Working with Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults online module:A hurdle task is a task or activity that is marked on a pass/fail basis and is required to pass the unit but does not contribute to the final grade.
Due date: Week 8
Length and/or format: Online Module
HLSC111 Trans theoretical Model Of Change Essay-Australian Catholic University Australia.

Purpose:To provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate understanding of issues in working with vulnerable groups in our population and who they will work with as health professionals.
Learning outcomes assessed:The assessment task addresses LO6
How to submit: Students will complete this assessment task by linking to the hurdle task on the LEO Assessments tile. Students are required to submit the certificates of completion into the drop box in the LEO home page once completed.
Return of assignment: Students will receive immediate feedback and results as they complete and submit each sub-module.
Assessment criteria: Students need to submit their certificate of completion before 11.59pm on 21/09/2020 AEST via LEO.
Please include the word count of your assignment on the front page of your assignment or in a header. Please note that in-text citations are included in the word count whilst the reference list is not included in the word count. Words that are more than 10% over the word count will not be considered for marking. Please see further information in the section below titled ‘Word Count’.
ASSIGNMENT 1: Online Quiz
Graded (Summative) Quiz:
Due date: 9am – 11.59pm 6/09/2020 AEST
Weighting: 20% (Summative Quiz only – practice quizzes do not contribute to this grade)
Length and/or format: Online Quiz
Purpose: The practice quizzes will allow students to track and review their learning without academic penalty. The summative quiz will enable the students to review and demonstrate unit knowledge – this quiz is weighted and will contribute to the final unit grade.
Learning outcomes assessed: This assessment task assesses LO1, LO2, LO3
How to submit: The quizzes are completed online on LEO Return of assignment: Results will be available via LEO Grade book
Assessment criteria: Students will receive a raw score grade out of 5 marks for the practice quizzes and a weighted grade out of 20 marks
for the summative quiz.
Written Assessment: You are required to write a formal academic essay. The essay will require an introduction, body, conclusion and reference list. All in-text citations must have a corresponding entry in the reference list. You are required to use APA (6th or 7th ed.) referencing for your essay, citing evidence in your essay and constructing your reference list.
Weighting: 30%
Length and/or format: 1,500 words +/- 10%
Purpose: The aim of this essay is to enable students to demonstrate
an understanding of and ability to apply the Trans theoretical Model of Change (Stages of Change Model) within an evidence-based framework. In addition to this, students will identify components of Motivational Interviewing which could be utilised to assist with enabling a patient to change their health behaviours.
Learning outcomes assessed: This assessment task assesses LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4
How to submit: Students will submit their assessment to LEO via Turnitin.
You should submit your final draft to Turnitin well in advance of the due date (ideally, several days before) to ensure that you get your Turnitin originality report and have time to work on any issues identified by Turnitin Return of assignment: The assignment will be returned via Turnitin on LEO with a grade and feedback summary.
HLSC111 Trans theoretical Model Of Change Essay-Australian Catholic University Australia.
Assessment criteria:Students will receive a score out of 100% – see rubric Appendix A
Rebecca is a 50-year-old female who has been admitted to a surgical ward for a total knee replacement (TKR). Rebecca weighs 150kg. You are a Registered Nurse working on this ward and you have been allocated to care for Rebecca and be her primary nurse for the next week whilst she is on this ward.
Rebecca states to you, “I’ve been worried about my health, my weight and my knees as I’ve been obese for many years. I love food and I can’t stop eating. I eat all the time, in particular, I eat really unhealthy fattening foods. Food makes me feel happy when I feel sad, stressed or worried. I now don’t feel I can hold my own weight up any longer and my knees are giving way. I know I need to change some things and my GP is encouraging me to address my obesity. I want to change. I want to lose weight and be skinner and healthier so I don’t have to have any more surgeries. However, I’m not sure what to do about all of this. Can you please help me?”.
You decide that Rebecca is in Stage 3, the Preparation stage of the Trans theoretical Model of Change. You decide that you need to use Motivational Interviewing techniques to assist Rebecca to move into Stage 4, the Action stage. You are aware that you only have one week to have an impact on Rebecca so that she can have better health outcomes. In your essay you need to explain how you will do this, whilst backing up your
arguments with current research.
HLSC111 Trans theoretical Model Of Change Essay-Australian Catholic University Australia.
The current stages of the Transtheoretical Model of Change are:
1.Pre-contemplation – not ready
2.Contemplation – getting ready
3.Preparation – ready
4.Action – taking action
5.Maintenance – monitoring
6.Termination – complete
Outline how you will utilise Motivational Interviewing techniques to assist and support Rebecca to the Action stage.
Outline what new behaviours Rebecca would need to engage in to be successful and to achieve better health outcomes.
Outline what techniques you should avoid using with Rebecca as they may have negative impacts and outcomes.
Outline the discharge planning you would organise for Rebecca so that she 1) has ongoing support once she is discharged, 2) can continue to progress in her health behaviour changes, and 3) can eventually reach her goals, and to the Maintenance and Termination stages.
Utilise evidenced based literature to support your discussion. For the purposes of this paper, while seminal work (early literature) may be referenced, current literature is a requirement. At least six references are required for an essay of 1500 words and most should be research articles.
HLSC111 Trans theoretical Model Of Change Essay-Australian Catholic University Australia.
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