EDU20001 Developing Literacy Assignment 1 – Australia

Subject Code & Title :- EDU20001 Developing Literacy
Assessment Type :- Assignment 1
Time limit :- 4 minutes (+/- 10%)
Weighting :- 10%
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EDU20001 Developing Literacy Assignment 1 – Australia

EDU20001 Developing Literacy Assignment 1 - Australia

Assignment overview :-
We know the importance of acquiring a language in order to communicate with others.We also know how important it is for an individual to be literate in the 21st century. How ever knowing a language is not enough for an individual to be literate although they might be considered to be proficient in a language if they are literate. The English language and literacy concepts are some what confusing for many because of their similarities. However there are differences between English language skills and literacy skills and knowing these differences is important for all educators particularly those in the early years education in Australia.

This assignment will allow you to demonstrate your under standing of the English language and literacy in relation to teaching and learning in the early years education in Australia.In this context early years education is from birth to 8 years of age Your presentation should include references made to scholarly sources the Early Years Learning Frame work the Australian Curriculum or your relevant state territory curriculum course materials and other relevant sources a minimum of 3 You will work independently to develop and deliver communication skills in the area of an oral presentation.

A minimum of 5 references must be used to support the content of your presentation e.g. the Fellowes and Oakley 2020 textbook is recognised as 1 reference. You can use other references such as the Early Years Learning Framework or the Australian Curriculum or state equivalents a peer-reviewed journal article the Victorian Department of Education Training website and other relevant sources to support the content of your presentation.

This assignment supports unit learning outcome 1.

Assignment details :-
Your presentation must draw upon the course materials and specifically address the following points:
1.Define and describe English as a curriculum learning area. Provide an example of how English can be taught in either an Early Childhood setting or an early years Primary class room. Support your discussion with references made to scholarly sources the Early Years Learning Frame work or the Australian Curriculum or state curriculum equivalent and other relevant literature.

2.Define and describe the teaching literacy skills. Provide an example of how literacy can be taught in either an Early Childhood setting or an early years Primary classroom.Support your discussion with references made to scholarly sources the Early Years Learning Framework or the Australian Curriculum (or state curriculum equivalent and other relevant literature.

3.Discuss the key differences between teaching English as a curriculum learning area and literacy in early years education. Support your discussion with references made to scholarly sources the Early Years Learning Framework or the Australian Curriculum or state curriculum equivalent), and other relevant literature.

What to upload

You will have two submission uploads:
1.Assignment 1: Studio video submission point will require you to submit your Studio video.
2. Assignment 1: Reference list submission point will require you to submit your APA styled reference list.

Through out your teaching and learning journey you will be required to use the nationally approved learning frame works the Early Years Learning Frame work or the Australian Curriculum or the approved learning frame works for your state or territory. To help you further build capability in this area and to prepare you for placements at Swinburne Online you may choose to use the nationally approved learning frameworks or the approved learning frame works for your state or territory in your assignments. For further information specific to your assignments for this specific unit please seek advice from your eLAs and/or your Unit Coordinator.

EDU20001 Developing Literacy Assignment 1 – Australia
EDU20001 Developing Literacy Assignment 1 - Australia

Supporting resources
Please note that for this assignment we are not focussing on your technology skills but rather what you are saying in response to the provided scenario. Ensure that you carefully examine the criteria rubric and respond to the prompts according to the criteria that you are being marked on.

You will be using Canvas Studio for your video presentation. Canvas Studio allows for video recording and screen recording. You can choose to create your presentation through Canvas Studio or create it using an alternative program and then upload it to Canvas Studio. It is up to you whether you would like to include your face in the video presentation or just have a voice recording alongside the PowerPoint slides.

The following resources will assist you with completing this assignment:
1. Canvas Studio tab on 0.2 How to succeed in this unit.
2. Canvas Studio (Student Hub Technical guide)
3. Narrated PowerPoint.
4.Video editing and recording.
5. Referencing.

If you have any concerns about the technical aspects of this task, please communicate them to your eLA as early as possible, so there will be time available to sort them out.

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