Assessment 2: Client Health Assessments
Client assessment is a vital nursing skill at all levels of nursing practice. The purpose of this assignment is to enhance your learning and assist you to develop mastery of client assessment skills and techniques. Additionally, this assessment is to involve the clinical team in the evaluation of your capacity to undertake a comprehensive and coherent client examination in their specialty area of practice.
HEA561 Client Health Assessment-Charles Darwin University Australia.

Assessor: The assessor will normally be a senior clinician in the student’s area. Alternative assessors may be negotiated with the unit coordinator as necessary. Nurses who are enrolled in this unit will not be accepted as assessors evaluating the performance of students.
Process: The assessor will observe you undertaking a comprehensive client examination. This observation will normally take place over a single period, although it may be broken up into shorter periods if the client’s condition or clinical demands so require. You are expected to conduct a minimum of three (3) assessed client examinations and to demonstrate improvement over the semester. Safety is a major consideration in this assessment. The key areas underlying an assessment of safety are:
1.understanding of knowledge underpinning practice
2.ability to perform technical skills e.g. auscultation, percussion
3.approach i.e. professional and caring
4.communication skills
5.ability to synthesise theory and practice, and
6.clinical reasoning skills
HEA561 Client Health Assessment-Charles Darwin University Australia.

The assessor may choose to pose questions and/or review documentation to more fully explore your ability to meet the assessment criteria on the “Client history & physical examination assessment proforma”, which is provided in Ultra. The assessment criteria address the areas of client interview, systems review and physical/mental examination. Additional areas may be explored as appropriate to your area of practice. Any criteria not evaluated should be noted as ‘not assessed’.
Comments: The comments section offers the opportunity to provide an overall summary,specific comment on aspects of the assessment, suggestions for additional study or other comments or suggestions.
Your comments should demonstrate reflective professional practice. The student objectives section should contain objectives relevant to client health assessment experience and some strategies to improve. The ability to critically evaluate one’s own performance and develop plans to meet identified gaps is a key to life-long professional development. This section forms a key component of the client examination assessment.
Please note: Once you submit your Health Assessment Part 1, you need to wait until you receive feedback from the Unit Coordinator before submitting Health Assessment Part 2. The purpose of these assessments is to observe continuous improvement in your assessment skills, so Unit Coordinator feedback is essential in this process. Similarly, once you submit Health Assessment Part 2, please wait for Unit Coordinator feedback before submitting Health Assessment Part 3.
HEA561 Client Health Assessment-Charles Darwin University Australia.

Preparation and submission
Preparation for this assessment includes the completion of the appropriate modules in this unit. Submit your assessment through Safe Assign on the ‘Assessment’ link on Learnline.
HEA561 Client Health Assessment-Charles Darwin University Australia.
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