Subject Code & Title : EDGT932 Second Language Literacy
Weighting : 40% of the final Grade
Format Length Duration : 1,500 word Rationale + Annotated Lessons
Assignment Type : Assessment
EDGT932 Second Language Literacy Assessment – Wollongong University Australia.
Description :
Design a sequence of three innovative lessons (annotated) with a general introduction and a specific 350-500 word rationale for each lesson. Students are required to develop and justify three sequential an notated lessons plans that demonstrate ability to plan,teach and assess an area of multi modal literacy in an ESL/EFL/additional language setting.
The general introduction and the three introductory rationales:
• must provide details of the intended learner group (e.g., institutional setting, age, level of English language proficiency, etc.);
• course and overall lesson goals/outcomes;
• must be written in academic essay style and include references where appropriate;
• refer to and demonstrate understandings of concepts related to multi modal second/additional language literacy learning;
• reflect specific circumstances and needs of ESL/EFL/LOTE students or learners of an additional language. Lesson plans must:
• be related to your current or intended ESL/EFL/LOTE/additional language teaching setting; 14 | EDGT932 SUBJECT OUTLINE SPRING 2020
• include lesson outcomes or learning objectives (as appropriate for your context)
• include use of multimedia in support of specific multi modal literacy strategies;
• include annotated second/additional language literacy activities/strategies describing what the teacher will do, what the students will do, and,where appropriate, referenced to academic sources;
• be designed to cater for a range of English/additional language abilities;
• indicate assessment points and provide details of formative assessment processes;
• be presented in annotated tabular format with the covering introduction;
• reflect teaching periods equivalent to your current or intended teaching setting. Please note this online e-book provides useful commentary on multi modal literacy practice: Pahl, K. & Rowsell, J. (2006). Travel notes from the new literacy studies: Instances of practice. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters (available as a UOW library e-book).
EDGT932 Second Language Literacy Assessment – Wollongong University Australia.
Assessment Criteria :
• Knowledge: Evidence of understanding of important terms, issues and background to topic;
• Critical thinking: Ability to connect literacy theories/principles and personal insights to your writing; Ability to address the stated needs of the students as well as the requirements of their socio-cultural context.
• Research: Evidence of background reading and referencing (At minimum, make reference to some of the relevant subject readings.)
• Design: Innovative, multi modal design that engages and motivates students through an appropriate and relevant sequence of lessons. Provides opportunities for practice and skills development.
• Written presentation and Genre:
➢ Evidence of proof reading to correct grammar, spelling and formatting;
➢ Adherence to word limit.
➢ Accurate and complete APA referencing of all sources, including the internet, used in the assessment Clear presentation of argument and development of thesis
Subject Learning Outcomes Assessed :
3.Be familiar with multi modal approaches to second language literacy development
4.Demonstrate an ability to identify and assist ESL/EFL students with various types of literacy difficulties, using a repertoire of different teaching strategies;
5.Design a literacy learning program for a particular learner group which draws upon multi modal literacy pedagogy and design, and integrates the macro skills of listening, speaking,reading and writing.
EDGT932 Second Language Literacy Assessment – Wollongong University Australia.
Method of Submission :
The task is to be submitted via Turnitin. This assessment task has been set up to be checked by Turnitin, a tool for checking if it has un referenced content. You can submit your assessment task to Turnitin prior to the due date and Turnitin will give you an originality report.You can then make any changes that may be
required and re-submit you final version by the due date.
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