Subject Code & Title : HLTWHS003 Maintain Work Health And Safety
The assessment for this unit is split into sections.
1.Theory Questions
2.Projects (2 in total)
3.Supporting documents
Each section needs to be completed in full and deemed satisfactory before a competency decision can be made by your Assessor. All work must be your own, any plagiarism identified may affect your enrolment into the course. Each section has individual instructions so please check these carefully
each time.
HLTWHS003 Maintain Work Health And Safety Assessment Tool – Australia.

The assessment sheets will track the satisfactory progress through each section while your competency declaration will be made directly into your electronic enrolment.
Sections may be completed in any order under direction from your Assessor. One section does not have to be completed to start or continue working on another. Sections may be worked on concurrently.
The information for each assessment section will be provided to you in advance. A proposed Due Date will be negotiated to guide you through to the completion of your assessment.
If at any time you require additional support, please do not hesitate to speak to your Assessor or our office.
Below is a guide for when each section is due to be completed. Keep track of your progress by filling in the actual date your work was submitted.

Instructions: Complete the answer for each question in your own words. Unless advised in the questions itself there is no specific word limit however all aspects of each question must be addressed. The size of the answer box provided does not necessarily indicate the length of the
required answer.
If you refer to a source document, please ensure that it is noted appropriately. DO NOT copy and paste information without referencing.
You may write your answers on a separate sheet of paper, if so please ensure to include the question number for easy reference. Use only blue or black pen. You may also complete the assessment electronically.
Your Assessor will verify the answers supplied through conversations held during monthly meetings, they may request you to orally recount or explain your answer.
HLTWHS003 Maintain Work Health And Safety Assessment Tool – Australia.

This section of the assessment is not complete until all questions have been answered in full and deemed satisfactory by the Assessor.
1.Who is the WHS regulatory authority for WA?.
2.What are the rights and responsibilities of a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU)?
3.What are the expectations for officers and workers?
4.What is the duty of care regarding WHS for a PCBU?
5.What are the legislative requirements for WHS record-keeping and reporting?
6.What is the regulation that governs the child care industry?
7.How is WHS covered and supported in the regulations?
8.Describe the meaning of a “hazardous manual task”
9.List hazardous manual tasks that might be undertaken in your work role.
10.Describe the procedure for infection control in your workplace.
11.Complete the following table for at least five common workplace hazards.
Identify the hazard and provide information on how it can cause harm.

12.List the procedures you use to identify hazards within your service.
13.Describe the process of risk assessment?
14.What is residual risk?
15.What is the definition of risk control?
16.What is the hierarchy of control? Draw a diagram to support your description.
17.List the emergency procedures you have in your workplace.
18.Using one procedure from Q17 describe what the procedure is and the steps you are required to take to follow it.
19.List the policies and procedures you currently have in your workplace for WHS
20.Using one procedure from Q18 describe what the procedure is and the steps you are required to take to follow it.
21.Describe how you regularly provide information on your WHS policy and procedures to your work team.
Instructions: Identifying hazards and controlling risks is the responsibility of every person in a work place. Complete the below steps to demonstrate how you are able to contribute to the safety of your workplace.
You may demonstrate your ability to complete this project using evidence from your current workplace provided they include all the required information. Use the tool provided below to check and see if workplace evidence is suitable. Evidence may include:
Completed risk assessment
Take 5 assessment
Hazard checklist
Safety checklist
Using either the template below or workplace evidence, please provide three samples.

Instructions: It’s important to ensure that all staff within the service are aware of their WHS obligations. As a Diploma qualified leader, you must be able to provide information on WHS to the team, demonstrate good housekeeping and correct use of PPE so that all staff can be aware of their
responsibilities. You must also monitor to prove WHS standards are being maintained on an ongoing basis.
To affectively communicate to your team, please write a presentation that you will give to other staff. This can be as a group presentation (such as a staff meeting), or a one on one discussion. If you regularly complete this as part of a staff meeting, please provide the staff meeting minutes clearly
identifying the activities and demonstrations undertaken.
HLTWHS003 Maintain Work Health And Safety Assessment Tool – Australia.

Your presentation must be completed at least twice over time.
You may use the tool provided to build your presentation. Attach a copy of your presentation here.
Instructions: Provide at least example of each document as listed below. If a certain number of examples are requested, please ensure all are provided. All documents provided must be your own work as directed by the context of the unit.
This section of assessment is only complete once all documents have been supplied and deemed satisfactory by the Assessor.
Supporting documents may be sent electronically or be provided in hard copy.

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