ASSESSMENT TASK 1 – Case studies and written Assessment
Context and Conditions of Assessment – Information for Students
This assessment will ensure that the elements, performance criteria, performance evidence and knowledge evidence required, and conditions are adhered to demonstrate competency in this unit assessment task.
Read the assessment carefully before commencing.
This is an open book assessment and students can complete this in their own time outside of the Institute or at Menzies Institute Nursing Campus on 355 Spencer Street West Melbourne or 398 Spencer Street West Melbourne.
You must answer ALL the questions correctly in the assessment tasks in your own words and own handwriting.
This assessment will be required to be completed and submitted when it is due.
Your Trainer / Assessor will inform you of the due date for this assessment task.
Your Assessor will grade as either S – Satisfactory or NS – Not Satisfactory for the assessment. In all cases your Assessor will provide you with feedback.
Only when all assessment tasks have been graded as S – Satisfactory you will be deemed C – Competent in the final result of the unit of competency; if you do not satisfactorily complete all the assessment tasks you will be deemed NYC – Not Yet Competent.
HLTENN008 Legal & Ethical Parameters To Nursing Practice Task

Assessment Appeal – Information for Students
- Students have access to an assessment appeals process to challenge the outcome within 20 working days of the assessment decision being made.
- The appeal is required to be submitted in writing with relevant evidence documentation provided.
- The Institute will respond within 3 working days of the receipt of appeal to confirm it has been received.
- The Institute will review the appeal and inform student of the outcome within 10 working days of the receipt of appeal.
- The outcome will outline information on student’s next steps including process for further appeal process.
Reasonable Adjustments – Information for Students
- Reasonable adjustment refers to adjustments made for students with a disability, condition or special learning need.
- Students can make a request for reasonable adjustment during their enrolment.
- Each case is considered individually, and the all relevant circumstances are considered in making the decision
- The Institute reserves the right, after the review of the needs of the student with a disability, to not provide services that would impose unjustifiable hardship upon the Institute, or the activities provided during the course of operations.
- The range of reasonable adjustments made may include (but not limited to):
• the use or loan of adaptive/assistive technology or equipment for use by people with a disability or illness to enable them to undertake their training/assessment in a fair and equitable manner (e.g. seating, personal computer access)
• alternative methods of assessment (e.g. verbal assessment, practical demonstration)
• individual conditions of assessment (e.g. seating arrangements, additional 10 minutes per hour, toilet/rest/exercise breaks, bite sized food/drink)
• accessible learning formats (e.g. large print materials, coloured exam paper)
• referral to additional services.
Re-Assessment Conditions and Plagiarism, Collusion and Cheating – Information for Students Re-Assessment Process
- If the evidence is graded as NS – Not Satisfactory you will be required to re-submit the evidence. In this case, you will be provided with clear and constructive feedback based on the assessment decision so that they can improve your skills / knowledge prior to reassessment.
- You will only need to be reassessed on the questions that you were deemed NS.
- Where a ‘NS – Not Satisfactory’ judgement is made, you will be given guidance on steps to take to improve your performance and provided the opportunity to resubmit evidence to demonstrate competence. The assessor will determine and discuss the reasons for NS – Not Satisfactory on any of the criteria and will assess you through a different method of assessment e.g. verbal/oral questioning, problem solving exercises,
- You will be notified within 10 working days of undertaking an assessment of your result in achieving competency
o If a student does not complete the assessment, they should notify their trainer as to why they did not complete the assessment and if due to illness, a medical certificate must be produced and apply for Special Consideration in accordance to MITP91 Special Consideration Policy and Procedure.
o In the above scenario, student will be given an opportunity for reassessment within 5 working days with no reassessment fee charged.
o Students who are deemed to be Not Yet Competent (NYC) will be provided with information identifying the areas in which they failed to achieve competency. Students will then have the opportunity to repeat the assessment task and relevant reassessment fees will apply for the unit.
o If a student is deemed NYC in the reassessment, then the student is required to reenrol for the entire unit of competency and relevant re enrolment fees will apply for the unit.

HLTENN008 Apply Legal & Ethical Parameters To Nursing Practice Assignment-Menzies Institute Of Technology Australia.
Plagiarism, Collusion and Cheating
Plagiarism means: taking someone’s words, ideas, work or other materials and present them as your own.
