Unit Title: Emerging Technology Report
Value: 45%
Length: Report (2500- 3000 words approx.)
Group Assessment: No
Assessment Type: Report
TASK: IEEE Format Report Word Length: The word length for this Report is 2500 to 4000 words approx. or 4 to 6 pages in this type of double column/single line spacing format. However check the word length yourself as this may vary due to the nature of the project or advice from your lecturer. The upper limit is usually set at 6000 words. You are the best judge at this stage on length, together with advice from your lecturer. Your Report as Task 1 and Seminar Presentation as Task 2 can be done with some variation as long as you complete the TWO steps as described below and use the marking criteria as a checklist to align your work for each task.
Emerging Technology Report Assessment – Australia.

The intended audience could be your peers as well as invited guests and academics.
1.TASK 1 Final Report as a paper in IEEE format – 25%
1.The final report can discuss the results, findings, conclusion and lessons
learnt from your Project Research Aims and Outcomes and be written in
an IEEE Journal format.
2.The headings and sections within your IEEE format can follow
the IMRAD structure (Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion).
This is a common structure to follow for a journal article of original
research. IMRAD refers to the use of the section headings is highlighted
in bold below, but you can ADD other section headings if required – as
shown in lower case example of an IMRAD structure for your final
(Try to limit the title length to 10-12 words)
(The Abstract summarises the Introduction, Methodology, Discussion and Conclusion. This is worth 5% of the Task 1 mark of 25% and is a single
paragraph (≤200 words)
(The Introduction section explains the background, a clear gap analysis
and relevant research questions.
(Methodology section usually explains the techniques used, in particular
to the data collection and data analysis to be carried out).
(Results reveal relevant figures and facts. The results are supported by
proper textual explanations).
(Discussion of the results is designed logically to answer the research
questions with a critical approach).
(Conclusion reveals the flow of information from the discussion and it is
coherent ending of the findings and can signpost further research).
Acknowledgements Option
(References are APA compliant. All references are cited in the text and
the bibliographical data is mentioned correctly. In-text citation is placed
with the right format and in the right place)..
Emerging Technology Report Assessment – Australia.

3.See the IEEE template selector for the choice is large.
4.The Report must begin with an Abstract section worth 5% and is a
single paragraph (≤200 words) that summarizes the significant aspects of
the project. Often it indicates whether the report of new work (experiment
(development project), comparison of case studies, survey, a literature
review or an overview, or a combination of each. Do not cite references
in the abstract.
5.Ensure that the Project Report is your own work and has not been
submitted elsewhere and complies with the University’s requirements for
academic integrity.
Emerging Technology Report Assessment – Australia.

6.References must be cited in the text within brackets in numerical order,
starting with [1] and in APA7 style later in the References section.
7.NOTE: the content of the IEEE formatted Report can also be the source
for developing the script or outline for the presentation seminar in
Task 2.
8.The report should have more than 15 articles reference.
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