Purpose of assessment task
This assessment task will enable you to explore the nurse’s role in medication management, including safe administration practices, knowledge of risks such as medication errors, adverse effects and drug interactions.
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HNN215 Quality Use of Medicines Assessment-Deakin University Australia.

Topic background:
The most common treatment used in healthcare is the administration of medication.Medicines contribute to significant improvements in health when used appropriately. Unfortunately, medication administration can also be linked to an increase in adverse events potentially causing harm to patients whilst increasing healthcare costs. As nurses are primarily involved in the administration of medications across health care settings, it is their duty to the patient to know the actions and indications of all medications they administer,including dosage ranges, adverse reactions and the implications for the patient.
Instructions for this assessment task:
- Read the patient information and questions carefully
- Familiarise yourself with the online material on CloudDeakin and the material covered in the seminars
- Draw on theoretical concepts of the principles of quality use of medicines, legal/ethical requirements and the nurse’s role in patient education
- Access relevant contemporary literature to support your discussion. References should mainly include refereed journal articles.
Assignment case study:
Ms Angela Valencia, a 45 year old female, was admitted to Deakin Hospital two days ago for investigation of her abdominal pain. On admission, Ms Valencia was experiencing severe pain in the upper abdominal area (pain intensity score on the NRS = 8/10), she was vomiting, and she also had a fever. Ms Valencia explained that these symptoms had been present since
the 20th of April, “a few days” prior to seeking help. Ms Valencia also described not wanting to move from her bed due to the pain and feeling lethargic. In response to Ms Valencia’s immobility related to an acute illness, the admitting doctor has prescribed enoxaparin. An IV was inserted, and IV fluids commenced.
The abdo CT taken yesterday morning revealed that Ms Valencia has acute cholecystitis, and she was commenced on antibiotics on the 23rd of April for this.
Today the General Surgery Team have explained to Ms Valencia that she will require surgery to remove her inflamed and infected gallbladder. The surgery is scheduled for the afternoon list tomorrow, the 25th of April.
IV fluids, 0.9% NaCl with 30 mmol of potassium (K+) continue at a 125 mL/hr rate while Ms Valencia is nauseated and not drinking fluids.
HNN215 Quality Use of Medicines Assessment-Deakin University Australia.

Ms Valencia has the following past medical history:
• hypertension
• migraines
When you meet Ms Valencia, you note that she is drowsy but rousable and resting in bed. You take her observations and find:
Temperature: 38.7 degrees Celsius (tympanic)
Pulse: 105bpm (regular)
Respirations: 12 breaths/ min at rest
Blood pressure: 110/65 mmHg
SpO2: 97% on room air
Pain intensity score: 3/10 in upper right abdomen
Height: 168 cm
Weight: 110 kgs
Ms Valencia also informs you that she experienced her usual pre-migraine aura last evening and saw “flashes of light”, however her headache is much better this afternoon after some doses of chewable Disprin.
Q1. Assess Ms Valencia’s medication chart. With consideration to the case scenario, identify and explain two (2) significant risks that may be associated with the use of these medicines.
Q2. With consideration to the case scenario, describe the strategies a nurse may implement to prevent/manage the risks identified in Question 1.
Q3. The doctor has prescribed amoxicillin, a time dependent antibiotic, to be administered every six hours prior to surgery.
Explain why it is important to provide this medicine at the correct time. Your explanation should include relevant pharma cokinetic concepts.
Presentation requirements:
Title Page:
Include the following information on separate lines; Title of Paper (bold font),Student Name/s, University/Institution Name, Unit Code and Name, Facilitator Name, Due Date.
Formatting of Title Page: Centred text alignment and double-line spacing.
Writing is to be in an accessible font. Examples of these include;
12-point type size Times New Roman.
11-point type size Georgia.
11-point type size Calibri.
11-point type size Arial.
Ensure the same font is used consistently throughout the entire paper.
Double-line spacing (Do not insert extra lines between paragraphs or the reference list entries.)
Page numbers
Page numbers to be provided on all pages except front page. Place page number in the top right hand corner
2.54 cm at the top, bottom, left-hand, and right-hand sides of the page (default page margin).
Paragraph indents
Indent the first line of each paragraph 1.27 cm (using the tab key or paragraph tool).Exceptions: title page (centred alignment), titles and headings, table titles and notes,references (hanging indent)
(Consult with APA 7 style manual for specific detail).
HNN215 Quality Use of Medicines Assessment-Deakin University Australia.
Justification of text
All text needs to be aligned to the left, not justified (right margin remains uneven)
Word Count
Assignments must be no more than 10% of the indicated word count, not including title page, in-text citations and reference lists
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