Subject Code&Title: COM562 Counselling Theories & Models
Word Count: 2500 Word
Assignment Type: Assessment 2
COM562 Counselling Theories & Models Assignment-Excelsia College Sydney Australia.

Assessment Description:
- Choose a counselling modality that helps you explain and or make sense of the significance and implications of a major event in your life. The modality you choose for this assessment MUST be different from the one you studied for the Oral Presentation and NOT Person Centred or Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.
- Using the headings below, briefly describe (approximately 350 words) a significant event that has bought about major change in your life. (e.g. leaving home, divorce, moving place of residence/country, marriage, illness/accident in the family, birth of a child/sibling, spiritual crisis etc). Comment on:
(i) The important and relevant antecedents to the event- i.e. what happened just before?
(ii) The main features of the event, including the major people involved
(iii) How this event influenced your thinking, feelings and behaviours
(iv) How you changed as result of this event.
• Apply your chosen Counselling Modality:
(i) To explain how and why this event effected your psychological health, using the key concepts and terminology from the theory.
(ii) Why these events triggered change and how the change occurred (i.e. how does the modality explain any changes in your thoughts, feelings or be haviours as a result of the event?)
(iii) What interventions from this Modality do you think would have helped you manage this event? Why?
(iv) What are the gaps or weaknesses in the Modality that do not explain the effects of this event on your behaviour and psychological health? Is there anything this Modality cannot explain?What research provides evidence for this Modality being effective in treating clients who have experienced similar life events and/or subsequent issues to your own?
COM562 Counselling Theories & Models Assignment-Excelsia College Sydney Australia.

Assessment Criteria:
• Evident ability to:
(i) Succinctly and coherently describe a significant event that has bought about major change, in terms of what happened, the antecedents, the effects on thoughts, feelings and be haviours and any personal change as a result of the event.
(ii) Clearly use a Counselling Modality to explain the effects of the event on psychological health and the process of change, using the key concepts, assumptions and terminology from the modality.
(iii) Make a coherent argument for the interventions from the Modality that would have helped in the management of the event
(iv) Critique where the modality fails to explain the effects of the event on behaviour and psychological health
(v) Critically evaluate research that provides evidence for the Modality being effective in treating clients who have experienced similar life events and/or subsequent issue
(vi) May be written in the first person.

- A clear, coherent and well-researched essay which:
(i) includes all relevant sections as specified in the assessment description
(ii) complies with all counselling course information booklet relevant to the preparation and presentation of an essay (provided in ExO);
(iii) is compliant with the Beginner’s guide to the APA referencing style manual (provided in ExO),including full in-text citation and inclusion of a reference list;
(iv) uses ideas and argument effectively, demonstrating critical reading and critical thought (i.e.arguments are well developed and presented), and evidencing comprehension and synthesis of ideas;
(v) demonstrates appropriate use and inclusion of relevant literature (a minimum of 12 seminal works and/or contemporary peer-reviewed articles, chapters from academic works, books, etc) showing breadth and depth of research; and
(vi) abides by the word limit policy (no more than 10% over or under the word allowance. Words more than 10% will not be marked).
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