Assessment 2:
In this written assessment, you will formulate a plan of care attributed to a patient scenario using the clinical reasoning cycle. This will allow you to demonstrate your understanding of associated pathophysiology, pharmacology, development of patient goals, assessment, interventions and evaluation of care.
HNB2008 Evidence-Based Case Study Essay – Australia.

This is an individual assessment task based on a patient clinical scenario where you are expected to apply clinical reasoning and critical thinking to develop a plan of care. You need to draw upon knowledge gained through workshops, clinical labs, simulations and your own self-directed learning through your pre/post learning resources during the initial three (3) weeks of the unit as well and from Contemporary Nursing A & B, and Contemporary Nursing A & B Mental Health as well as Research and Evidence Based Practice.
Assessment Overview:
Key Assessment Information:
Overview: Case Study Essay
Length or Duration: 1500 (+/-10%)
Worth: 50%
The purpose of this assessment task is to:
1.Assist you in consolidating knowledge gained on the various focus topics relating to provision of evidence based care for patients with acute and chronic disorders.
2.Apply knowledge obtained through participation in workshops, clinical labs, simulations and your self-directed learning through your pre & post activities in problem solving and decision making in authentic clinical scenarios.
3.Reinforce theoretical underpinning of caring for patients with acute and chronic conditions prior to your professional experience placement (PEP).
learning outcomes that align to this task:
Learning Outcome 1 – Appraise knowledge and further expand clinical decision making through critical thinking and skills in contemporary nursing interventions in current health priorities;
Learning Outcome 2 – Integrate previous knowledge about pathophysiology and pharmacotherapeutics and quality use of medicines to utilise a systematic problem-solving and evidence-based approach in decision making about patients with acute, chronic and mental health
issues across the lifespan and cultural contexts;
Learning Outcome 4 – Analyse and reflect upon professional nursing practice and the safe delivery of ethical and culturally competent care within their current scope of practice as a student registered nurse.
Assessment details :
The written assessment task is related to a case scenario below . The context of the scenario will be based on disorders that have been covered in the first three weeks of the block, and from Contemporary Nursing A &
B, Contemporary Nursing A & B Mental Health.
The assessment piece should be developed with reference to the clinical reasoning cycle. Through application of critical thinking and clinical reasoning you are to explore the following points:
HNB2008 Evidence-Based Case Study Essay – Australia.

1.patient’s history, presenting problems and the related pathophysiological processes to identify priority problems
2.comprehensive assessment, i.e. specific observation, assessment tools and or tests
3.holistic plan of care is developed by setting specific goals
4.formulate nursing interventions and or treatments, with rationales and consider ways to evaluate the effectiveness of actions
5.consider relevance of specific nursing standards, code of conduct, code of ethics and legalities and relevant legislation
6.adherence to cultural awareness and diversity considerations
7.Consider patient-centred care, recovery-oriented and trauma-informed practice, patient/consumer
8.perspectives, and or lived experience research Consider current/future nursing practice and research implications
James Peter is a 54 year old male who has previously been diagnosed with anxiety and substance misuse of hero in intravenously. He had a recent episode of pneumonia and was treated with amoxicillin. James is a smoker (tobacco), and regularly drinks excessive amounts of alcohol. James has had issues with housing and is currently homeless. James has no close relationships with family except with his sister Sandra. He is divorced with two children who live interstate with their mother and stepfather. James is a former carpenter who saw a close friend and colleague die after suffering a workplace injury. James was also injured in the workplace incident and required surgery (open reduction, external fixation of left radius). Since then James has developed anxiety and began to regularly use cannabis and is now also using heroin. James was dismissed from his job and then his marriage also broke down leading to a divorce. After the divorce James
ended up homeless, staying with his sister or in the local men’s shelter He spends time with his sister who also engages in heavy drinking and cannabis use.
HNB2008 Evidence-Based Case Study Essay – Australia.
James initially presented to the GP with the infected right leg ulcer and was prescribed clarithromycin 500 mg BD PO for seven days but was non-cooperative with this treatment. James has now presented to the
Emergency Department (ED), with worsening infection in the leg ulcer, cellulitis, and increased pain. James went to theatre and had the ulcer debrided and has come into the vascular ward post-operatively.
James describes his mood as low and reports often feeling stressed and angry. He has previously been prescribed an antidepressant mirtazapine, although has stopped taking this medication, stating it doesn’t
work. He also takes oxazepam when able to get a script. He has inconsistently been on a suboxone program, but this has not been charted on this admission yet. When James arrives on the ward he is initially stable with his vital signs and comfortable.
As the shift progresses he reports increased pain as the local anaesthesia given in theatre is starting to wear off. James is becoming agitated and demanding pain relief and beer. He is prescribed 1g paracetamol, 5 mg
oxycodone 6hrly PRN. James’ sister is visiting and when you are assessing James you notice that his breath smells of alcohol. You speak with Nurse in Charge (NIC), about this and are told that James is an attention
seeker, and that he can’t be in that much pain as he had morphine in theatre. In the meantime James is becoming increasingly verbally aggressive and his sister is increasingly belligerent towards you. James is
now attempting to pull off the wound dressing and yelling out that he is in pain.
Case Study Question:
How would you as the Registered Nurse manage this situation?
In your answer you will need to consider the Registered Nurse Standards for Practice (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia [NMBA], 2016), and relevant legislation.
(The clinical reasoning cycle & essay key points will also be interwoven into below structure).
Your case-study essay should be structured as follows:
1.Start by setting the context and providing relevant background information.
2.Include a statement that is a response to the case-study-essay question, and that summarises the main aim or points of the case-study essay.
3.Outline the main ideas to be discussed in the case-study essay, in the order they appear in the body of the essay.
- Each paragraph should cover a single idea expressed in a topic sentence, followed by supporting evidence and examples from contemporary academic literature, including peer-reviewed journal articles.
- Restate your essay question, and sum up your main points
This is an academic assignment; therefore, academic standards inclusive of grammar, sentence structure, paraphrasing and APA 7th edition referencing for both in-text citations and referencing apply.
All written assessments must align to the following academic standards:
1.use high-level quality contemporary evidence-based literature to inform the discussion and critical analysis, date of evidence within five years;
2.use of the third person, unless specifically indicated otherwise;
3. APA 7th edition for in-text citations and reference list;
4.the following structure: an introduction, body and conclusion or as per directions in the assessment instructions;
5.adherence to the word count; ten percent allowed either side of word count;
6.a 12 size font in either Arial, Times New Roman or Calibri;
7.1.5 line spacing; and
8.submitted using an MS word document only.
All assessments should have a title page that specifies:
1.Unit Code & Unit Name
2.Student Name
3.Student Identification number
4.Title of assignment
5.An accurate word count that includes in-text citations, but excludes the reference section at the end of the essay
HNB2008 Evidence-Based Case Study Essay – Australia.

Instructions :
To get started on your assessment task, please follow the below instructions.
1.Read through the case study, essay instructions and rubric for this assessment task
2.Use the above essay structure, clinical reasoning cycle and essay key points to plan your essay. Use to guide your essay.
3.Write your essay using contemporary evidence-based literature and alignment with academic standards
4.Check for similarity using Urkund system
5.Submit your work before the due date by following the submission instructions below
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