COMP3770-6770 Management of IT Systems And Projects Assignment – AU.

Subject Code & Title :- COMP3770-6770 Management of IT Systems And Projects
Assessment Type :- Individual Assignment 1
Weighting :- 10%
Word Count :- 700 words
The Department of Computing is currently undergoing Australian Computer Society (ACS) re accreditation.2 Typically the accreditation process happens every 5 years.One of the ACS knowledge areas to be covered in a syllabus is that of Project Management (PRMG) – which the ACS defines as:
COMP3770-6770 Management of IT Systems And Projects Assignment – AU.

COMP3770-6770 Management of IT Systems And Projects Assignment - AU.

The management of projects typically but not exclusively involving the development and implementation of business processes to meet identified business needs acquiring and utilising the necessary resources and skills within agreed parameters of cost timescales and quality

An allied knowledge area is IT Management (ITMG), defined as:

The management of the IT infrastructure and resources required to plan for, develop deliver and support IT services and products to meet the needs of a business. The preparation for new or changed services management of the change process and the maintenance of regulatory legal and professional standards. The management of performance of systems and services in terms of their contribution to business performance and their financial costs and sustainability. The management of bought-in services. The development of continual service improvement plans to ensure the IT infrastructure adequately supports business needs.

Our unit is called the Management of IT Systems and Projects and neatly ties in with the above two
knowledge areas.Using available literature briefly explain the importance of the above two knowledge areas and why they form part of the ACS’s knowledge base expected of graduates for professional accreditation.

Assignment algorithm
1.Find relevant articles (e.g. conference and journal papers newspapers magazines).
2.Use academic writing approaches (see appendix 1).
3.Ideally there will be >= 3-4 references in your reference list which you have drawn upon to write the report.

COMP3770-6770 Management of IT Systems And Projects Assignment – AU.

COMP3770-6770 Management of IT Systems And Projects Assignment - AU.

Appendix 1 :
Writing at university level means academic writing Academic writing is not like writing a novel Informal writing styles are not encouraged.You are required to substantiate what you write say in your academic and professional lives. It is only in rare instances where you will be permitted to write works of fiction at
university it is also for similar reasons that the first person singular I feel I think I did My feeling is … is generally to be avoided in writing university assignments there are some exceptions to this rule for example law faculties often adopt the first-person-singular in their writing style).

As insulting as this may seem as a student you are not considered to be an expert at anything that usually comes with the title Dr. and then later Professor.The point is you need to state the source of your information in assignments. Further more it is generally considered politically-correct to avoid gender- specific writing styles in other words don’t refer to authors people who ever as he unless they actually are male – examine the following link.

For the purposes of this assignment we will use the Harvard referencing style although if you are comfort table with footnoting please do so.

Citing vs. quoting
1.Where an idea is ‘adopted/adapted’ from an author but restated in your words one uses citing as a means of establishing where the information was derived from. For example

Smith (1990) was inclined to believe that … blah blah blah … where blah blah blah are your words but the authors ideas). No page number needs to be included for citing authors but you must include the authors surname and date of publication of the reference where you have derived the information from.

No you cannot cite your friends (or lecture/tutorial/practical material).

2.Where the words have simply been lifted copied directly by you is referred to as quoting some one.For example ….. it was felt that “of all the database schem as the object relational approach is …..” (Zhang 1990 p. 53). In this case quotation marks are used as well as a page number stating where the information directly came from.

Where you have quote that is longer than say 20 words you indent these as a separate paragraph from
the main body of your text and you single space the block quote like so

COMP3770-6770 Management of IT Systems And Projects Assignment – AU.

When faced with a small problem domain system development can be all about modeling of user functional requirements. However when faced with a large problem domain such as with an enterprise information system system development must recognize the demands placed on it by the non-functional system qualities.The quality of interest in this paper is support ability Maciaszek and Liong 2003 Maciaszek et al., 2004. Support ability is really the combination of three qualities – under stand ability maintainability and scalability. An unsupportable system is a legacy system.

Note no quote marks are necessary but you still include author surname year of publication and page number.

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