Subject Code & Title : HHLT1RAE Research And Evidence In Practice Search Strategy
Assessment Type : Assignment
What is the Search Strategy Template?
This task is designed to help you develop your skills in searching for credible evidence. In Weeks 2 and 3, using the Search Strategy Template, you will develop a search strategy and then search for evidence related to the scenario below.
HHLT1RAE Research And Evidence In Practice Search Strategy Assignment – AU.

What resources do I need to complete this assessment task?
• Scenario: see below
• Search Strategy Template: Available on the RAE Moodle in Assessment > Search Strategy > Resources: Search Strategy
Scenario: Sarah, a first-year nursing student, is feeling depressed because of the pressure of her studies, the unfamiliar environment of university, and associated financial difficulties. She has heard that physical activity can have a positive effect on mood and as a result is considering starting an exercise program. However, her friend recently began practicing mindfulness meditation and told Sarah that it has improved her mood and helped her to deal with the pressure of studying. Sarah wants to know more about this and decides to search for evidence to determine which approach would be more effective in helping to
improve her mood.
Submission of assessment : Via the assignment submission box located in the RAE Moodle in Assessment > Search Strategy >
Submit: Search Strategy. This is a 2-step process: Step 1 Upload (document can be edited), Step 2 Submit (document can no longer edited). You must complete both steps for your work to be graded. Your final submission must be made before the due date – End of Week 3, Sunday at (Australian Eastern Time).
Originality : Given the nature of this assessment task it is expected that there will be a high degree of similarity between submissions. However, it is still expected that the search strategy you submit is entirely your own work. Please review the LTCA Academic Integrity Module for further guidance on this matter. Please note, significant penalties apply for breaches of Academic Integrity.

Marking: Grades will be released 2 weeks from the due date of submission. This time frame allows for marking of all assignments and re-marking of any assignment that receives a score of less than 50%. If your assignment has been re-marked this will be indicated on the paper.
Penalties: Late submissions will be penalised 5% of the total marks available for every day after the due date and time. After five (5) working days a submission will not be accepted. A score of ‘0’ will be recorded. The assignment will not be marked. Assignments submitted within five (5) days of the due date and time will have penalties applied after the assignment has been marked.
Penalties for work that has had no prior approved extension will be calculated as follows:
• Within 24 hours after the due date and time: subtract 5%
• Within 48 hours after the due date and time: subtract 10%
• Within 72 hours after the due date and time: subtract 15%
• Within 96 hours after the due date and time: subtract 20%
• Within 120 hours after the due date and time: subtract 25%
Penalties do not apply to approved extensions. If you believe you will need an extension of the due date you must:

• Apply in writing (via email) at least 48 hours prior to the due date. Your teacher will notify you (via email) if an extension has been granted. Please note, data loss is NOT considered grounds to approve an extension. It is expected that you will use your LTCA Google account to back-up your work to a cloud storage facility to prevent this issue arising.
• Provide a medical certificate to your teacher, with your application, if it is based on medical grounds.
• Refer to the Subject Outline for further details.
Please refer to the Subject Outline for details of Special Consideration applications.
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