FNSACC416 Background Knowledge And Reflections Assignment – Australia

Type of Assessment :-
This summative assessment will enable your assessor to make a judgement of competency based on the submission of your completed assessments against the requirements of the unit/s of competency in this module.
FNSACC416 Background Knowledge And Reflections Assignment – Australia

FNSACC416 Background Knowledge And Reflections Assignment - Australia

Benchmark :-
The Assessment Benchmark developed for each unit of competency is the evidence criteria used to judge the quality of performance i.e. the assessment decision-making rules. Assessors use these benchmarks to make judgements on whether competency has been achieved and to determine if you have performed to the standard expected to meet the unit requirements.

Reasonable Adjustment
Where appropriate Monarch Institute will allow flexibility in the way in which each unit is assessed based on the needs of an individual.

Assessment Coding
Assessment of this course is based on competency-based principles.
S = Satisfactory
NS = Not Satisfactory
If you fail to perform satisfactorily for the assessment in the prescribed way you may be assessed as Not Satisfactory You are required to be assessed as Satisfactory in all assessments for each unit of competency.

Re-assessment :-
Your assessment can be submitted after you have reviewed the learning materials and practiced enough to feel confident in your resubmission. You have two weeks from your last submission feed back to re submit. You are re-assessed in only the areas where your assessor has indicated you were initially assessed as NS. It is at the assessor’s discretion to re-assess the entire assessment should an overall under standing not be demonstrated.  When you are re-assessed as satisfactory after re-submission you will achieve competency for this assessment.

Declaration of Understanding and Authenticity
I acknowledge the assessment process has been explained and agree that I am ready to under take assessment. I am aware of where to find the assessor’s feedback for the assessment. I am aware of the appeals process, should the need arise. I also understand I must be assessed as satisfactory in all parts of the assessment/s to gain an overall competent result for the unit/s of competency. If I am found to be NS after a second attempt, it is at the assessor ‘s discretion whether I may be permitted one final attempt. I am aware that a ‘not competent’ final outcome means I may incur fees for re-enrolment in the unit/s.
I certify that the attached material is my original work. No other person’s work has been used with out due acknowledgement. I understand that the work submitted may be reproduced and/or communicated for the purpose of detecting plagiarism. I understand a person found responsible for academic mis conduct will be subject to disciplinary action refer to Student Information Guide.

  • I under stand that by typing my name or inserting a digital signature into this box that I agree and am bound by the above student declaration.

Activity 1
Computerised accounting systems: general knowledge

a) Name six (6) key features of desktop and cloud-based computerised accounting systems like Xero or MYOB.
THINK : things that are easier faster or automated with accounting software.

FNSACC416 Background Knowledge And Reflections Assignment - Australia

b) Describe one (1) of the advantages of cloud-based software and systems, over desktop-only systems.

Activity 2
Privacy and data security

Background information
The Privacy Act 1988 is one of the main pieces of legislation governing the use of computerised accounting systems.

a) List and briefly describe each of the 13 Australian Privacy Principles.

FNSACC416 Background Knowledge And Reflections Assignment - Australia

b) Describe how Your Name Pty Ltd / Yabby Books Pty Ltd would meet each of these principles In particular relate this to computerised accounting systems.

FNSACC416 Background Knowledge And Reflections Assignment - Australia

c) Part 3C of the Act refers to the Notifiable Data Breaches scheme Provide a summary of the scheme and explain how the scheme would affect your work as a bookkeeper? Minimum of 1 paragraph each.

FNSACC416 Background Knowledge And Reflections Assignment – Australia

Activity 3
Your business: reflecting on your approach
a) Which accounting policies and procedures must be taken into consideration when setting up a new Xero/MYOB file. For e.g., Chart of Accounts detailed in your Xero / MYOB assignment Minimum 5 responses.

b) Which accounting policies and procedures would be referred to in the day-to-day use of Xero/MYOB. For e.g., Purchases detailed in your Xero / MYOB assignment). Minimum 5 responses.

c) When entering the purchase invoices into Xero / MYOB, what were the main pieces of information on those invoices that you entered? Minimum 5 responses.

d) When entering the purchase invoices into Xero / MYOB was there any information on those invoices that you did not need to enter? Please state below:

e) While working on your Xero / MYOB assignment describe the steps that you took to keep your information secure for eg passwords anti-virus software storage. Minimum 2 paragraphs the text box will expand as you type.

Which Australian Privacy Principle does this refer to?

Activity 4
Establishing an information security and storage system: workplace scenario

We wish to introduce an information security policy for Your Name Pty Ltd / Yabby Books Pty Ltd.
a) What do the Australian Privacy Principles require the business to do in relation to information security. Minimum one paragraph.

