Subject Code and Title :- HDW204 Healthcare In The Digital World
Assessment :- Analyse postings on a nursing/health related blog radio or podcast
Individual/Group :- Individual
Length :- 750 words (+/- 10%)
Weighting :- 25%
Learning Outcomes :-
The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
a) Define and discuss digital literacy and digital fluency andits application by health professionals.
b) Describe and appraise the current and emerging trends in Australia and globally in digital communication and health care technologies.
HDW204 Healthcare In The Digital World Assignment 1
Task Summary :-
For this assessment you are required to analyse three individual postings of digital health media – such as a radio broadcast,blogs or podcasts or a combination of the three and critically analyse these three postings. This analysis is to be presented as a short-written piece of 750 words and include a link to the digital health postings.
HDW204 Healthcare In The Digital World Assignment 1
Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this task.
Context :-
Examples of information gathered from digital media sources digital radio blogs and podcasts will be considered and discussed in relation to theirsupport of health education improvement and clinical quality and their contribution to the evidence base. This assessment will help to define what accurate reliable and evidence based digital resources are by exploring information discovered via various search methods.
HDW204 Healthcare In The Digital World Assignment 1
Task Instructions :-
To complete this assessment:
1. You must choose three (3) digital health postings that you have obtained from blogs radio or podcasts (or a combination of the three); and
2. Answer the following three (3) questions for each digital health posting:
1. Does this digital media posting support health education improvement? Can health care professionals or the general public learn from this digital media posting?
2. Does this digital media posting support clinical quality? Is this digital health posting unbiased objective and impartial and does it contain credible resources?
3. Does this digital media posting contribute to the evidence base – Does this digital medial posting contribute to best practice?
HDW204 Healthcare In The Digital World Assignment 1
Please also be aware of the following requirement:
• Present your own original work using multiple academic references from academic books peer reviewed scientific journal articles and other credible sources (.edu, .gov and .org webpages).
• No introduction and conclusion required for this assessment task.
• Headings can be used for this assessment task. No dot points allowed.
• Adhere to the word count (750 words (+/-10%) excluding the reference list.
• Academic references are to be included on a separate page using appropriate APA style guidelines.
• Your assessment must be submitted as a word document and not in protected view.
• Your assessment should be in 12-point font Arial or Times New Roman 1.5 line spaced and a minimum of 2.5cm margins.
HDW204 Healthcare In The Digital World Assignment 1
Suggest structure :-
i. Title of first digital health posting
o Health education improvement
o Clinical quality
o Evidence base
o Link to posting
ii.Title of second digital health posting
o Health education improvement
o Clinical quality
o Evidence base
o Link to posting
iii. Title of third digital health posting
o Health education improvement
o Clinical quality
o Evidence base
o Link to posting
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