Subject Code & Title :- HNN320 Medicine And Nursing
Assignment Type :- Essay
Weighting :- (50%)
Length :- 2000 words
Purpose of assessment task : Nurses play a critical role in promoting a culture of safety within the health care setting. They are often the first to identify patterns of risk to patient safety and the processes or conditions that add to and decrease these risks.
HNN320 Medicine And Nursing Essay – Australia

This first HNN320 assessment piece is linked to the Unit Learning Outcome 1 and will provide an opportunity for you to examine particular structures and processes that affect the safety and quality of care delivery. This information will then be used as the back ground for the third HNN320 assessment AT3 where you will write a nurse led project proposal to address the risk to patient safety identified in this assignment.
Topic background:
This task requires you to identify and research a clinical situation that places the safety of a patient at potential risk. You may use an example you have been involved with or observed during clinical placement, or an area of clinical risk that you are interested in. Common areas of clinical risk include but are not limited to:
1. Falls
2. Delayed recognition of clinical deterioration
3. Pressure injury
4. Medication administration -> CHOSEN: Medication administration errors in aged care
5. Blood product administration
6. Fluid management
7. Hospital acquired infection
Task Description:
You are required to write an essay that explores one (1) clinical situation that places the safety of patients at risk.
Your introduction should include a clear identification of the clinical risk to be discussed and an explanation related to why this risk has been chosen.
The main body of the essay will focus on a review of the literature related to the risk and should include a discussion of the following points:
1. What is already known about this clinical risk? up to 300 words
-> Can refer to these question to write
- How common is the risk?
- Is it more common in some clinical settings than others?
- Is the prevalence in Australia the same or different to international statistics?
- What is the significance of the risk and outcomes for the patient/client?
2.The specific and general contributing factors to the risk
3.Suggestions made in the literature to prevent or minimise the clinical risk Your discussion should include solutions that already exist if they have succeeded or failed and what lessons you can learn from this.
Presentation requirements:
The School of Nursing and Midwifery follows the American Psychological Association (APA) 7 edition referencing style Presentation requirements of this referencing style are outlined below. For further detail regarding APA 7 referencing style.
Formatting of Title Page: Centred text alignment and double-line spacing.
Writing is to be in an accessible font. Examples of these include; 12-point type size Times New Roman.
11-point type
size Georgia.
11-point type
size Calibri.
11-point type
size Arial.
Ensure the same font is used consistently throughout the entire paper.
Double-line spacing (Do not insert extra lines between paragraphs or the references list entries.)
Page numbers
Page numbers to be provided on all pages except title page. Place page number in the top right hand corner
2.54 cm at the top bottom left-hand and right-hand sides of the page default page margin
HNN320 Medicine And Nursing Essay – Australia

Paragraph indents
Indent the first line of each paragraph 1.27 cm (using the tab key or paragraph tool).
Exceptions: abstract block quotations title page centred alignment titles and headings table titles and notes references hanging indent appendix labels and titles Consult with APA 7 style manual for specific detail).
Justification of text
All text needs to be aligned to the left not justified right margin remains un even
Word Count
Assignments must be no more than 10% of the indicated word count not including title page in-text citations and reference lists.
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