Subject Code & Title :- EDUC3830 Article Precis On Development
Assessment Type :- Assignment
*PART A : Appropriate definition of development
The purpose of this task is to help you clarify your understanding of a key concept development including an appreciation of the most appropriate form of development and the capacity to distinguish between the quantitative and qualitative aspects of the process.
EDUC3830 Article Precis On Development Assignment – Australia.

‘Development’ is a contested term While economists focus on the drivers of economic growth those with an interest in human well being often adopt a more holistic approach. They typically focus on community empowerment and improvements in human well being more generally.
Task: Craft an appropriate definition of development and justify the perspective you adopt.Discuss who would benefit from understanding this definition and explain why.
**PART B: Précis of a development related research article and PowerPoint presentation
The purpose of the task is to develop skills in:
1. accessing research articles related to specific development-related issues
2. précis writing
3. writing in a way that adheres to the accepted academic conventions and which utilises the relevant codes and conventions of the English language;
4. presenting a concise well-structured Power Point presentation and
5. conveying complex information to a generalist audience
Task: Write a précis of the selected article and prepare a Power Point presentation highlighting the key findings of the article.(Note: words in PP slides are counted in the total word count).The intended audience of the PP presentation could be educators in schools government representatives NGOs and/or Development agencies.
Select an academic article broadly consistent with the specified topic Suitable academic journals include:
· Journal of Development Studies
· Development in Practice
· Gender and Development
· Sociology of Education
· Journal and Human Development
· Oxford Development Studies
· Journal of European Development Research
· Third World Quarterly
Students will be assessed on their ability to:
· identify and access an academic research article relevant to the allocated tutorial topic
· craft a précis that is scholarly in its approach and adheres to the appropriate academic conventions
· develop a PowerPoint presentation summarising the selected article and
· ability to articulate key concepts of the article for a generalist audience to understand.
EDUC3830 Article Precis On Development Assignment – Australia.

PART C: Personal reflection
Task: Write a short statement that:
a. your reason/s for selecting the article as the focus of further analysis;
b. analyses the extent to which the article’s findings either challenge or confirm your assumptions about development related issues; and
c. reflects on the article’s value in terms of your professional learning.
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