Purpose of assessment task:
The purpose of this assessment task is to provide you with the opportunity to engage with key knowledge and skills drawn from each of the five Unit Learning Outcomes (ULOs) paying particular attention to ULO one two and three.This will allow you to demonstrate your ability to use this knowledge to organise and explain assessment findings using principles of anatomy physiology and pathophysiology and health assessment frame works. Completing this task will assist you to engage with and to demonstrate attainment of key knowledge and skills.
HNN114 Health Assessment-Deakin university Australia.

Topic background:
Health assessment is a foundational skill for nurses in all contexts of care. Assessment informs identification of patient problems in relation to risk, symptoms and patient function. Appropriate use of assessment data will assist students to further develop clinical decision making skills foundational to the provision of quality patient care.In your role as a student nurse, you will be asked to undertake elements of health assessments in a range of settings during your clinical placements.
Assignment Question / Task Description:
You are required to answer 5 questions that are presented as part of an ongoing case study. Each question draws on one of the first 5 weeks of content in this unit.
HNN114 Health Assessment-Deakin university Australia.
Week One – Focus: Abdominal Assessment Shift to shift Handover

Kaylene McCallum is a 64-year-old widow and a recently retired school teacher. She has a past history of hypertension, osteoporosis and asthma, which is usually well controlled with medication. She is normally active and enjoys swimming to keep fit and is looking forward to being able to take Sam on longer walks following her knee replacement.
Today you are looking after Kaylene, who is two days post-surgery. She is reporting bloating, generalised abdominal pain and mentions she has not used her bowels since the operation. Your facilitator explains that Kaylene may be experiencing constipation.

Week Two – Focus: Respiratory Assessment Shift to shift Handover

You have arrived for your shift and are looking after Kaylene as part of your patient allocation. A few hours into your shift you notice she has become short of breath (dysphonic), tachypnoeic (RR24) and has an audible respiratory wheeze.
HNN114 Health Assessment-Deakin university Australia.

Week Three – Focus: Cardiac Assessment Shift to shift Handover

You are halfway through your busy AM shift when you undertake a set of vital observations on Kaylene. You discover her blood pressure is 92/55 mmHg and she tells you that she feels a little light headed.

Week Four – Focus: Central Nervous System (CNS) Shift to shift Handover

You arrived at clinical placement for an AM shift and Kaylene has been allocated as one of your patients. Your facilitator asks you to assess Kaylene to assist in the planning of her care.

Week Five – Focus: Musculoskeletal

You arrived at clinical placement for an AM shift and Kaylene has been allocated as one of your patients. You have been assisting Kaylene with bed exercises as she recovers from her post-operative complications. Today you are required to assess her mobility status and her readiness to ambulate.

HNN114 Health Assessment-Deakin university Australia.
Instructions for this assessment task:
- Assignment is to be presented with the full text of each of the five questions as subheadings
- High quality references unit text other relevant texts peer reviewed journal articles are to be used in supporting your responses with a focus of quality over quantity
- You should aim to include references that are up-to-date and relevant to the details in the case study and questions.
- A cover page including:
- Student Name
- Student Number
- Assignment title
- Unit: HNN114
- Unit chair name
- Word count: (your word count – not the word limit)
- Writing should be in the third person
- APA 6 referencing required
- Do not include an introduction or conclusion
HNN114 Health Assessment-Deakin university Australia.

Presentation requirements:
Font: 12-point type size.Times or Times New Roman.
Spacing:Double-line spacing (Do not insert extra lines between paragraphs or the references list entries.)
Page numbers: Page numbers to be provided on all pages except front/cover page. Place page number in the top right-hand corner
Margins:2.54 cm at the top, bottom, left-hand, and right-hand sides of the page.
Paragraph indents: Indent the first line of each paragraph (using the tab key or paragraph tool). Exceptions: titles and headings
Justification of text: All text needs to be aligned to the left, not justified
Word Count 1500 words (+ or – 10%). Assignments must be no more than 10% of the indicated word
HNN114 Health Assessment-Deakin university Australia.
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