Assessment 3
Assessment Type: Final Exam – individual assessment – closed book exam. Students are expected to bring pens and a non-programmable calculator into the examination room. No other materials will be permitted.
Duration: On-campus: 2 hours + 10 mins reading time. Online: 2 hours + 30 mins technology allowance.
Purpose: The Final Exam will require students to explain and apply the subject theory to practical situations as would be found in a modern organisation, identifying issues, drawing conclusions, and making recommendations. Students will also need to use relevant portfolio analysis tools to develop appropriate investment recommendations and to calculate appropriate investment measures. This assessment contributes specifically to learning outcomes a, b, c, and d.
FIN201 Assessment 3 Investment Management – King’s Own Institute Australia.

Value: 50%
Due Date: The Final Exam will be held in the official KOI exam period in Week 14 of the trimester. The specific date and time will be posted towards the end of the trimester.
Topic: The examination may cover content from any part of the material presented in Weeks 7 to 11 inclusive, as set out in section 2.4 above.
Task Details: The exam will be marked out of 50 and will consist of two sections.
Section A, worth 10 marks in total, will consist of 5 Multiple-choice Questions worth 2 marks each. These will be problem solving questions.
Section B, worth 40 marks in total, will consist of 5 five long answer questions, each question consisting of several parts. These will require knowledge of the subject theories and strategies to identify and evaluate appropriate investment recommendations for given sets of circumstances.
Although all Final Exam questions will be based specifically on the topics covered in Weeks 7 – 11 inclusive, a thorough understanding of the earlier work will be necessary to grasp the concepts involved in the Exam coverage.
FIN201 Assessment 3 Investment Management – King’s Own Institute Australia.

3.2 General information about assessment
a) Late Penalties and Extensions
An important part of business life and key to achieving KOI’s graduate outcome of Professional Skills is the ability to manage workloads and meet deadlines. Completing assessment tasks on time is a good way to master these habits.
Students who miss mid-trimester tests and final exams without a valid and accepted reason may not be granted a deferred exam and will be awarded 0 marks for the assessment item. Assessment items which are missed or submitted after the due date/time will attract a penalty unless there is a compelling reason (see below). These penalties are designed to encourage students to develop good time management practices, and to create equity for all students.
Any penalties applied will only be up to the maximum marks available for the specific piece of assessment attracting the penalty.
Late penalties, granting of extensions and deferred exams are based on the following:
FIN201 Assessment 3 Investment Management – King’s Own Institute Australia.

In Class Tests and Quizzes (excluding Mid-Trimester Tests)
o Generally, extensions are not permitted. A make-up test may only be permitted under very special circumstances where acceptable supporting evidence of illness, hardship or unavoidable problems preventing completion of the assessment is provided (see section (b) below). The procedures and timing to apply for a make-up test (only if available) are as shown in the section Applying for an Extension (see below).
o Missing a class test will result in 0 marks for that assessment item unless the above applies.
Written Assessments and Video Assessments
o There is a late penalty of 5% of the total available marks per calendar day unless an extension is approved (see Applying for an Extension section below).
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