CSE1SPX Sustainability Practices Assignment-La Trobe University Australia.

1.Policy scope
Write a brief statement (one to two paragraphs) about the purpose of this policy. Include a definition of sustainability.
CSE1SPX Sustainability Practices Assignment-La Trobe University Australia.

1.1 Key stakeholders

  • Who does the policy affect? Explain the importance of stakeholder management and list the key stakeholders of the example business.
  • You can prioritise the main stakeholders.

1.2 Responsibility or duty to act

  • Why is sustainability important to the example business? Or how will the example business get benefits from its stakeholders if they adopt socially responsible and/or environmentally friendly practices to support the community?
    Hint; you can refer to “Stakeholder Theory” and discuss how each primary or secondary stakeholder of the example business will support it if they see the business’s engagement with solutions for the social and environmental issues.

1.3 Legislation mandating compliance

  • Conduct research to find out what the legal obligations are for the example business to be a sustainable business.
    o Hint; there are some mandatory and voluntary requirements for each business to be responsible towards its community and environment. Here, you only need to focus on the mandatory requirements imposed by the legislation.
    o Ensure you state the title of the legislation, a brief description and the relevance to your business.

1.4 Vision
Develop a vision statement for the example business based on its primary objectives. Then, analyse the proposed statement to check whether it reflects the business’s sustainability commitments or not. If yes, justify why and how the example business’s vision statement reflects its sustainability engagement. If not, revise the vision statement and change it to a more sustainability-oriented vision statement rather than the business-oriented one. Then, justify your revision.
o Hint; the vision statement is the “picture of the business’s activities in three or more years’ time” (Schaper et al., 2013). Here, you need to change a business- oriented vision statement to a sustainability-oriented vision statement in order to demonstrate the example business’s engagement with sustainability in three or more years’ time.

CSE1SPX Sustainability Practices Assignment-La Trobe University Australia.

CSE1SPX Sustainability Practices Assignment-La Trobe University Australia.
CSE1SPX Sustainability Practices Assignment

1.5 Values

  • Write statements about the company values regarding sustainability.
  • What sort of commitment to sustainability does the example business wish to make?
  • What does it value?
  • How would it likely be seen by stakeholders? What image would it like to convey?

2.Overview of current situation

  • What important social and/or environmental issues and challenges does the example business face?
  • Do a research about some of the social and environmental issues in your local area (such as drug use, unemployment, air pollution, bushfires etc.) and how they affect the local businesses including the example business.

3.Goals and targets for improvement

  • Using information on the current social and environmental issues in your local area, you need to design some goals for the example business to solve some of the social and/or environmental issues in the community.
  • Ensure you chose and write the goals in the S.M.A.R.T. format.
  • At this stage in the policy development, you do not need to create very specific targets for KPIs.
    o Hint 1; for example, you can develop some goals to improve the IT skills of the young people in the local area to be more prepared for the employment if the example business is in the IT industry.
    Hint 2; you can search for other local or national businesses and find how you can start a social partnership with such businesses to solve some of the social and/or environmental issues in the community.


1.List all the possible practices that the example business can adopt (either itself or in partnership with other businesses) to solve some of the social and/or environmental issues in the community. For each sustainability practice you environmental issues in the community. For each sustainability practice you generated, explain how shared value is created.

2.Also create an action plan table to clearly explain the SMART goals and resulting actions.

CSE1SPX Sustainability Practices Assignment-La Trobe University Australia.

CSE1SPX Sustainability Practices Assignment-La Trobe University Australia.
CSE1SPX Sustainability Practices Assignment

5.Communication and review

5.1Roles and responsibilities

  • Explain the key roles or positions in implementing and monitoring each sustainability practice provided in the policy and what the responsibilities of all staff in the example business and partner businesses are.
  • Create a ‘responsibility matrix’ to discuss who will take the necessary actions you may use hypothetical names.

5.2Competence training and awareness

  • What type of training is required to provide to employees and other stakeholders to meet the specified targets? How is training documented and updated?

5.3Communication with stakeholders

  • How is the example business’s policy communicated to stakeholders? Clearly note how this is achieved.
  • Identify the potential barriers to the successful communication of the example business’s sustainability policy and how they will address them.

5.4Review and evaluation

  • This is where you need to discuss the review plan of the sustainability policy. You need to discuss how the example business can make sure that its sustainable practices will be effective in solving some of the social and/or environmental issues in the community.

6.Monitoring and compliance

  • Discuss how the sustainability plan is reviewed and evaluated for compliance. Explain the importance of continuous improvement and how this will be achieved.

7.Reference list

  • Include a list of sources accessed in the research of your policy. These can include websites, reports, textbooks, journal articles.

CSE1SPX Sustainability Practices Assignment-La Trobe University Australia.

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