Subject Code & Title: CON102 Tendering Administration Processes For Construction Projects
Weighting: 40%
1. Submit all of your answers in one document
2. Microsoft Excel is to be used for presenting spreadsheet data
3. Label your answers with the task reference and heading
4. Provide a footer for each page with your name, student number
5. See Appendix 1 for necessary information to complete the assessment
CON102 Tendering Administration Processes For Construction Projects Assessment – Australia.
Learning outcomes:
This assessment covers the following learning outcomes:
a. LO3: Explain the purpose of the range of tender documents, in relation
to the laws and regulations.
b.LO4: Discuss the tender process.
Case Study: Scenario Part 1
All 3 assignments are set within the context of a project that involves additions and alterations to the fictional Ngake School, located in the Hutt Valley north of Wellington. The scope of controls, data and expertise associated with the project can be visualised by placing the Ngake School project at the centre of Figure 1
Bird wood Architects are nearing completion of the contract documentation for the Ngake School project which consists of the reinstatement of ‘K’ block. The building, currently being used as the school’s library, was constructed during the 1970 s. The building is poorly insulated, ventilated and water ingress has damaged the timber flooring and sub floor structure. The Ministry of Education (MOE) has approved the demolition of the current wing and the construction of a new administration hall and library block in its place. Fire protection will be required between the new ‘K’ block and the adjoining ‘J’ block classrooms.
The Ministry of Education has approved a budget of $390,000 exclusive of
GST for the proposed work. The buildings are all single level with corrugated pre-coated steel roofing and traditional weatherboard style cladding on cavity battens.
As the cost of work exceeds $100,000, in accordance with MOE requirements, the opportunity to undertake the work must be open to all suitably qualified building contractors. The process will involve placing a Request for Tenders (RFT) on the Government Electronic Tender Service (GETS)
Bird wood Architects will contact contractors Ramble, BUILD iT, Crack well,
Fast build and Wallace & Wyatt Construction, whom they have previously
worked with on education projects, to ensure that they are aware of the GETS RFT advertisement.
To show support for their community, Ngake Board of Trustees have indicated a preference for engaging a local company. Wallace & Wyatt Construction are local and have completed previous alterations to the school’s administration block to the required standard, on time and within budget.
The school has asked for an indication of start/finish times from tenderers
Task 1:
Visit the GETS site and search for a listing of a similar project. Using the standard GETS format and Ngake School project information; compose a tender notice for the Ngake School project (word count estimate 250). Key components of the GETS notice are:
1.Project Title (heading).
2.Details. (Base the standard format/layout on the similar project example you found on the GETS site and reference it, copy category numbers from the similar project, use Ngake School project data wherever possible.)
3.Project Overview.
Case Study: Scenario Part 2:
The GETS website provides a framework for managing tender processes;
study a range of GETS Notices to understand the range of facilities available
and how they can be used. Bird wood Architects will use the GETS facility to
manage the Ngake School project. This includes: distributing electronic copies of documents, answering tenderer’s questions and posting Notices To
Tenderers (NTT). In the scenario, Bird wood’s will post 5 NTT. The subject of
NTT #3 is in response to the email below from Danny Big time, a project
manager at the Ministry of Education.
Task 2:
Drew Plan more has given you the task of preparing Notice to Tenderers No.3 to be distributed via the GETS facility. Create a professional looking Notice To Tenders that incorporates the requirements as explained in Danny Big time’s email and accurately relates to the project. Feel free
to add additional information of your own that you think is relevant but not included in the assignment data. (130 words maximum excluding the letterhead and signature block):
Task 3:
Drew Plan more has given you the task of undertaking the “first cut” of the tender offers. You need to determine which of the tenders does not comply with the conditions of tender to the extent that the tender must be discarded. Check the tender offers and provide the following:
CON102 Tendering Administration Processes For Construction Projects Assessment – Australia.
3.1. Name the discarded tenderer and;
3.2. Identify and state the condition of tender that the tenderer has breached and;
3.3. Explain briefly the reasons why this condition is a tender requirement.
Task 4:
Impressed with your “first cut”, Drew Plan more has given you the task of preparing a detailed tender analysis of the remaining tenderers in accordance with the following format that Bird wood uses for that purpose. First section is the Price Analysis Section.
