This is an individual assignment. Students are not permitted to work in a group when writing this assignment.
Copying and Plagiarism:This is an individual assignment. Students are not permitted to work in a group when writing this assignment. Plagiarism is the submission of another person’s work in a manner that gives the
impression that the work is their own. La Trobe University treats plagiarism seriously. When detected, penalties are strictly imposed.
CSE1PGX Programming Environment Assignment-Didasko Australia.

Submission Guidelines
Your assignment submission should be typed, not written/drawn by hand.
Submit the electronic copy of your assignment through the subject LMS.
Submission after the deadline will incur a penalty of 5% of the available assignment mark per day capped at 5 days. No assignment will be accepted after 5 days. If you have encountered difficulties that lead to late submission or no submission, you should apply for special consideration.
Merry field Hotel App
You are part of a team that is developing a user interface for a new hotel booking app called Merry field.A key stakeholder in the project has requested that client information be collected and then displayed in a
specific format. You have been given the task of developing the logic for this display in the form of a small pro to type.
Merry field Hotel App
You are part of a team that is developing a user interface for a new hotel booking app called Merry field.A key stakeholder in the project has requested that client information be collected and then displayed in a
specific format. You have been given the task of developing the logic for this display in the form of a small pro to type.
- Users must be able to enter the following information into the program
o Last Name
o First Name
o Middle Name
o House/Unit Number
o Street Name
o City
o Age
Task 1
Write a pseudo code to design the prototype for the Merry field Hotel App as described in the requirements above.
Task 2
Desk-check the pseudo code using at least two test cases. Provide the test data table and the desk-check table.
Task 3
Write a Java program based on the pseudo code you designed.
• The program should match the logic specified in the pseudo code.
• The code should be easy to read and understand.
• The code should be well formatted.
• The program should have meaningful variable names
• The code should be well commented. This should include comments about the program: program name,purpose, author; comments describing each variable and comments on each section of the program.
CSE1PGX Programming Environment Assignment-Didasko Australia.

Task 4
Test the Java program using the following test data:
4.1 Enter user details to be converted to its corresponding display format
Last name: Williams
First name: Kerry
Middle name: Shaw
House number: 23
Street Name: Diggers
Street Type: Road
City: Cloverton
Age: 21
- The above information must then be displayed to the user in the following format
o The following detail is to be listed on the one line
▪ Initial of first name (followed by a full stop)
▪ Initial of middle name (followed by a full stop)
▪ Last name - o The following detail is to be listed on one line
▪ House number
▪ Street name
▪ Street type
o City (on a line by itself)
o Age Bracket of client (on a line by itself). Age brackets are as follows:
▪ 20 or under
▪ 21-35
▪ 36-70
▪ 71 or over
4.2 Enter user details to be converted to its corresponding display format
Last name: Fields
First name: Fiona
Middle name: Ford
House number: 7
Street Name: Buttercup
Street Type: Drive
City: Fields
Age: 19
Ensure that the program runs successfully. Provide the screenshots for these tests.
When you have completed, submit the solutions to these tasks via the submission link on the learning portal.
CSE1PGX Programming Environment Assignment-Didasko Australia.

You should submit the following:
1.Include Tasks 1, 2 and 4 (pseudo code, desk check tables and test screenshot) in a single Word document called xxx_cse1 pgx_assessment 2 .docx (where xxx is your student number) with clearly labelled headings for each section.
2.For Task 3 submit a zip file called xxx_cse 1 pgx_assessment 1, (where xxx is your student number) which contains your Java project solutions.
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