Subject Code & Title :- HLTAID004 Provide An Emergency First Aid Response In An Education And Care Setting
Assignment Type :- Assessment
Provide an emergency first aid response in an education and care setting
PART 1 – Questions(1 – 5)
Your task is to write a report outlining the emergency response for the following problems. Please
ensure you provide enough detail to replicate the procedures.
HLTAID004 Education And Care Setting Assessment – Australia.

Abdominal injuries
Basic care of a wound
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3.Burns and scalds
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4.Cardiac conditions including chest pain
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5.Crush injuries
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Questions (6 – 10)
HLTAID004 Provide An Emergency First Aid Response In An Education And Care Setting Assessment – Australia.
Provide an emergency first aid response in an education and care setting 6 Diabetes
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9.Environmental impact including hypothermia hyperthermia dehydration and heat stroke
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10.Eye and ear injuries
Provide an emergency first aid response in an education and care setting
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Questions (11 – 16)
11.Head neck and spinal injuries
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12.Minor skin injuries
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13.Needle stick injuries
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14.Poisoning and toxic substances (at least one response)
Provide an emergency first aid response in an education and care setting
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15.Stroke including if the casualty is conscious or unconscious.
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HLTAID004 Education And Care Setting Assessment – Australia.
Part 2 (Questions 1 – 5)
Your task is to answer the following questions briefly.
1.Outline the ARC Guidelines for provision of CPR and first aid to infants, children and adults.
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Provide an emergency first aid response in an education and care setting
2.Outline the guidelines from the ARC for airway management
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3.Outline the safe work practices to minimize risks and potential hazards whilst performing first
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4.What are the first aid requirements for services under the Education and Care Services National Law?
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5.Discuss the infection control principles and procedures, including use of standard precautions.
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Provide an emergency first aid response in an education and care setting
Questions (6 – 10)
6.What are the requirements for the currency of skill and knowledge?
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HLTAID004 Education And Care Setting Assessment – Australia.
7.What is the purpose of debriefing after a first aid emergency?
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8.What are the psychological effects of witnessing an injury or illness on children?
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9.What are your duty of care requirements whilst performing first aid?
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10.Why is it important to behave respectfully towards all casualties?
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Questions(11 – 16)
11.Why should you understand what your skills and abilities are before performing first aid on a
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12.What is informed consent and why should you gain consent where possible prior to performing
first aid?
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13.What are your privacy and confidentiality requirements when working with a casualty?
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Provide an emergency first aid response in an education and care setting
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14.What do you need to be aware of when providing first aid?
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15.How would you recognise when a person is not breathing normally?
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Questions(16 – 21)
16.Briefly discuss the anatomy and physiology of the chest.
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17.Discuss the anatomy and physiology of the infant respiratory system and outline the implications for provision of CPR.
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Provide an emergency first aid response in an education and care setting
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18.What are the basic anatomical differences between adults and children, and the implications
for the provision of first aid?
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19.What are the normal clinical values for children?
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20.Outline the anatomy and physiology as it relates to response/consciousness.
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21.Outline the anatomy and physiology as it relates to the upper airway and effect of positional
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Assessment Task 3 – Written Task
Questions(1 – 5)
1.What are 5 circumstances in which you would call triple zero (000) for an ambulance?
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2.What do risks/hazards generally include?
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3.What are the two stages of casualty assessment and what do they involve?
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Provide an emergency first aid response in an education and care setting
4.Why should you assess an emergency situation before attending to the casualty?
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5.Define what cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is.
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Questions(6 – 10)
6.What are the aims of first aid?
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7.What are 5 things you can do to ensure your casualty feels safe, secure and supported?
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Provide an emergency first aid response in an education and care setting
8.Why do you need to obtain consent from the casualty, caregiver, registered medical practitioner or medical emergency services?
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9.What available resources and equipment would you use to care for a 2nd degree burn?
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10.Describe 2 types of barrier devices used by lay rescuers.
Questions (11 -15)
11.What are the most noticeable signs and symptoms of Anaphylaxis?
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12.What are the common causes of low blood sugar levels in diabetics?
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Provide an emergency first aid response in an education and care setting
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13.Once you have connected with the emergency service operator and requested an ambulance
what details would you tell them?
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14.Why is it important to record details of the casualty’s physical condition and any changes?
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15.What are 6 things the record log look should include?
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16.When you are recording the details regarding the physical condition of the casualty how do you need to write and what do you need to include?
Provide an emergency first aid response in an education and care setting
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17.How can you breach confidentiality?
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18.People usually become physically aroused in highly stressful situations. What are the 7 common physical symptoms?
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19.What are 5 common reactions to trauma?
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20.After witnessing an accident or being involved in providing first aid how might some people
Provide an emergency first aid response in an education and care setting
21.Where might someone find their workplace policies and procedures?
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22.How would you minimise the below risks:
A chair with a wobbly leg
An electrical cord is frayed
The corner of the floor mat is turned up
A nail is sticking out of a drawer
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23.What are the 3 questions you should ask yourself when assessing risk?
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24.How do you assess a casualty’s responsiveness, airway and breathing?
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25.In CPR what is the chest compression to breath ratio you should perform for an adult?
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Questions(26 – 32)
26.You can only use an adult AED on persons over eight years of age. What should be used for
persons under eight years of age?
HLTAID004 Education And Care Setting Assessment – Australia.
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27.What is a verbal secondary survey?
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28.What care and treatment should you apply to a minor eye injury?
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HLTAID004 Education And Care Setting Assessment – Australia.

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Provide an emergency first aid response in an education and care setting
29.When reporting an incident/injury what should you record?
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HLTAID004 Education And Care Setting Assessment – Australia.
30.What does duty of care require care providers, teachers and support workers to do?
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Questions(31 – 32)
31.What are the specific considerations when using an AED on children aged between 1 and 8
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32.List the steps involved in using an adrenaline injector for anaphylaxis.
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