Foundation Of Scholarship Mental Health Nursing Assignment – AU

Assessment Overview
 Written Assessment
Weighting: 60%
Length: 3000 words excluding reference list but including in-text references and direct quotations +/- 10%.
Unit Coordinator: Professor Michelle Cleary
Aim :- The aim of this assessment is to demonstrate your understanding of the impact of world views on a specific practice.
Foundation Of Scholarship Mental Health Nursing Assignment – AU

Foundation Of Scholarship Mental Health Nursing Assignment - AU

Instructions :-
You are to write a 3000 words essay critically analysing the influence of implicit and explicit world views on Mental health Clinical Care Coordination. Ensure key terms such as axiology epistemology ontology and ethics are defined through out the written assessment.

In your essay you must:

1.Explain how the implicit and explicit world views of practitioners researchers organisations and governments might influence a specific practice.

2.Discuss the influence of implicit and explicit worldviews on what is considered to be legitimate knowledge.

3.Analyse the influence of implicit and explicit world views on practice and decision making with people who are disadvantaged or disempowered.

Note Carefully :-
To achieve a passing grade for this unit you are required to pass this assessment item. If you do not pass this assessment item, you may have an opportunity to re-attempt. In order for the Unit Coordinator to allow a re-attempt, they must be satisfied that you have made a reasonable attempt in the assessment item. If a re-attempt is offered, you will have only 7 consecutive days to resubmit your assessment item and you can only receive 50% of the available marks. Only one reattempt will be allowed.

Literature and references
In this assessment use at least 12 contemporary academic references <5 years to support your discussion. You may also use seminal scholarly literature where relevant. Suitable references include peer-reviewed journal articles as well as textbooks and credible websites. When sourcing information consider the 5 elements of a quality reference: currency authority relevance objectivity and coverage. Grey literature sourced from the internet must be from reputable websites such as from government university or peak national bodies: for example Australian Bureau of Statistics Australian Institute of Health and Wefare Australian Institute of Family Studies Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety ANROWS Australian College of Nursing Australian Association of Social Workers.

Requirements :-
1. Use a conventional and legible size 12 font, such as Times New Roman or Arial, with 1.5 line spacing and 2.54cm page margins standard pre-set margin in Microsoft Word.
2. Include page numbers on each page in a footer.
3. Write in the first-person perspective.
4. Use formal academic language.
5. Use the seventh edition American Psychological Association (APA) referencing style.
The CQUniversity Academic Learning Centre has an online APA Referencing Style Guide.
6.The word count excludes the reference list but includes in-text references and direct quotations.

Foundation Of Scholarship Mental Health Nursing Assignment – AU

Foundation Of Scholarship Mental Health Nursing Assignment - AU

Resources :-
a. You can use unit provided materials and other credible sources e.g. journal articles books to reference your argument.The quality and credibility of your sources are important.
b. We recommend that you access your discipline specific library guide: the Nursing and Midwifery Guide and the Social Work and Community Services Guide.
c. We recommend you use EndNote to manage your citations and reference list. More information on how to use EndNote is available at the CQUniversity Library website.
d. For information on academic communication please go to the Academic Learning Centre Moodle site. The Academic Communication section has many helpful resources including information for students with English as a second language.

Learning Outcomes Assessed
1. Explain axiology ontology epistemology and ethics and their contribution to significant world views.
2. Analyse the influence of implicit and explicit worldviews on a specific practice.

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