1.Use a generalised model of an information system (IS) to analyse, identify and effectively describe the components of a simple real-life information system
2.Use established fact-finding techniques to elicit IS requirements for a simple business scenario
3.Use Context and Level 0 Data Flow Diagrams and a System Dictionary to adequately describe the requirements for a simple IS
4.Use Entity-Relationship Modelling to develop and describe a simple relational database design
5.Design and construct a simple IS using a prototyping tool
CSE1ISX Information Systems Assignment-Latrobe University Australia.

Samuel Gabriel is an entrepreneur who has decided to launch his own online bookstore called ‘Home Bookstore’. He has been working with his in-house IT team on the process of developing the Home Bookstore system. You have been brought in by Samuel as an independent IT consultant to assist with the design of the system. Samuel has sent you some
correspondence outlining the constraints that the system should work within. An extract of this correspondence is below:
Extract of note from Samuel
The company intends to keep track of the book stock by assigning each book a number that will uniquely identify it. Apart from this, the book title, book type, genre, file size, year of release, synopsis, and the rental price of the book are also expected to be recorded in the new system.
The customers that expect to rent books from ‘Home Bookstore’, will be first required to register themselves with the store to become members. They will be able to do this easily by providing their personal details such as their first name, last name, email address, telephone number, address and date of birth. They will also be required to pick a username and a password for
login purposes. The username will need to be an email address. The password will need to consist of eight characters that include an upper-case letter, lowercase letters, at least one number and one symbol.
Customers will be required to provide their credit card details to complete the registration process. The card type, card number, CVV, name on card and the card expiry date will need to be provided. Once these details are verified by the system, the registration process will be completed., The new member will be given a membership ID, which will be a unique number
that identifies each member.
Once the customers have become members, they can log in to the system using their username and password. Once the members log in to the system, they can browse the system for books.
When a member finds a book they would like to rent, they should be able to simply click on a rent button. This will allow the members to download the book to their local device. Before the download starts, the system will request the member to confirm the action and provide permission to charge them the cost of the rental. Once the members confirm this, the system charges them using the provided credit card details.
Members can rent up to ten (10) books at a given time. The system is required to record the date rented and expiry date of the book rented. The rental period is for 30 days from the date the book is rented. Once the rental period expires, the book link on the members device will expire. For each book rented, an invoice is sent to the member by email.
CSE1ISX Information Systems Assignment-Latrobe University Australia.

As the manager I also want to generate a report from the system each month for his monthly meetings with the staff. This report is to include a summary of rentals processed by Home Book store during that month.
Use the Scenario “Home Bookstore: Rental Process” to perform the following.
PART A – Context and Data Flow Diagrams
Task 1
Outline the system requirements. Use the table below to categorize your answer. Enter at least two items ( including a brief explanation as to why each item was listed under their category ). It would be expected that some categories will have well over two items.

Task 2:
Create a Context Diagram based on the requirements you have identified in Task 1. It is recommended that you create the diagram using the Microsoft Visio – Gane-Sarson template.
Task 3:
Create a Level 0 Data Flow Diagram (DFD) based on the context diagram you created in Task 2. It is recommended that you create the diagram using the Microsoft Visio – Gane- Sarson template.
Task 4:
Create a Decision Table that describes the book rental process. Include all conditions that must be met before a book can be rented by a member.
Develop a 100-word report that describes the logic behind Home Bookstore rental process using the decision table you designed.
PART B – System Prototype
Task 1:
Create an Entity Relationship Diagram for the Home Bookstore – Rental process. It is recommended that you create the diagram using the Crow’s Foot Database Notation Microsoft Visio template.
CSE1ISX Information Systems Assignment-Latrobe University Australia.

Task 2:
Create a Data Dictionary element entries for the username, password, email address and book. Use the Data dictionary template given below to complete your answer.

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