Weighting: 40%
Length: 2000 words in total
Aims: The aim of this assignment is to assess the student’s ability to choose
a national/state-supported health promotion program and critically review/evaluate its effectiveness in terms of its overall impact on the health status of targeted populations.
Examples only:
The national Binge-Drinking Campaign
The National Quit Now smoking cessation campaign
The National Immunisation Strategy
Critical Analysis Of A National Health Promotion Program Assignment-Library Flinders University Australia.

Assessment Guidelines:
Students need to choose a current or recent (within the last 5 years) national/state supported health promotion program and critically review/evaluate its effectiveness in terms of its impact on the health status of targeted communities. When choosing a program please review and consider if you can source data for the evaluation; for example if you choose a campaign that commenced in 2018 or 2019, will you be able to source enough data to evaluate the campaign?
It is recommended that the student review the health promotion program in a systematic manner that includes:
- Setting the background context of the program, including how and where the need for it arose
- Critically review the political climate and/or political influences and relevant legislation that led to, and supported the planning, resourcing and implementation of the program.
- Critically evaluate the findings and impact of the program, including reported successes, limitations, barriers and opportunities.
- Summarise the program in terms of overall effectiveness, lessons learnt and potential future directions
- Tips
Critical Analysis Of A National Health Promotion Program Assignment-Library Flinders University Australia.

*Remember that a critique review/analysis is more than a description of the program. You need to identify and explain the argument of the program and provide your own argument about that argument. It is best approached using an open questioning method of comparing and contrasting
Assignment presentation guidelines
1.Do NOT use a cover sheet.
2.Hand-written assignments are not acceptable. Use Microsoft Word or equivalent to write your assignments.
3.The file you upload must be in one of the formats allowed according to the
instructions for the assignment on FLO (e.g. .doc, .docx, .rtf or .pdf).
4.End note bibliographical Software is available free for students and will help you manage references and citations.
5.Line spacing should be set to 1.5 or 2.0.
6.Left and right margins should be at least 2 cm wide.
7.Assignment text must be in Verdana 10 pt or Calibri 12 pt.
8.All pages must be numbered and include student’s name and ID number as a Footer
9.The assignment must be ordered as follows:
o title of the assignment at the top of the first page
o assignment body text
o reference list
o appendices.
10.The assignment word count should include any words in the body of the
assignment, including headings, in-text references and quotations, but not the title page, reference list or appendices.
Critical Analysis Of A National Health Promotion Program Assignment-Library Flinders University Australia.

11.Pay particular attention to the specified length (word count) of your assignment.Keep your word count to within plus or minus 10% of the specified length. Be aware that to be fair to all students, the marker will cease marking after the additional 10% word count has been reached.
12.Always keep a copy of your assignment as a backup. Things can go missing or technical problems can occur. It is your responsibility to have a spare copy of your work if needed.
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