Collusion means: understanding or agreement between two or more people to intentionally cooperate and gain an unfair advantage in assessment.
Cheating means: seeking to obtain an unfair advantage in an examination or assessment.
If a student is found to be cheating, plagiarising or colluding during their assessment, the student will immediately be deemed NS for the assessment task. The student will have to follow the reassessment process and relevant reassessment fees will apply for the unit.
o If the student is found to be plagiarising, cheating or colluding again after the initial instance, the student will be deemed NYC for the entire unit of competency. The student will be required to reenrol for the entire unit of competency and relevant re enrolment fees will apply for the unit.
o Any further instances of plagiarism, cheating or collusion will result in the suspension or cancellation of the student’s enrolment
o The Institute has intervention strategies, including student support services available to enable students to complete qualification in the expected time frame. Students at risk of not completing within this time frame are identified as early as possible and an intervention strategy is put in place. All students are encouraged to speak to the trainer/assessor and/or Student Services Coordinator in regard to any issues about their course.
HLTENN008 Legal & Ethical Parameters To Nursing Practice Task
The Institute will ensure access to:
- Resources required for completion of this assessment task such as:
– classroom and study areas
– access to additional resources and references for research and completing the questions
Evidence to be submitted by the student:
Completed written responses to all questions in the assessment task
Assessment Decision Making Rules
Your assessor will be looking for the following in this assessment task:
- Correctly answering all questions in this task.
- Your assessor may seek additional information or clarification from you of questions that you may not have answered fully.
Assessment Task 1 – Case Studies and Written Assessment
Case Scenario: 1
Mrs. xxx is a 52 years old woman admitted last evening from the Post Anaesthetic Care Unit (PACU).She underwent an abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral oophorectomy. Due to the surgery, she went on terminal ill stage.
She and her husband decided to sign an advance care directive towards her end of life stage post-surgery due to her progressive cancer condition. They think this whole process is painful and do not want any further diagnostic
or surgical procedures and prefer comfort measures only towards the end of life pathway, including not for resuscitation as well if needed.
xxx has a Patient Controlled Analgesia (PCA) pump which you note has locked her out. She is holding her abdomen & moaning in pain. You attempt to conduct a pain assessment but realise that xxx has limited English skills and does not understand your questions and having trouble to express her condition. During your assessment, you discover that there is only about 75 mls of urine in her drainage is hypertensive & tachycardic.
The Issue
You find that your supervising nurse in the coffee room having a video call with his friends. Justin is a new graduate & has just started working on the surgical unit. You congratulate him on his achievement & he replies: “I don’t want to do this and never wanted to be a nurse. But I didn’t get into Paramedics, so I’m stuck here”. You decide to ignore this comment & report xxx condition. You emphasise that she is in pain and has locked herself out of her pump. You think it may be due to lack of understanding and limited English skills or knowledge towards the procedure, and significant breakthrough pain.
Justin’s response is to dismiss your concerns by saying: “She is 12 hours post-op. Of course, she is going to have pain. Don’t worry about it. She will feel better tomorrow”. His response to her decreased output is “open up the IV & give her a couple of hundred boluses”.Moreover, he started making fun of Mrs xxx limited English with his friends who were already on a video call with him over the phone.
You then request that Justin supervise you while performing a bladder scan because you have never done it before. His response is: “go read the procedure manual. You’ll be fine”.
With increasing frustration, you assertively request that Justin assess the patient himself. He tells you that he will be there “in a while” after he has finished reading the paper. When he finally arrives 15 minutes later, he greets xxx with: “So what’s up lovey? Did you think that you wouldn’t have pain after an operation”?
xxx husband & children arrive at just that moment. There is a look of horror on their faces as they see their wife & mother in such a bursts into tears & begins telling her family what has been happening. Their look of horror rapidly changes to anger. Justin answers their question about what is happening with a full description of the surgery she has had & why. The children obviously did not know that xxx had cancer and immediately became distressed as she and her husband earlier decided not to have informed them regarding her cancer treatment and End of life pathway.
Justin reluctantly recalibrates the PCA & xxx pain decreases. You suggest that she needs something besides Morphine for breakthrough pain. Justin claims he has never heard of such a thing.
