ENM-122 Engineering Materials Assignment 2 – Australia.

Unit Title :- ENM-122 Engineering Materials
Assessment Type : Assignment 2
1.Describe the following Engineering Materials II(ENM-122) concepts
• Iron-carbon alloy phase diagram
• TTT curve.
ENM-122 Engineering Materials Assignment 2 – Australia.

ENM-122 Engineering Materials Assignment 2 - Australia.

1.In your description, use diagrams and/or graphs to support your arguments.Clearly demarcate steel from cast iron in your presentation.

2.Further, with scientific arguments, select any engineering designs/materials that suits the major micro structures discussed in the TTT curve and the Iron-Carbon alloy stability diagram

ENM-122 Engineering Materials Assignment 2 - Australia.

Guidelines :-
• The length should be not less than 4 pages.
• Font name should be Times New Roman.
• Font size should be 12.
• Plagiarism is a serious academic malpractice. High Similarity index between students’ work will attract a punishment.
• Use atleast 10 published references

ENM-122 Engineering Materials Assignment 2 – Australia.

ENM-122 Engineering Materials Assignment 2 - Australia.

Deadline :-
• Tuesday 2021
• Time: 23:59 pm
• Mode of submission: Word document Through Moodle/Google class room.

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