EDMA163 Assessment Task 2: Mathematics in the Workplace
For this assignment, you are going to explore the mathematics used in a workplace, and reflect on the significance of this. Your findings will be presented as an electronic presentation (e.g., a PowerPoint with embedded audio, or a video using Zoom or some other equivalent platform).
Weighting: 30%
Length and/or format: Electronic presentation. Equivalent to 1200 words
Purpose: For students to develop a strong understanding of the mathematical requirements in everyday contexts. This is an opportunity for students to explore how mathematics is used in many different forms in every workplace.
EDMA163 Mathematics in the Workplace Assignment-Australian Catholic University.

Learning outcomes assessed: LO2, 3 and 4
How to submit: Submit this assignment electronically via LEO
Return of assignment: Marked rubrics and written feedback will be returned to students within 3 weeks of the due date.
Assessment criteria: Please see Appendix 2 for marking rubric with Assessment 2 criteria
Mathematics in the Workplace Details:
- Identify a person you know who is in, or has been in, some sort of employment, that you will be able to interview. This may be a family member, a friend or an acquaintance [but cannot be yourself]:
- Prior to interviewing your chosen person, read some literature on mathematics in the workplace (see LEO for some suggested articles), and list the mathematics you think might be associated with the workplace your person is in. Use a mind map, or similar,to represent this, briefly explaining your choice of inclusions.
- Interview:
i. Plan some interview questions that will elicit the kinds of mathematics used in your interviewee’s workplace. Make sure you elicit some specific and detailed information about the mathematics used. Don’t just ask “what mathematics do you do in your work?” as often the mathematics is obscure.
ii. Interview the person you know using your planned interview questions as a guide.Record the interview if appropriate, but you will need to get the interviewee’s consent.
- If possible, visit your chosen person’s workplace and take some photographs of work being carried out, or work areas that are representative of the workplace. **Note: You cannot just enter a workplace and take photographs without permission. It may be more appropriate to source photographs on the internet. Cite all sources (NB. Photo sources are included in-text with the photo).
- Post Interview:
i. Revisit your mind map, or similar, and add any uses of mathematics you had not previously anticipated (using a different colour) and/or cross out any mathematics you thought would be used, but is not (cross them out, don’t delete them). Briefly explain your amendments.
ii.Create a mathematics task based on the type of mathematics used in workplace you have been researching. This may be a mathematical modelling task, an open-ended task, or some other problem-solving task. The level of the mathematics should be equivalent to the types of questions you have been completing in the weekly task sheets in this unit.
iii. Provide a completed work sample for your mathematics task, with clear evidence of your mathematical thinking and reasoning (this may be through annotations of your work and/or or a separate description).
iv. Write a brief reflection on your findings, considering:
− How was mathematics used in this workplace? Did anything surprise you?
− From your reading and/or from your interview, to what extent does mathematical knowledge contribute to meaningful engagement in society?
− How does this relate to the mathematics students learn in school?
EDMA163 Mathematics in the Workplace Assignment-Australian Catholic University.

- Presentation: Present all your work as a PowerPoint presentation (with embedded audio) in the following order:
1.Introduce the person you interviewed. Providing a description of the work they are involved in, e.g., their place of employment – can be specific (e.g.,Myer / IBM) or generic (e.g. in a hospital / supermarket / own business, etc.),their position or role in this place, how long they have worked there, etc. Include some photographs/pictures to enhance your presentation.
2.Show and discuss your initial mind map, describing the mathematics you anticipated would be in that workplace.
3.Include your most informative interview questions, and relevant snippets of the interviewee’s responses. Add more photographs here to enhance your presentation.
4.Show and discuss your amended mind map, explaining the mathematics you had not previously anticipated and/or any mathematics that you anticipated but is not involved. Were any of the uses surprising/unusual?
5.Include and discuss your created mathematics task, together with your completed work sample.
6.A brief reflection on your findings. Some possible questions to consider:
• How was mathematics a powerful tool in this workplace?
• To what extent does mathematical knowledge contribute to meaningful engagement in society?
• How does this relate to the mathematics students learn in school?
EDMA163 Mathematics in the Workplace Assignment-Australian Catholic University.

The Audience:
The theoretical audience for your presentation is your fellow ACU students. The aim is to inform them about the mathematics used in the workplace you investigated, and to demonstrate your understanding of how mathematics is used in real-life contexts. Aim to inform, inspire and entertain viewers of your presentation.
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