1.Questions to Answer by the student:
A. As described in the scenario, what was Justin’s expected duty of care. Answer in 25- 40 words. Duty of care is defined as the responsibility of a person or business to act as a reasonable person would act in a similar situation. A person who violates his duty of care by acting in a negligent or reckless matter is then liable for any harm that another person suffers because of his behaviour. Justin is negligible as he is careless of his duty. He is not interested in explaining the processes to the training staff. He is least interested in giving care as well.
B.Did Justin fulfil his legal and ethical responsibility as a professional nurse under state/national legislation? Explain in 100-120 words
C. Briefly explain the code of ethics and code of professional conduct for nurses in Australia? 40- 70 words.
D. What was clinically wrongdoing been advised by Justin, which is against the code of practice? 30-60 words.
E. Answer the following questions.
i. Where did Justin performed the act of discrimination and deprived Mrs Chen from the basic health care right? 60 – 80 words.
ii. What implications may Justin face due to this discrimination act? Write any three.
F. What act of Justin was a breach of informed consent and privacy/confidentiality?25- 50 word
G. What is guardianship in health care settings? Considering the above situation describe Medical power of attorney, advance care directive, and living will? 150- 200 words
H. Briefly explain life prolonging treatment and write two examples.
I. Define the use of social media policy in the health care environment and based on a given scenario,explain the legal and ethical issues of social media policy in regards of maintaining patient confidentiality Answer in 100-150 words.
J. Who has authority over not to resuscitation orders? Does Mr and Mrs Chen have rights to refuse treatment regardless it is still treatable? 60 – 100 words
HLTENN008 Legal & Ethical Parameters To Nursing Practice Task
Case scenario 2
A patient died due to the negligence of a nurse, where the hospital is equally responsible for this tragic incident as they hired an incompetent nurse to perform the duty of care. Patients family decide to initiate a law suit based on finding during coroner’s investigation. The patient’s family made complain that the nurse tried to reach them through a close source and insisted on backing off from legal actions.
2.Define who is coroner and when coroner’s inquest required. Based on the above case scenario, describe the following terminologies. Answer in 150-250 words.
vicarious Liability,
expert witness
3.Answer the following questions.
A. Briefly explain civil, criminal, common, and statute law? 150- 180 words
B. Draw the Hierarchy of court system in Australia?
C. What are precedents and sources of law? 80 – 120 words
HLTENN008 Legal & Ethical Parameters To Nursing Practice Task

Case scenario 3
Mrs XXX is an 84-year-old woman admitted a week ago from her residential aged care facility. She had a fall while walking unassisted and sustained a fractured neck of femur (NOF). A surgical attempt to repair the fracture has failed, and Gloria can no longer mobilise.
XXX was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s dementia eight years ago and has become progressively more confused and disoriented. She has no idea where she is and frequently screams, cries and physically abuses staff. Her family state that: “Mum would be devastated to be seen like this. She is the most gentle of souls and loves everybody. She has cared for others all her life”.
XXX is now developing a decubitus ulcer on her sacrum due to her immobility. Nurses have attempted to prevent deterioration with meticulous care. Still, XXX refuses to change position and claims that nurses are trying to kill her by kicking and punching her during care.
XXX family raised some concerns that her food items are kept getting missing from her room without any consumption. During that conversation, Nurse in charge informed them as well that she has recently developed large bruises over her wrists and shoulder. However, it is quite normal, nothing to worry about, it is mainly due to the use of lifting sling hoist during transfer and will resolve by itself in a few weeks.
Her family also worried as she has been kept most of the time in her room, left alone, and been refused to take out in the common area to get along with other residents. Where care staff were insisting as she was a danger to other fellow residents, and they are scared to be around her when they knew she physically abused one of the staff members.
XXX has a history of congestive heart failure and is on drugs to control it. However, her immobility and the trauma of surgery combined with her fear of everyone around her has led to exacerbation.XXX vital signs are unstable, and her O2 sats are dropping. She has a productive cough with thick yellowish sputum & is extremely SOB. Chest x-ray reveals a LLL pneumonia.
When XXX was first diagnosed with dementia, she wrote an advanced directive stipulating that she was not to be resuscitated if the circumstances were dire. She understood that she would probably die in a very confused state and not be able to make independent decisions.
XXX family is aware of her wishes and supported the DNR directive in a family conference.