4.1 Use a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet for the analysis.
4.2 In row 1, column A, list each trade element number as per the QS estimate
4.3 In row 1, column B, list each trade element as named in the QS estimate
4.4 In row 1, column C type “QS” (omit all quotation marks)
4.5 In row 1, columns D, enter a complying tenderer’s name
4.6 In row 1, column E, enter “% QS$”
4.7. In row 1, columns F & G enter another tenderer’s name and “% QS$” (repeat similarly for all)
4.8 Add to each tenderer’s column their price corresponding to each trade element
4.9 In the % QS$ column enter the % difference between each tender and QS price
4.10 Total all tenderer’s prices and total % deviation from the QS estimate.
4.11 Below the Price Analysis Section, create the Tender Compliance Section. Title the row’s tender requirements e.g. Confirmed receipt of NTT 1-5, Provided a contract duration etc. For each row, in each tenderer’s column, note the tenderer’s compliance. Use comment where appropriate.
(Approximately 10 rows, including the 2 examples provided above. NOTE: You may use any examples provided.)
4.12 Below the Tender Compliance Section, create the Variation Prices Section using information provided by tenderers regarding variations (an example of a row title is “Labour rates”.).
4.13 Below the Variation Prices Section, create a Clarifications, Tags & Omissions section using information provided by tenderers. Title each row with a description of a tender issue that: requires clarification, is a tag that will require evaluation, or is an omission that affects the tender price. Row
examples might include “Provision of Play matta”, “Allowance for removal of asbestos”, or “Proposed Alternates”. For each row, in each tenderer’s column, note any issues that apply to that tenderer.Use Excel comment where appropriate. (Hint: Approximately 20 rows, including the examples
provided above.)
4.14 Study the spreadsheet data to develop an objective basis for ranking the tender offers and to support your recommendation regarding which tenderer be awarded the project.
Task 5:
Create a table (using Word) that summarises the results of your analysis in Task 4.14. Use the table to show your ranking of the ‘second cut’ tenders. (Examples of tender ranking factors include:price, compliance with the conditions of tender, tags, contractor’s competence and meeting Ngake
BOT’s requirements etc.) For each tender, summarise and justify your ranking decision.
Drew Plan more has told you that your table and spreadsheet will accompany a letter to Ngake School BOT setting out Bird wood Architect’s recommendation.
Task 6
Create a Letter for Drew Plan more to send to Ngake School BOT. The purpose of the letter is to summarising Birdwood Architects’ recommendations following their analysis of the tender offers
received. You can assume that table (rankings) and spreadsheet (analysis) will be attached to the letter so you can refer to these documents if required.
Task 7
Write a Letter (on Bird wood Architect’s letterhead) to the successful tenderer, from Drew Plan more.
The purpose of the letter is for Bird wood Architects, acting on behalf of (i.e. as agent for) Ngake School BOT, to notifying them that their tender offer has been accepted. Identify, in the letter, any matters required under the conditions contained in NZS3910:2013 that need to be resolved (for
example: requirements for signing of the contract documents or providing a list of licensed building practitioners).
Task 8
Create a Letter from Drew Plan more on behalf of (as agent for) Ngake School BOT to unsuccessful tenderers notifying them of the outcome of their tender. (Hint: review NZS3910:2013 page 132, Conditions of Tender).
CON102 Tendering Administration Processes For Construction Projects Assessment – Australia.
Task 9:
NZS3910:2013, page 10, Types of Contract, identifies 3 forms of contract. A member of the Ngake School BOT has asked Drew Planmore to explain the advantages and disadvantages of each of these forms of contract as they could apply to future Ngake School projects. Naturally, Drew has asked his star employee to undertake this task. Drew has suggested that a table with columns labelled: 1.How it works, 2. Cost certainty, 3.Advantages, 4.Disadvantages. Drew stressed that information should be described in plain English as the BOT members are a bit dim (he added that
you mustn’t say that he said that).
Task 10:
The assignment is to comply with the Assignment Specification provided. The Excel spreadsheet is to be uploaded using the same file name format (the Excel file extension will be added automatically by the software.)
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