who follow their Face Book page. They have recently begun to promote videos of their test kitchen making recipes using their products. They are posted to their website and cross-posted to their Face Book page. More people are going directly to their web site and Green Grass Dairy would like to move away from relying on Face Book as a customer communication channel.
With so many competing opportunities and ideas, the management feels overwhelmed and has asked outside consultants Pace Consultants, to come and assist with project planning. You are one of the consultants. You are one of the consultants. The management team has decided the most important thing at this stage is that the projects meet organisational strategic goals and has decided to set no financial limits on this stage.
They have asked each of you to choose ONE of the following project themes and collaborate with the Green Grass Dairy management team to outline a Project Charter to deliver value to Green Grass Dairy.
Project 1 – Increasing delivery area into the Sunshine Coast and Gold Coast areas
Project 2 – Increasing production facility
Project 3 – Investigating partnering opportunities within Australia
Project 4 – Investigating partnering opportunities from New Zealand
Project 5 – Customer ordering app
Your task is to prepare a project charter on your proposed project. Please include the following sections in the main body of the report. Standard report structure must be adhered to.
Project Charter Structure
Chapter 3 of the Text outlines Project Charters – use it as a general Guide to produce a Project Charter with the following headings:
3.Scope overview
4.Business case
5.Milestone schedule (with acceptance criteria)
6.Risks, assumptions and constraints
7.Stakeholder list
Assignment Requirements and Deliverables
Your report should be one thousand (1000) words and it would be best to be no longer than one thousand five hundred (1500) words long.
The report is to be prepared as a single Microsoft Word document.
The completed assignment is to be submitted by Safe Assign on or before the due date.
The assignment will be assessed according to the marking sheet (Appendix A). Late submission of the assignment will result in the maximum deductions of points as per USC School policy for each day late (including weekends).
Assignment Return and Release of Grades
Assignment grades will be available on the course web site two weeks after submission at the latest. An electronic assignment marking sheet will be available.
Where an assignment is undergoing investigation for alleged plagiarism or collusion the grade for the assignment and the assignment will be withheld until the investigation has concluded.
ICT352 ICT Project Management Assignment-Sunshine Coast University Australia.

Assignment Guidelines
This assignment will take three weeks to complete and will require a good understanding of the Project Management material for successful completion. It is imperative that students take heed of the following points in relation to doing this assignment:
1.It would pay to start this assignment early.
2.Ensure that you clearly understand the requirements for the assignment – what has to be done and what are the deliverables.
3.If you do not understand any of the assignment requirements – ASK your workshop tutor.
4.Each time you work on any aspect of the assignment reread the assignment requirements to ensure that what is required is clearly understood.
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