Subject Code&Title: HI6006 Competitive Strategy
Assessment Type: Group Assignment – maximum 4 persons per group Note: Groups must be formed by week 6. Once a group is formed, no changes are allowed. If you fail to form a group, your lecturer may allow you to submit individually.
Weight: 40%, comprising: Report (week 10)
Word limit: Report not more than 2500 words
Purpose of the assessment:
Students are required to explain in report format, with reference to a case of your choice, how any one of the following would be applied:Business Strategy, Competitive Dynamics, Corporate Strategy, Acquisitions and
Structure, International Strategy.This is strictly required to be your own original work.Be sure to base your answer on the models studied in class and quote your academic sources.
HI6006 Competitive Strategy Assignment-Holmes Institute Australia.

Assignment 2 Specifications
Purpose: This assignment aims at ensuring that students have familiarised themselves with at least one significant case study (from any of those in the tutorials) and are able to apply the “strategic management process” and relevant foundational strategy development models that are applicable
to the case.
Select any case study and choose from the following aspects of competitive strategy to apply the theories of strategy development and implementation as relevant to the case study you choose:
• Business Strategy
• Competitive Dynamics
• Corporate Strategy
• Acquisitions and Structure
• International Strategy
HI6006 Competitive Strategy Assignment-Holmes Institute Australia.

In this report, the use of sub-headings is essential.
Be sure to use paragraphing.
Be sure to reference your sources in-text and provide a list of references at the end, all in Harvard style.
Your final submission is due Friday of week 10 at midnight. Late submissions attract penalties at the rate of -5% per day.
Assignment Structure Required
Cover page [this is essential and must be completed accurately]
Executive Summary
Table of Contents
Body of the report to contain Section Headings – e.g. introduction, brief summary of the case;identification of strategic issues; relevant theoretical concepts, application of strategy model,conclusion.
Sub-sections are to be numbered.
Paragraphing must be used.
Page Numbers must be used.
Reference List at the end must be in Harvard format and mainly academic Journal Articles.
Appendix: Statement of ‘who wrote which section’ (see below).
HI6006 Competitive Strategy Assignment-Holmes Institute Australia.

To ensure that all students participate equitably in the group assignment and that students are responsible for the academic integrity of all components of the assignment. You need to complete the following table which identifies which student/students are responsible for the various sections of the assignment:
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