One of the Nurse Mandy describes how disgusted she is by the family’s actions and accuses them of elder abuse. Mandy is adamant that everyone has a right to life and that the doctors should be reported for their inaction. She continues to denigrate the family, the medical staff and the Australian legal system for failure to protect a vulnerable elder person. You attempt to discuss the advanced directive which identifies XXX wishes, but Mandy refuses to listen and states that she was probably demented when she signed it & it is no longer valid.
Three hours later, you find XXX in acute respiratory distress. She is pale, diaphoretic & cyanotic. Her respirations are laboured and noisy. You report to Mandy and request that she give Gloria a PRN dose of morphine to ease her dyspnoea. Mandy again starts to rant and refuses to administer the drug. Her position is based on her belief that morphine will kill XXX by depressing her respiratory effort, and she does not want to be an accessory to murder.
While you are at lunch, the inevitable happens and XXX arrests. As you walk into her room, you see Mandy kneeling on the bed performing chest compressions. She orders you to activate the emergency buzzer and start bagging XXX.You look at her in amazement and wonder what you are supposed to do now.
4.Answer the following questions.
A. What is mandatory reporting, and what are circumstances or situation when mandatory reporting must have done? 75- 100 words
B.i. What is the law of tort? Answer in 30-50 words.
ii. Considering the above case scenario, what are some major concerns of Mrs XXX How they fit in under the law of torts? Answer in 100-200 words.
iii. Explain different law of torts consider above case scenario, e.g., negligence, trespass, assault and battery, consent.
HLTENN008 Legal & Ethical Parameters To Nursing Practice Task
iv. Do you ignore Mrs XXX statement regarding staff hitting her due to dementia? Explain why or why not. Answer in 50-100 words.
v. Mrs XXX already signed and gave consent related to her advance care directive at initial diagnosed.Does her family or nursing staff have the authority to change her wishes due to her clinical and intellectual incapacity? Explain why or why not and who has legal and capacity for that. Answer in 100- 150 words.
vi. Explain false imprisonment, and restraint considering XXX situation, and her rights and dignity on it.Moreover, is it right to share incidents regarding Gloria to fellow residents, staff or any person for their safety? Answer in 50-100 words.
C. Define open disclosure? When has this process been practiced in the above case scenario? 60-80 words
D.What is a conscientious objection? Give an example from the above case scenario? 100- 150 words
5.Define bioethics and discuss the following as an ethical issue Answer in 200-300 words.
organ donation
6.What is the nursing code of ethics, and define a key element in ethical principles and decision-making style, including autonomy, justice, veracity, beneficence, and non-maleficence? 200- 300 words
7.Answer the following questions.
A. What is the role of NMBA in nursing practice?
B. Write down NMBA enrolled nurse competency standards?
C. What are professional boundaries and equal opportunity of practice mean? 60- 80 words
D. Is it important for nurses to registered before practice? What nurses have to do to maintain their recency of practice?200-300 words
8.Answer the following questions.
A. What is the purpose of Health Practitioner Regulation National Law in Australia and when it has been formed? 30- 60 words
B. Name eight National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards.
C. what is the difference between license and permit of Medicine and poisons substance, and who controls it.75- 100 words
HLTENN008 Legal & Ethical Parameters To Nursing Practice Task
D. When mental health and aged care act has been passed, and what is the purpose? Answer in 75- 100 words
E. What is the benefit of the privacy act and health care record act in health care settings? 60-80 words.
F. What is the purpose of carers recognition act, and does it cover disability discrimination as well? 40- 60 words
G.Serious criminal offences come under what act? Does it protect children and young people as well? 20-40 words
H. Is it OK that anyone can commence work with children under the age of 18 in Victoria? Write the names of working with children act for each state. What if someone wants to bring young children to the workplace due to any circumstances? 100-150 words.
HLTENN008 Apply Legal & Ethical Parameters To Nursing Practice Assignment-Menzies Institute Of Technology Australia.

I. What was the purpose of work health and safety legislation, and who regulates it in Victoria? 60 – 80 words.
9.Answer the following questions.
A.As per the decision-making framework flowchart before commencing an activity, what risk assessment needs to be considered by EN or RN? 30- 50 words.
B. During decision making what three things need to consider by a nurse as a self-evaluation process.
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