Subject Code & Title :- EDF5765 Globalisation And Contemporary Education
Assessment Type :- Assignment
Word Count :-1600 words
Weighting :- 40%
Assessment Task 1: Literature review
Details of task: This literature review assignment is designed as the first stage of a country-based case study of educational reform or change that is shaped by globalisation (global forces). Literature review is a descriptive summary of research on a topic that has previously been studied. The purpose of a literature review is to inform readers of the significant knowledge and ideas that have been established on a topic. Its purpose is to compare contrast and/or connect findings that were identified when reviewing researchers’ work. Oftentimes literature reviews are written to ground a study in a particular context of what is known about a subject in order to establish a foundation for the topic (or question) being researched.
EDF5765 Globalisation And Contemporary Education Assignment – Australia.

The purpose of this assignment is to facilitate your abilities to research a topic of study so you can learn to: (1) identify and formulate an inquiry question that defines what you’d like to learn (2) apply your knowledge on reading research that you’ve learned in the previous units (such as EDF5610 and EDF5611), (3) analyze information found in literature, and (4) synthesize new knowledge into a written small-scale literature review.
For this assignment you are asked to complete a small-scale literature review on an educational topic of your choice. You are asked to locate at least 10 relevant academic literature(such as book book chapter journal article conference paper government and international organisation policies and reports) on your topic and write a 1,600-words literature review on these materials you’ve selected.
Steps to complete your small-scale literature review:
1.Choose an educational topic that you are interested in studying.
2.Formulate an inquiry question that specifically describes what would like to know about your educational topic.
3.Go to the library database to search for and locate academic literature that include your topic’s information.
4.Find literature read the abstracts and skim the literature to determine if they correspond well to your topic AND inquiry question.
5.Select at least 10 relevant academic literature for your project.
6.Read your searched literature and begin to sort and classify them according to their findings.
7.Organize your searched literature by sorting and classifying their findings in a meaningful way always considering your original topic and inquiry question.
8.Write an outline for your small-scale literature review. Discuss with your peers.
9.Write your review.
1.The weekly activities and readings are aimed at scaffolding the tasks leading to your first assignment.This assessment task should be viewed and approached as a building block that
provides the focus and establishes the framework for your second assessment task.
Your assignment should cover the following points:
1.Name the topic of your investigation and formulate an inquiry question that guides the literature review.
2. Clear identification of the country-based case study of educational change/reform including the background nature and significance.
3. Outline of relevant core concepts in relation to your case study (such as globalisation)
4. Identification of at least 10 peer-reviewed academic literature in relation to your case study of educational change reform. These articles should engage with the concepts of globalisation/global forces.
5. Brief discussion of how globalisation/global forces are played out in relation to the educational change/reform you are interested in.
EDF5765 Globalisation And Contemporary Education Assignment – Australia.

Criteria for marking: The criteria for marking include:
1. Clear investigation topic and inquiry question that guide the literature review.
2. Clear identification of the country-based case study of educational change / reform including the background nature and significance.
3. Succinct outline of the relevant core concepts (e.g. globalization).
4. Selection and use of referred academic literature in relation to the educational change/reform
5. Brief discussion of how globalisation/global forces are played out in relation to the educational change/reform discussed.
6. Correct use of citing and referencing (APA 7) logical structure use of clear and correct language and word count met (within).
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