Word Games are an engaging means for players to demonstrate particular language skills. There are a large number of different types of games, and they are popular with everyone from young children to adults around the world. Classic examples of games that you may be familiar with include
puzzles that can be solved individually such as Crosswords, or games that involve multiple players,such as ‘Hangman’ or the proprietary game ‘Scrabble’.
CSE1OFX Object Oriented Programming Fundamentals Assignment-Australia.

In this assignment you will are asked to implement a Word Game program written in Java.
In summary the program will consist of:
A SubString Problem Word Game
A Points Problem Word Game
A Menu that allows a user to select which of the above games they would like to play.
A dictionary of words (as a separate file) for use in each of the word games.
More information on how the program should be organised, each of the word game problems, and the dictionary file can be found below.
Program organisation:
The whole solution will be placed in a single class called Word Games. This includes the main() method that will be responsible for processing menu selections and initiating the corresponding problem that matches the selection. This will be repeated until the exit option is selected.
The Word Games class has a method for each of the four main components of the assignment:
main(), get Selection(), substring Problem(), and points Problem(). These are all static methods as per a functional style of programming. Refer to Lecture 4.1 “Class definitions” (slides 21-25) for more information on this.
The Word Games class also has a constant class variable called DICTIONARY for the name of the dictionary file (dictionary.txt). This prevents repetition when referring to the dictionary from multiple locations. Since the five methods use the static modifier, the constant DICTIONARY class variable
will also need to use the static modifier.
CSE1OFX Object Oriented Programming Fundamentals Assignment-Australia.
Menu selection
A separate method called get Selection() will be implemented to print the available menu options,receive the user’s selection with Java’s Scanner class, and return the answer to the calling method. There are three menu options altogether – one for each problem, and one to exit the program. Refer to “Sample Program Output” below for an example of the menu.
Word Game Problems:
Word games often test a player’s ability to make use of fragments of words to build (or sometimes break down) complete words.
For this problem, the term sub string in programming can also mean the fragment. Consider the following examples of English-language sub strings based on prefixes, infixes, or suffixes:
Prefix: The substring “fore” is a prefix of forehead and foreword.
Infix: The substring “s” is an infix of the plural of passerby as passersby. Other examples are slang words such as “bloody” in fanbloodytastic and “blooming” in absobloominglutely.
Suffix: The sub string “ful” is a suffix of helpful and cheerful.
To solve the sub string problem, you need to determine whether a sub string
is a prefix of a given word
is an infix of a given word
is a suffix of a given word
You are expected to solve this problem for all of the words listed in the program dictionary file – refer to the ‘Dictionary’ heading below for more information.
Take care when more than one of these applies at the same time, such as “na” as an infix and suffix of “banana”.
Points Problem Word Game
Some word games involve a component where scoring is based on what particular letters are played to make a word. The board game ‘Scrabble’ (and its many clones) are probably the best-known examples of this. In these games, players are required to place letters on a board to make complete words. Each letter that makes up the word has a point value as summarised in the table below:

To solve the points problem, you need to calculate the number of points for a given word.You are expected to solve this problem for all of the words listed in the program dictionary file – refer to the ‘Dictionary’ heading below for more information.
For all these word problems, you will need some sample words to test the correctness of your solutions. These will be stored in a file called “dictionary. txt” in the top level of your project solution. Importantly, each of the solutions to the three main problems needs to read and process all words in the dictionary.
Consider the following list of words that you can use as your dictionary.

Note that any dictionary may be used to test your work, however, you may make the following assumptions:
1.There is exactly one word per line.
2.All words are in lowercase.
3.All characters are ‘a’ to ‘z’ only.
4.There are no blank lines.
Program output
The following session trace shows the program output after processing each option once with the provided dictionary, then trying some invalid options, then exiting. Your solution needs to match this output.
Note that there is a blank line after each menu selection and the completion of each problem for readability.

Task 1: Program design
Create the structure of your solution with the following components to match the instructions:
a) Class name
b) Class variable for the dictionary (static)
c) Method signatures
Task 2: Error handling
As you develop your solution, the following error handling scenarios must be accommodated:
a) Invalid menu option (wrong number or non-number): Ask for the input again.
b) Dictionary file cannot be opened: Print a message and exit.
Tasks 3-6: Implementation
Implement the details of the main(), get Selection(), sub string Problem(), and points Problem() methods respectively.
Task 7: Coding conventions
The following coding conventions must be followed:
a) Commenting: Add a class header comment, five method header comments, and some inline comments.
b) Indentation: Consistently indent your code by one level per block. (A good guideline is the Net Beans default of 4 spaces per block.)
c) Naming conventions: Use Title Case for class names, camel Case for variables and UPPER_CASE for constants.
d) Line lengths: Do not exceed the 80 characters per line guideline.
Assessment marking criteria
The complete marking rubric is given below. A total of 24 points is available.
Task 1: Program design
Class name doesn’t match the instructions.
Class name is ‘Word Games’
Dictionary class variable doesn’t match the instructions.
Dictionary class variable is static and named ‘Dictionary’.
Method signatures do not match the instructions.
Static modifier is applied to all method signatures
All method signatures match instructions
Task 2: Error handling
Solution for processing menu option errors is incorrect.
Solution for processing menu option errors is partly correct.
Solution for processing menu option errors is correct based on detection of wrong numbers, detection of non-numbers and asking for input again.
Solution for processing dictionary file errors is incorrect.
Solution for processing dictionary file errors is partly correct.
Solution for processing dictionary file errors is correct based on printing a message and exiting when the dictionary file cannot be opened.
CSE1OFX Object Oriented Programming Fundamentals Assignment-Australia.

Tasks 3-4: main() and get Selection() methods
- Implementation is incorrect.
- Implementation has been attempted but does not function entirely as expected.
- Implementation is functions as expected.
Task 5: sub string Problem()
- Implementation is incorrect.
- Prefixes are correctly identified
- Infixes are correctly identified
- Suffixes are correctly identified
- Words that contain sub strings of more than one type (Prefix, Infix, Suffix) are identified
Task 6: points Problem()
- Implementation is incorrect.
- All words from dictionary file are assigned a value
- All letters are assigned expected value
- All words have expected total value
- Output is displayed as expected
Task 7: Coding conventions
- Code commenting was not implemented.
- Code commenting was implemented but did not meet expected standards.
- Code commenting was excellent and met the standard with a class header comment, five method header comments, and some inline comments.
- Code indentation was not implemented.
- Code indentation was inconsistently implemented.
- Code indentation was excellent and met the standard with consistent indentation of one level per block.
- Naming conventions were not followed.
- Naming conventions were excellent and met the standard with Title Case for class names,camel Case for variables and UPPER_CASE for constants.
- Line length standards were not followed.
- Line lengths standards were followed and did not exceed the 80 characters per line guideline.
CSE1OFX Object Oriented Programming Fundamentals Assignment-Australia.

Submission length is too short. This will be reflected in marks for individual criteria.
Submission length is too long. There is merit is doing just what is asked.
Submission length has met the expectations of the assignment.
Submission format did not meet the assignment requirements. Examples are problems with number of files, file names, file types, compression, folders, and so on. Refer to academic comments.
Submission format has met the assignment requirements.
Submission timeliness: Deduction is 5% per day late up to 5 days, then 100% deduction.
Extra note: The marking rubric criteria for Tasks 1-7 also have a generic comment to note tasks that were not attempted.
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