FNSACC416 Background Knowledge And Reflections Assignment - Australia

Which particular principle does this refer to?

b) How does Xero / MYOB assist in keeping information secure, for e.g. user id and password Minimum 2 paragraphs (the text box will expand as you type)

c) Name 3 other steps Your Name Pty Ltd / Yabby Books Pty Ltd would use to keep information secure for e.g. password antivirus software storage.

FNSACC416 Background Knowledge And Reflections Assignment - Australia

FNSACC416 Background Knowledge And Reflections Assignment – Australia

d) Write an information security policy for Your Name Pty Ltd / Yabby Books Pty Ltd in line with the other policies in your Xero / MYOB assignment. Minimum 3 paragraphs

FNSACC416 Background Knowledge And Reflections Assignment - Australia

e) For each of the 3 steps in c), write a procedure (step by step guide) for Your Name Pty Ltd/Yabby Books Pty Ltd on how to carry that step out.

FNSACC416 Background Knowledge And Reflections Assignment - Australia

Activity 5 Video role play question

This is a video role play question.
You the owner of Your Name Pty Ltd / Yabby Books Pty Ltd ) are having a meeting with Mary the office manager to explain to her the new information security policy and 3 procedures, detailed in your answers to Q4.

The other participant, playing the role of Mary, must be able to be heard in your video submission.
The roleplay must be recorded, and this can include using a smart phone The video recording is sub mitted together with the assignment.

You will be assessed on:
a. Student explains legislative requirements for storing information securely
b. Student explains the new policy and procedures
c. Student answers a question from the other participant
d. Student demonstrates active listening
e. Student is visible and all participants are audible throughout the video.

You will need a partner for this exercise, to read/play Mary’s part Give them the role play script see below
titled Information security and storage system.

Record your meeting with Mary Upload the meeting video when you upload this assignment document.

FNSACC416 Background Knowledge And Reflections Assignment – Australia

General instructions:
Students must perform with at least 1 other person. Using just 1 other person to play multiple roles is completely OK Alternatively you can use as many other persons as there are roles.
The other person(s) can play multiple roles except for the role required to be played by the student.
There is no requirement for the other person(s) to be visible in the video, so if your partner(s) would prefer not to be visible that’s OK.
The student must be visible throughout the video.
All persons must be audible throughout the recording.
Using a camera phone is often a quick and easy way to record the video.
For the role play, we suggest the following:
a. Have a quiet private space where you can effectively record the video This could be your spare room at home an office at your workplace or even a study room at your local library.
b. Be appropriately dressed.

When you’re conducting the role play, don’t forget about:
1. Using appropriate body language and gestures, including eye contact
2. Speaking professionally, and at the appropriate pace
3. Using plain English
4. Listening without interrupting
5. Respond appropriately to what is said.

Role Play Script – Information security and storage system

1. The parts are indicated with names in brackets, like this: [YOU] [MARY]
2. When something is written in bold, it’s just a guide – not a line you have to read word-for-word.

There’s often no script for what the director/owner says just guidelines That’s part of the challenge! Don’t read these lines out. Instead, answer in a way that fulfils the guidelines For example if the guideline for you were:

[YOU]: Name and describe a fruit. Say something good and something bad about the fruit.
…you might say Apples They’re red juicy and crunchy They’re high in fibre but you can’t eat the core
1. Normal speech is written as follows. Read these parts out.
[MARY]: Let’s get this meeting started.
2. Instructions for actions or body language are written in italics as follows Don’t read these parts out.
[FRED]: Look angry and raise your hand.

[YOU]: Greet Mary. Advise her that you would like to bring her up to speed on the new information security policy and procedures.

[MARY]: No problem But why do we need a new policy though we have so many already!

[YOU]: Explain what the law requires the business to do about information security (refer to Q4a)

[MARY]: That makes sense, but don’t we cover a lot of that already?
[YOU]: Acknowledge Mary’s comment Explain the purpose of putting an official policy and procedures in place.

FNSACC416 Background Knowledge And Reflections Assignment – Australia

[MARY]: I’ve got it. So, what are the new policy and procedures?

[YOU]: Explain the new policy and procedures to Mary (refer to Q4d & e).
[MARY]: Listen to the new procedures Choose a procedure that sounds a little complex to you and ask a question about it.

[YOU]: Answer Mary’s question.
[MARY]: OK I think I’ve got it. I’ll make a plan for working these new procedures in to my schedule.

[YOU]: Thank Mary and close the meeting.

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