Assessment 2: Community Health Assessment Report
Weighting: 55% of final grade
Length: 2000 words
Feedback: Feedback for this assignment will be provided on the feedback rubric, a copy of which is included in the course assessment folder in the course online resources.
HLTH 1036 Community Health Assignment Report-South Australia University
Students will undertake an assessment of the City of Horizon. Students will
choose ONE health issue from the list provided and discuss the implications of that issue for the Horizon community. In addition, the assessment will consider roles of the Registered Nurse in advocating, mediating and enabling health promotion for the issue chosen.
Use the template provided on the learn online site to complete your report. The report will contain the following:
Introduction: The introduction should introduce the purpose and
objectives of the report using relevant literature and outline the structure of the report including scope and limitations.
Part A: Assessment:
In Part A your task is to complete an assessment of the City of Horizon. Your assessment will include an analysis of the social,cultural and psychological factors that impact up on the health of the community such as, education level, employment, occupations, income, housing, transport,communication networks, volunteer groups, social support services, community groups
and organisations, health and emergency services, law enforcement and government and leadership arrangements.
Part B: Health issue: Select ONE (1) health issue for the Horizon
community from the list below. Explain how the chosen issue is linked to the social determinants of health and why the health issue is of concern for the Horizon community taking into consideration your assessment. Refer to at least two (2) sources of academic literature to inform your responses.
Health Issue 1: Cardiovascular disease
Health Issue 2: Diabetes
Health Issue 3: Cancer
Health Issue 4: Respiratory disease
HLTH 1036 Community Health Assignment Report-South Australia University
Part C: The role of the Registered Nurse in health promotion:
Define each of the 3 key strategies of enablement, advocacy, and mediation. Describe how each of these strategies can be used by the Registered Nurse to respond to the chosen health issue for the Horizon Community. Refer to the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion (WHO 1986), the Registered Nurse Standards for Practice (NMBA 2016) and at least two (2) sources of academic literature to inform your responses.
Conclusion: The conclusion should provide a summary of key points,
indicate the significance of the information in the report and outline
any recommendations. It should demonstrate what you have learned in relation to community health or public health.
Reference List: References are to be listed in alphabetical order at the conclusion of the report as per UniSA (2021) Harvard Referencing Guide
HLTH 1036 Community Health Assignment Report-South Australia University
Assignment 2 template/feedback form can be found in the assessment folder.
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